
Kingsley Contact

May 16, 2023

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The 2nd Annual Kingsley Fun Run - This Friday!

The Fun Run is this Friday, May 19th. We are hopeful the weather cooperates and, as of now, the Fun Run is happening for all classes. If any classes are rained out, those classes will have their Fun Run next week.

What an amazing feat - we have raised over $10,000 and reached all our goals (though donations still welcomed this week)! The final incentive we won is a DUNK TANK at Spring Fest.

We know the kids are excited for Friday! Here are a few reminders:
  • Students will participate during their PE class.
  • Students will run (or walk or skip or roll) laps on the Haven track while volunteers count their laps. Sign-up to help here! Feel free to come even if a time slot is full. 
  • Donations benefit the Kingsley PTA/D65 PTA One Fund. Students have already earned an extra recess, a popsicle party, and a free pizza coupon from Blaze Pizza. 
  • Donations are still being accepted on the Fun Run website

Kingsley Spring Fest is Only 2 Weeks Away!

Kingsley Spring Fest will take place on Thursday, June 1st from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at Kingsley. With the addition of the obstacle course and the dunk tank, it's sure to be a great night!  As always, we depend on parent/caregiver support to make these events happen.

Please sign-up for one or more shifts (feel free to team up with a friend to cover the full slot). We'd be happy to have any of your older kids (Haven/ETHS) interested in participating help as well. As the PTA is a non-profit organization, these would count for volunteer hours! Click here to sign-up and help make Kingsley Spring Fest 2023 a blast! 
Sign Up Here!

End of Year Teacher/Staff Appreciation Fund

The end of the school year is only 3 weeks away! It is time to show our gratitude for our
teachers and staff. We will gather monetary donations into one pot to be distributed
among all of our teachers and staff to ensure all staff at Kingsley receive a comparable monetary gift. This gift donation is absolutely voluntary, but we find all of our teachers and staff are extremely grateful to receive a little extra cash at the end of the year. Any amount is appreciated.

If you'd like to donate a monetary gift for all the Kingsley teachers and staff that connect with your child and make our school such a terrific place, you can give in the below ways:
Zelle:;  or; or
Venmo: @sarah-weidaw (last four of cell are 4208)
Cash or checks: Please place in the PTA mailbox in the Kingsley lobby.

In addition to this collective monetary gift, we also encourage families/classes to send personal notes, cards, pictures, etc. to their teachers to let them know how much they are appreciated.

Wondering why individuals are collecting donations instead of using the PTA Zelle, Venmo or CheddarUp info?  Because the PTA is a non-profit tax-exempt organization, it cannot give funds to individuals. Instead, PTA volunteers collect the money and oversee its disbursement.

Key Dates

Today, 5/16: KinderSing - Kindergarten music program @ 2:15 pm
Today, 5/16: PTA Meeting on Zoom - details below
Friday, 5/19: Kingsley Fun Run - during PE classes
Thursday, 6/1: Kingsley Spring Fest - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm 
Tuesday, 6/6: Last Day of School
Tuesday, 6/6: Save the Date! - All-School Meet Up at Lighthouse Beach after school

PTA Announcements 

PTA Meeting Tonight - Join via Zoom!

Please join us for a virtual PTA meeting tonight from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. 

Agenda: May 16, 2023 Agenda
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 309 423 7954
Dial by your location: (309) 205 3325

Get Involved with the PTA Next Year!

The PTA is looking to fill many volunteer opportunities for next year. If you are returning in a role, looking to change up your role, or want to get involved for the first time, now is the time! We have a role that can fit any scheduling needs. No previous experience needed, just the willingness to jump in and help! Please take a look here to see position descriptions (on the 2nd & 3rd tabs) and to sign-up. 

If you have any questions, please email and/or Thanks in advance for sharing your time with the PTA!

Kingsley will be at PEP FEST on June 3rd!

Join us Saturday June 3rd, 11am-6pm on the Washington School playground (914 Ashland Ave in Evanston) for PEP* Fest. PEP Fest is a family-focused, collaborative community event to increase affiliation and raise PTA funds that will be equitably distributed to support all of our D65 students. PEP Fest will include FREE family-friendly activities and will include vendors of arts, crafts, clothing, jewelry, goods and food.

In addition, there will be a raffle for items donated to PEP Fest by our vendors, local businesses and community partners, as well as a 50/50 split the pot raffle. Please COME OUT to join the fun with your fellow Kingsley families.
Each D65 school will have a table at PEP Fest  - we need your help to staff the table! Please sign up here for a one-hour time slot to help host some small carnival games.

Please reach out to Jill Kidd with any questions or visit or click here to learn more. 

* PEP stands for the PTA Equity Project.

Reid Garden is Keeping Kingsley Bee-u-tiful!

