
Leadership Cabinet News

(You are receiving this email because you are a member the leadership roster at DLC as either an Elder, Director, Team Lead or Life Group Leader).



Great Day to each of You! Recently, PK shared a message about Living With Mystery. A great reminder that life doesn’t come with details. We know… We see… We live in “part”, exercising faith to make up the difference and fill in the gap between what we do know and don’t know.


LIKEWISE… this applies to being a leader. Effective leadership involves a measure of mystery; due to us leading people into a future where we’re not always sure of the best ways to get there. And that’s OK… because our responsibility isn’t to always have answers, but to make sure we always stay-in-faith.


MEANING… it’s acceptable to not have the details & answers. But it’s not acceptable for us not to be confident that the Lord will provide. In the absence of “details”, we must have the presence of faith. That the Lord will make God on His promises and our prayers to experience manifested breakthroughs.


SO… let’s not be discouraged or defeated about what we don’t know. AND…let’s be excited about the fact our God has an awesome plan of success & victory for us as leaders, even if we don’t know the full plan. Your leadership is making a difference – whether things are all clear or still a mystery. Just keep leading with confidence in the One who knows all things… all the time.  Lead On!


Living & Leading DEEP,

Pastor Roy Barrett

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