

  • Jen Enriquez accepts new call

  • Pentecost - Sunday Services | 8:00AM, 9:30AM & 11:00AM

  • Graduate prayer and recognition this Sunday

  • Meal train announcement


Jen Enriquez accepts new call


It is with much sadness that I inform you that Jen Enriquez has accepted a new call in children’s formation at First Congregational in Western Springs. She submitted her resignation to me last week. Although it is a great opportunity for her, it will be a significant loss for the people of St. Christopher’s. Jen’s last Sunday will be Sunday, June 11th, the day we celebrate our Parish Picnic together.

During my time here as interim rector, Jen has supported the congregation in so many ways.

Often, it is through her diligence that new families and visitors are introduced to the rector and are invited to connect to our community in so many ways. Last year, she introduced the Whole People of God Curriculum, a lectionary-based study that engages children and parents with the scripture story. The accompanying story Bible distributed to all enrolled in Sunday School provides people of all ages a welcoming entryway into God’s holy story. We worked together to incorporate music into the Sunday School curriculum and created family liturgies such as the “Gras and Ashes” celebration and our All Saints’ Day prayer flags in recognition of our beloved dead. She worked with our youth and with Paul Clark introducing the St. Christopher’s Cafe, and she has led mission trips to Appalachia, and she has organized retreats focused on Creation Care and on the spirituality of Harry Potter.

As a gift to all Christian communities coming to terms with racism and white supremacy, Jen has created a curriculum entitled “Tell Me the Truth About Racism,” which is recognized nationwide. I love being able to brag that she serves at the church where I was called as interim rector. Additionally, she invited Jenifer Gamber to teach and preach here. We used Jenifer’s books in both our youth and adult confirmation prep. Besides all this, her work has extended into Parish Life. Jen has organized most of the events which have contributed to the building up of community at the 9:30 service. Additionally, I owe Jen much gratitude for helping me fulfill my hopes of being an effective transitions pastor for the people of St. Christopher’s during this exciting but challenging time. I could not have done it without her.

We will celebrate and recognize Jen’s ministry on June 11, the day we have one service at 10:00AM followed by our parish picnic.

Please read Jen’s letter to the congregation below.





I write to share that I have accepted a call to full-time ministry at First Congregational Church in Western Springs.  I was not seeking another call, but I was invited by their ministry staff to join them.  I’m excited about full-time employment, with the added benefit of being so close to my house.  As a mom of two teenagers, it is important to me to be closer to home. I believe my gifts and their dreams for their community will lead to some good work toward making disciples of Jesus.

This call is bittersweet - because my time at St. Christopher’s has been a gift.  While in ministry with the people of St. Christopher’s, I discerned a call to formation ministry with children and families, which changed my life.  I felt the Holy Spirit at work, and it all played out at 545 S. East Ave in our work together.  The Wiggle Worship service grew from 7-10 people on a Sunday, to 40-50 people (and often more!), and St. Christopher’s is known as a place for families who seek to be a part of a faith community – Alleluia!  With God’s help, we created Peace Camp, Harry Potter Retreat, Chili Cookoff, Mardi Gras, ASP trip with youth, and plodded through Covid, to name a few.  I experienced so much joy and fellowship in ways I never dreamed possible in a faith community.  Thank you.

I believe that seeds have been planted to empower and encourage volunteers to lead in ministry.  I’m excited about leadership from the current vestry with Youth Group, St. C’s Cafe, Day in Our Village, and Green Team plans.  The youth are willing and able ministers with the kids, and I know they will follow a leader in this ministry.  I will assist with a transition in any way I can.  

I pray that I leave each and every adult and child knowing that you are a beloved child of God, no matter what the world tells you.  I pray that in my time with you, we’ve made a few disciples.  And I pray for your discernment for the path forward for formation at St. Christopher’s.

In peace, love, and gratitude,

Jen Enriquez

Celebrating adult proclamations of faith at St. James Cathedral


RECOGNIZE AND PRAY OVER OUR GRADUATES MAY 28.  Help us send these young people into the world knowing God and their St. C’s community loves them.

