
We Fought for Freedom That MAGA Will Destroy

Who is MAGA:
In America, a wealthy few have always tried to call the shots to concentrate for themselves the wealth our economy creates.

MAGA's Goal:
Today, the MAGA GOP, who run the House of Representatives on behalf of the wealthy, not only want to take away veterans benefits, they are willing to default on America to concentrate their power. They are willing to push America into economic chaos to get their way.

We do not exaggerate:
The MAGA House Freedom Caucus has called for an end to any discussions on raising the debt ceiling until the Senate passes its bill calling for extreme budget cuts including large cuts to veterans benefits. The former MAGA President and MAGA leader announced “Republicans should not make a deal on the debt ceiling unless they get everything they want.”

The MAGA Threat:
MAGA threatens to blow up our economy at a time when the economy is strong with unemployment at record lows. We can’t let them take away the progress that so many sacrificed so much to obtain. Without MAGA standing in the way, we can build an economy that is fairer, cleaner, and more prosperous.

We Can Stand Up to MAGA: 
We can protect our freedoms. We will hold MAGA GOP accountable for defaulting, defrauding, and destabilizing America.


MAGA Advances a False Narrative about Homeless Veterans

MAGA spread a false story about homeless vets being kicked out of a hotel in order to house migrants. Although the story was absurd, MAGA media outlet FOX news and MAGA spokespersons didn’t bother to fact-check it. Instead, they made it a cause celebre.

This story is an excellent example of how MAGA exploits veterans to advance its political agenda.  This video is a little long and has ads, but is worth watching to see how MAGA lies, distorts, and misinforms.

Other reliable sources have verified the falsity of the story and the New York Post made a retraction.

We’d bet some of you have heard this fake story put forward as a reason to support MAGA. We all need to let our friends know that FOX News is FAUX News and MAGA spokesmen are not believable.

DeSantis Tied to Russian Criminal and Trump Insider, Lev Parnas

Lev Parnas was arrested in 2019, accused by the U.S. government of funneling a Russian oligarch’s money into American political campaigns and a jury later found Parnas guilty of campaign finance crimes and other charges. One recipient was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis says he was barely an acquaintance, but communications between the two show otherwise.

DeSantis frequently appealed to fellow Floridian Parnas for introductions, advice and other fundraising help during his hotly contested campaign for governor in 2018.

Parnas also served as an intermediary between DeSantis and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who at the time was the personal attorney of then-President Trump. In one case, 10 days before the 2018 election, DeSantis sent Parnas a text with suggested wording for a Giuliani tweet in support of his candidacy.

Save the Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023
Please attend the dedication of the Heritage Harbor microforest and a permanent metal sign about the forest which will include Florida Veterans for Common Sense as a sponsor.
Mark your calendar for 6:00 PM, Thursday, June 8, 2023 at Heritage Harbor Park, north of Highway 64, east of I-75.

Take Action

Print out the announcement that Democracy Dies in Tallahassee that you see in this notice. Stick it to the inside of your car window, on your laptop, briefcase, gym bag, etc.
Post it to your social media and emails. It is a good conversation starter.

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