
Dear <<Full Name>>,

Your are invited for the The Employment Act & Its Practical Applications webinar as per the following details;

Course Details

  • Date: 20th May 2023

  • Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM

  • CPD: 1

  • Cost: 1,000/=

A good understanding of the Employment Act will result in positive Employee Engagement and build Industrial Relations harmony by minimizing disputes between Employers and Employees or Union. As such, it shapes the responsibilities and relationship between Employers and Employees.

During the webinar, participants will be able to differentiate Contract of Service and Contract for Service, Termination and Dismissal, to identify when an employment contract is broken, to handle no show cases for recruitment, as well as the legal requirements for public holidays, sick leaves, annual leave and maternity leave.

Easy Enroll Method

  • Login to

  • Email:<<Email Address>>,

  • Password: hr2021

  • Select the Course, The Employment Act & Its Practical Application and Pay

Zoom Credentials