DAY IN OUR VILLAGE JUNE 4!  Thanks to Rebecca Ho and Blaise Denton for organizing.  Please contact Rebecca or Blaise if you can help with setup and/ or be around to share a little St. C’s love with others in the community.

YOUTH TRIP TO SIX FLAGS JUNE 4.  Jen will hold the bags for the thrillseekers.  Cost:  $40 .  Contact Jen to find out more.

SAFE CHURCH training should be completed by all who help out with Sunday school and nursery.  Contact Jen if you need help.

PEACE CAMP July 31- August 4, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.  Campers age 4-14 will learn skills to approach their problems peacefully and to create their own solutions to the injustices they see in the world. Every year campers build these skills through art, prayer, exercise, music, and community.   Click here to register.

ST. C’S DONUT DAY: SEPTEMBER 23 - Save the date!


Camp Chicago is back for its 29th season, with three sessions offered at Camp Stronghold in Oregon, Illinois. The Camp Staff is excited to announce a new session specifically for junior and senior high campers. Online registration is open now for campers ages 7 to 17.

  • Session 1 June 25 - June 30 (ages 7-13)

  • Session 2 July 3 - July 8 (ages 7-13)

  • Session 3 Junior High/Senior High Week: July 10 - July 15 (ages 13-17)

Adults over age 18 can apply for camp staff positions. Apply online.

For more information contact Jess Elfring-Roberts.


Meal Train

Mary Kay Tobin, who is an active member here at St. Christophers, part of our Search Committee, and who leads the healing ministry, is recovering from surgery. We want to come around and support her and her family, so we are bringing her meals next week. Click this link to sign up and bring her and her family a meal!

If you are anyone you know is sick, expecting a baby, had someone close to them die, or is just overwhelmed and heavy laden and could use some practical support from the church, please email to set up a meal train.

Fellowship and Crafting!

All are welcome to join a “Knitting” Fellowship group that meets during the noon coffee hour on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month to socialize and perhaps craft!  Many of us knit, some crochet, and anyone not doing crafts can help keep the conversation going when we get distracted by dropped stitches!

Caring for Each Other - Name Tags

As a way of increasing our sense of community, we are encouraging people to use name tags on Sunday. Look for paper name tags and markers by the kitchen in the parish hall, or in the back of the church when you enter. This is a great way for newcomers to get to know people, and also a way for long-time church members to finally remember the name of that person they have seen for years but have never greeted by name.

With help downloading, accessing, or logging in to the 2 apps that power St. Christopher’s - Breeze and Ministry Scheduler Pro - contact Uziel, our parish administrator. You must be a verified member and regular worship attendee to receive codes for access.


Readings - Pentecost
1st Reading: Acts 2:1-21

Psalm: 104:25-35, 37

2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13
Gospel: John 20:19-23

Service Minister: Gretchen Straw
Preacher/Presider: Kevin Goodman

Service Minister Rite III+: Leah Curtin & Alex Bukalski
Coffee Hospitality: Jenn Urso

Acolyte: Bria Urso
1st Reading: Becky Dunlavey

2nd Reading: Peter Curtain
Prayers of the People: Jenn Urso
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Bill Pearson & Julie Dulski
Healing Ministers: Chloe White & Becky Dunlavey
Ushers: Bill Urso
Preacher/Presider: Kevin Goodman
Altar Guild: Jenn Urso & Julie Dulski
Lockup: Peter Curtin

Coffee Hospitality: Jenn Urso


Kevin M. Goodman, interim rector

Uziel Hernandez Martinez, parish administrator

Jennifer Enriquez, director of children and youth formation

Richard Sobak, organist/choirmaster

Christa Creps, musician for children and families

Johnathan White, treasurer

Emily Culbertson, Marilyn Huebel
search committee co-chairs

Bob Wyatt

Announcements for the weekly “Messenger” and Sunday bulletin must be received by the office by 12noon, Wednesday. Email complete written announcement to: