CHAMPP Director Dr. Jessica Merlin, CHAMPP Associate Director Dr. Hailey Bulls, and Duke University researcher Dr. Devon Check (above, left to right) participated in a symposium at the USASP Annual Scientific Meeting on April 12 entitled "Chronic cancer pain, opioid management, and substance use disorder: intersecting challenges in a vulnerable population."
The symposium began with an overview of chronic cancer pain. Dr. Bulls reviewed clinician, patient, and support person perspectives on opioid management in people with chronic cancer pain and ways to improve it. Dr. Check described the overall prevalence of high-risk substance use and use disorder (including opioids) in people with cancer, as well as subtypes of patients who most need integrated services and harm reduction interventions. Dr. Merlin described consensus-level management strategies for chronic cancer pain in people with opioid misuse/use disorder, highlighting strategies specifically appropriate for patients likely to survive for years after their diagnoses.
CHAMPP Works in Progress Meetings
Thank you to Dr. Sarah Bell for presenting "Opioid stigma in cancer remission from the perspective of patients and clinicians: a qualitative study" at the CHAMPP Works In Progress meeting on May 10, 2023. We'll resume our monthly Works In Progress meetings in August, and links to will be sent out to those on our mailing list.
In disappointing news, a bill that would prohibit all safe injection sites in Pennsylvania was passed by the Pennsylvania Senate. It appears unlikely that the Pennsylvania House will pass a similar bill, but if such a bill was passed, Governor Josh Shapiro has indicated that he would sign it. More advocacy for harm reduction is required in our state. If you're in PA, consider joining the Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Network.
Legally, how is harm reduction treated in your jurisdiction? Let us know at CHAMPP@pitt.edu.
Notable Recent CHAMPP Publications
- Jonassaint CR, O'Brien J, Nardo E, Feldman R, Stanton M, DeCastro L, Abebe KZ. Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders in Sickle Cell Disease Compared to Other Chronic Conditions: a Population-Based Study of Black American Adults. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Apr;38(5):1214-1223. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07786-w. Epub 2022 Oct 11. PMID: 36220945
- Check DK, Jones KF, Fish LJ, Dinan MA, Dunbar TK, Farley S, Ma J, Merlin JS, O'Regan A, Oeffinger KC. Clinician Perspectives on Managing Chronic Pain After Curative-Intent Cancer Treatment. JCO Oncol Pract. 2023 Apr;19(4):e484-e491. doi: 10.1200/OP.22.00410. Epub 2023 Jan 3. PMID: 36595729
- Alabaku O, Yang A, Tharmarajah S, Suda K, Vigod S, Tadrous M. Global trends in antidepressant, atypical antipsychotic, and benzodiazepine use: A cross-sectional analysis of 64 countries. PLoS One. 2023 Apr 26;18(4):e0284389. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284389. eCollection 2023. PMID: 37099524 Free PMC article.
Find the full list of CHAMPP publications on our website.
The University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Research on Health Care in the Department of Medicine is looking for a qualified Administrative Coordinator to provide oversight of administrative operations for the Tailored Retention and Engagement for Equitable Treatment of OUD and Pain (TREETOP) research center. This individual will be responsible for managing day-to-day operations of center studies, monitoring project budgets, and coordinating meetings with community advisory boards.
For more information or to apply, please see the job page.
Research Study Announcement
Does someone you know have chronic pain and use prescribed or non-prescribed opioids for the pain? If so, please let them know about the TREETOP Engagement Study. Participants will be interviewed over the phone for approximately one hour, and will be compensated.
Congratulations to CHAMPP Center Investigator Dr. Charles Jonassaint on his election to the Society of Behavioral Medicine Board of Directors!
Congratulations to CHAMPP Center Investigators Dr. Benedict Alter and Dr. Maria Pacella-LaBarbara for being finalists in the 2023 Virginia Kaufman Pain Research Challenge!
Please share this email with anyone who you think may enjoy it, and feel free to reach out to us via email or social media!