 <<First Name>>,

This is a particularly difficult month for many who seek to live out God's design for human sexuality but struggle with their sexuality and gender identity. Please read my article below about ways Christians can respond redemptively.  Also, don't miss how God radically transformed Joel's life in his story below. While PRIDE declares people can't change, Jesus continues to defy man's limited vision.

What Do You Do With PRIDE?

by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director

June has been designated as “pride month.” Not just any pride, not pride of nation or ethnicity or even place of origin, but pride about your sense of self or attraction to someone that is counter to the design of creation and the revealed will of God. It is a fascinating incarnation of the celebration of confusion and delusion that is presented as a colorful recognition of freedom.  The White House declares that Pride is both a jubilant communal celebration of visibility and a personal celebration of self-worth and dignity.[1] The Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQIA+ civil rights organization in the United States, declares:

This Pride month is about centering our defiant joy. Despite those who are trying to silence us, to push us back into the closet, to erase us under the law, we march and dance in the streets in celebration of one another and of our community.[2]

The general public has embraced the month, and it is nearly impossible not to be impacted somehow. From secular businesses to progressive churches, we are made aware of the month.  Our world is awash with unicorns, multicolored flags, parades, drag performances, and rainbows.

Christ-followers are often perplexed as to how to respond. Many orthodox Christ-followers are caught in the secular vice of mandated celebration.  Many employers require symbols (read the rest of the article here)

From Dancer to Diva to Dancing Dad

by Joel, LHM Men's Group

I didn’t grow up in a Christian family, but I did grow up in a very financially privileged Hispanic family. My mother’s family owned a business and were able to support us well. I was a very charismatic boy, and my mom’s family would always tell me that I acted gay like my dad’s youngest brother. From then on, I always felt different from other boys. It made me insecure at a very young age, and it also made me hate myself.

Because my dad was gone, I was very vulnerable as a child, and I never felt anyone protected me. Add to that the abuse of my grandfather and exposure to pornography at a very young age, and I soon had a porn addiction.  I noticed that as time went on, I was more interested in (read the rest of Joel's amazing story)


Calling Young Men

Are you a male between 18-26, struggling with your sexual identity, and looking for hope? Are you longing for a genuine community that is God-honoring and Christ-centered? Are you ready to work on becoming the man of God you were created to be? If so, the Hope House may be just the place for you! The Hope House is a highly accountable, grace-filled community of men striving to develop their gifts and talents to make a difference in the world. If you are ready for an experience that could change the rest of your life, contact us. You won't be sorry you did.


What does it mean to be "in Christ?"  For the next several months, we will be exploring the book of Ephesians in LHM Groups. Please join us to see the rich truths and practical applications Paul gives us as we live in Christ. We have both in-person and Zoom groups for men, women, family and friends, and wives of men who struggle. If you are interested in attending one of our free, confidential, and Christ-centered experiences, please contact us to schedule an intake interview.
Donate to Living Hope Ministries
Summer is a particularly difficult time for nonprofits like ours and particularly in the month of JUNE.  We know there are many charities worthy of your support. We are honored that you would prayerfully consider investing in the work of LHM. 

Educating Parents About Gender and Sexuality in a World of Confusion

As a parent, how do you respond to your children in ways that are culturally sensitive and biblical redemptive? Are you equipped to answer hard questions your children are asking? Do you know the difference between gender, sex, gender identity, gender expression, physical attraction, emotional attraction, non-binary, transgender, asexual and genderqueer? Have you discussed any of these sexual topics with your child?

The truth is we now live in a world where all of the above and much more are being pushed, streamed, and communicated directly to your children non-stop. The world is educating your children on culturally curated truth in direct contradiction to God's Word, His design, and His purpose for His creation.  

At Living Hope, we speak to these issues in sensitive, compassionate, and biblical ways, equipping parents, leaders, and church congregants to respond biblically and redemptively. We have had the privilege to travel around the world, sharing the wisdom we have gained from over 35 years of journeying with tens of thousands of people who struggle with gender identity and sexual confusion, as well as those who love them. We would be honored to speak to help you in any way we can. 

If you are interested in having Living Hope Ministries at your church or organization, please contact us to set up your engagement. 

The Rainbow and the Cross 

Help for Pastors: Church Practice Concerning Biblical Sexuality
Recommended resource. 
Check out over 180 episodes of Hope Cast! - Honest conversations about real issues Christians face regarding sexuality, faith, and discipleship.
Designed specifically to speak into the sexual and relational brokenness of our lives, these verse-by-verse teachings of the Bible help all believers discover how to surrender their lives, sexuality, and identities to the Lord and be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.


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