22 April 2023
Dear all,
At COFACE, we believe in working together to make the EU a prosperous place for people to work and grow their skills. A couple of weeks ago, we welcomed the launch of the European Year of Skills festival and continue to contribute to this Year of Skills with our online course on school bullying management as part of our L.I.N.K. education programme. Co-launched with our Greek member KMOP, this programme focuses on lifelong learning and social rights. For more information and registration, click here!
Scroll down to read about news affecting families across Europe today.
Communication Officer
COFACE Families Europe
Commission takes action to promote work-life balance in the EU
3 minutes reading
To safeguard the right to work-life balance across Member States, in April 2023, the European Commission decided to continue infringement procedures against Belgium Czechia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Austria, and Slovenia by sending them a reasoned opinion for failing to notify national measures fully transposing EU rules establishing rights on work-life balance for parents and carers. [...]
Inclusive education for an Inclusive Europe – a critical perspective by Genitori Tosti
2 minutes reading
Representatives of Genitori Tosti (member of COFACE Disability) attended a European expert meeting co-organised by AIAS and COFACE Disability to take stock of progress in inclusive education in Europe. The event took place at the end of March with 100+ participants in Monza (Italy) looking at the Italian system as a starting point for discussions with European peer countries and with EU policy-makers.. [...]
EU Cohesion policy – expected impact on social rights of children and families
3 minutes reading
On 2 May 2023, the European Commission published a Staff Working Document: “Cohesion 2021-2027: forging an ever-stronger Union - Report on the outcome of 2021-2027 cohesion policy programming.” The report shows how the policy will provide investments worth a total of €545 billion, of which, €378 billion is funded by the EU. [...]
The Council of Europe denounces the violation of the rights of persons with disabilities by the French State
3 minutes reading
The Council of Europe's Committee of Social Rights recognises that in terms of social protection, the French state does not do enough for families affected by disability which contributes to their discrimination and precariousness. This statement is the result of a collective complaint filed by Unapei, APF France handicap, Unafam and FNATH. [...]
Paths2Include: A new 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo
1-minute reading
On the 18th and 19th of April 2023, researchers from seven countries (ES, GE, IT, LU, NO, PL, RO) and members of the COFACE team met in Oslo for the kick off meeting of the project Paths2Include, a new Horizon Europe research project coordinated by Nova, the social science research institute of the Oslo Metropolitan University. [...]
Guiding Children Through Parental Separation: Key tips from Women for Women
1-minute reading
Every year, thirty thousand minor children in the Czech Republic face the divorce or separation of their parents. COFACE member organisation Women for Women (W4W) runs a service which supports separating parents and offers them a helping hand. [...]
OPINION – Empowering Parenthood: How the Work-Life Balance Directive Reshapes Parental Leave in Poland
5 minutes reading
On 23rd of March 2023, the President of Poland signed the bill implementing the work-life balance directive in Poland and the new regulation came into force on 26th of April 2023. This marks, two years of advocacy work led by Share the Care foundation coming to an end. [...]