ETW webinar recordings
To launch the Spring ETW, a hybrid event was held in Athens and online on 15 May - the first day of Testing Week. The event was hosted by the Greek National Public Health Organization and the Greek NGO Positive Voice, and co-organized by European Testing Week, World Hepatitis Alliance, EACS (European AIDS Clinical Society) and EATG (European AIDS Treatment Group). ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) provided an overview of the status on HIV and hepatitis in Europe, Ben Collins (co-chair of the ETW working group) talked about ETW and how the campaign has supported integrated testing in Europe, the COBATEST network demonstrated the impact of ETW on testing levels in Europe, EACS elaborated on the importance of early testing from a clinical perspective, World Hepatitis Alliance and EATG highlighted the gaps in testing for hepatitis and HIV, respectively, that need to be addressed, and finally two ETW participants (Positive Voice from Greece and GAT Portugal) provided examples of local ETW campaigns and results.