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Know Your Blind Spot

Dear Reader
Do you know what's in your blind spot? One of the exercises we do with EOS, during the annual meetings with all the leadership teams, is a discovery exercise in which we uncover the things that we don't know about ourselves, but that the rest of our team members know. We use a simple instrument, such as personal histories, and also an exercise called the Johari Window.
The Johari Window is a simple exercise where we want to know what you know about yourself (that's plotted on the y-axis) and what we know about you- what we've observed as your colleagues and your friends. The idea is that we move as much as we possibly can into the open window where both you know about this, and we know about this. There will also be things that we don't know about you and you don't know about yourself, so we want to find out more there. But really the areas that we work on is what you know about yourself, but we don't know. So you share that information and it moves into the open window

Then we look at the blind spot information - the things that we know about you, but you're not really aware of. The things that may hold you back, the things that we can encourage you to be better with. We want to use them all and move that also into the open window.

The true magic happens when we information in the open window about everyone around the table. Then we understand each other better, we can support each other more. There's more commitment, there's more buy-in and we can also hold each other more accountable, and then the results follow. The team fun happens and the joy is there and it's just a magic ride to be on as a  leadership together. After this exercise the team is so much stronger.

So there you have it. Much more magic is possible in EOS, this is just one example. Do you want to know more? Or do you know someone who needs to know more about this? Let me know and I'll follow up. My contact information is down below.

Thank you so much and we'll speak again next week.

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Best wishes,
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