How does data help and harm
historically marginalized communities?

Many communities are poorly represented in the results of national surveillance surveys, including but not limited to people who are of color or indigenous, LGBTQ+, live with a disability, are undocumented, live with mental illness, or speak a language other than English.

Does the data we have meet those communities' needs? How does data collection affect them, and how can national and local agencies that collect or use data do better?

If you care about these issues and identify as a member of a community that has been historically marginalized or poorly represented, you might be interested in participating in a virtual focus group to be held the morning of Thursday, June 8 by Zoom.

CI:Now has received a research grant from a national funder to help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identify ways both to improve national health surveys that our community relies on for local health data, and to increase the use of the local data from national surveillance surveys. The funder has asked another organization, the National Alliance Against Disparities in Patient Health, to conduct focus groups and to summarize the information they gather. Our supporting role in that work is to recruit local residents to participate, and to make sure that everyone who takes part gets the summary results that NADPH puts together.

We still have a few slots open, and we're able to offer an honorarium to recognize the value or your time. If you're interested in learning more, please drop us a note as soon as possible.

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