In celebration of Earth Day, we welcomed a Chinquapin Oak and Redbud to the Kingsley Community. Our newly planted oak trees, redbud and native plants will provide shade to the playground area, beautification and other benefits such as healing, clean air, food, protection and homes for people, birds, mammals and insects. Trees are symbols of strength, individuality and expression, calmness, growth and the interconnectedness of everything.

Thank you to Native Habitat of Evanston, parent volunteers, teachers and students who donated their time and helping hands to make this project happen.
Here are other ways to help Reid Garden:
  • Farmer Fridays during recess from 11:00 am – 1:30 pm  - Sign up here
  • Wednesday Workdays from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - No RSVP needed
  • Family Days on the 4th Sunday or 2nd Saturday  - Sign up here
Join us at Spring Fest on June 1st for our Mosaic stepping stone installation and fun garden activities. If you have any questions, please email Katrina Wilcox at

Incoming 2023-2024 Kindergarteners! 

Families with Incoming Kindergarteners - please remember to register your incoming kindergartener now!  Kingsley is starting to work on class lists for next school year and having as many students registered as possible will be a tremendous help.

Also - please save the dates for our three summer playdates. These events will be a great opportunity to get to know other incoming kindergarten families, speak to current families, and get comfortable with the school. 

If you know of an incoming kindergartener who is not on the Kingsley e-mail list, please have them register their e-mail here.  

Haven Middle School Transition News 

Principal Latting has created a special newsletter for rising 6th graders which outlines next steps leading up to the end of this year and what's ahead for August 2023. Please read and sign up here. 

Haven Spirit Wear

For those of you having 6th graders attending Haven in Fall 2023, the Haven spirit wear store is now open! This is a great time to get some Haven swag before their middle school years begin. Orders will be in around June 2nd. Place your order here. If you have questions, please feel free to email Jaime Sulzer at jaimecaldwell@gmail.comPlease note that these items are not for gym uniforms and that information will come from the school when the school year starts. 

PEP Updates and Ways to Get Involved!

There are lots of ways to get involved and help out with upcoming PEP (PTA Equity Project) events and initiatives. Read on!
  1. As detailed above, PEP Fest is on Saturday, June 3rd, from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm, and your help is needed! Sign up to help at the Kingsley PTA booth or to help make the event a success by setting up, tearing down, etc. PEP organizers are also seeking in-kind donations of a photographer, DJ, and tent loans. Sign up HERE.
  2. The PEP Hygiene Drive is ongoing - sign up HERE to benefit every school in D65.
  3. SAVE THE DATE for the PEP EXPO! May 24th, 5:00 pm - 8:00  pm. Location TBD. This meeting will be held in-person, feature presentations from each working group, and is open to the larger D65 community to learn about PEP.

Lunch Help 

Thank you to everyone who continues to help out at lunch! Responsibilities are to circulate throughout both sides of the room, help open lunch items, help maintain a sense of order, and encourage students to remain seated. 

Interested in helping? Sign-up in advance here or just show up the day off. Please remember to check-in with Ms. Dietsch in the office upon arrival. Thank you!  

Community Updates

Fortnightly Dance Lessons

Reading Confidence Sessions For Girls Ages 8-15

Armor Down Girls, an organization founded by Oakton Elementary's Dr. Parsons and devoted to inspiring girls’ confidence by increasing their self-esteem, is offering sessions to build confidence through literacy for girls ages 8-15. Sessions take place twice a month on Tuesdays at Robert Crown Community Center from 4:30-5:30 pm. See here for more information.

District 65's Digital Backpack 

The backpack is a free site screened and maintained by District 65 to share our community's youth and family events and programs. The more the community uses the site, the more organizations will regularly take advantage of this resource for the benefit of us all. 

To visit the Digital Backpack, click here.

Everyday Shopping Supports Kingsley

Kingsley Spiritwear Store

Kingsley has partnered with 1st Place Spiritwear to have an on-demand, online spiritwear store available all year round. We’ll earn back 10% of sales for the PTA, so you can feel good knowing that your purchase will support the Kingsley community. Order today
Note: All students will receive a free Kingsley t-shirt this Spring (students receive free t-shirts every other year). 

Box Tops

Box Tops are going virtual! Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. Learn more here


Please click here to view the latest version of Kingsley's annual at-a-glance calendar.

We encourage all families to click here to sign up for D65's weekly Fast 5 email blast. It includes important events relevant to all district parents. You can find the D65 calendar for 2022-23 and 2023-24 here.   


If you have questions, ideas or would like to get involved at Kingsley, contact Co-Presidents Erin Wade (she/her) at and Sarah Weidaw (she/her) at

If someone you know would like to sign up to receive the Kingsley Elementary PTA weekly newsletter, please have them fill out the form here

Our mailing address is:
Kingsley Elementary PTA
2300 Green Bay Road, Evanston, IL 60201

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Kingsley Elementary School · 2300 Green Bay Road · Evanston, IL 60201-1566 · USA