MAY 2023

Last Month of School & an SMU Field Trip! 🚌
And that's a wrap on the 2022-2023 school year! This marks the end of our first year at Jill Stone Elementary, and it has been such a blast getting to meet so many new faces in Vickery Meadow. This school year, we completed an around the world unit, an art show, a field trip to SMU, and more! But most importantly, our students learned a ton about social-emotional learning, cultures around the world, and themselves.
Heart House at SMU!
Heart House students enjoyed another field trip to Southern Methodist University!

This field trip was made possible by our friends at Engage Dallas. Engage Dallas is a community engagement initiative that pairs SMU students with meaningful volunteer opportunities in Dallas.
Engage Dallas had an awesome day planned for our students! 
This included of a tour of the campus, and even more! Students read a storybook and then did a hands-on activity that related to the story.

One group read Alice in Wonderland and painted teacups, and another read The Little Mermaid and made aquatic-themed slime.

Students had a blast touring the campus, creating fun art, and imagining what life would be like as an SMU student! Our students' favorite part of the day was definitely getting to meet so many friendly SMU students! They loved hearing about everyone's experience at SMU.

After this trip, Heart House definitely has some future SMU Mustangs!
Literacy Practice

With just one month of school left before summer, Heart House students spent a ton of time practicing reading and writing in May. To the right, you can see two of our K-2nd grade students practicing spelling 3 letter words with scrabble tiles.

Since it's almost summer time, that means we won't see our students again until summer program starts. 
Luckily, each student was given a free book from the SMU Field Trip! We won't have Heart House program for the month of June, but we're thrilled that our students will have something to read at home.
Want to see more of what our students & teachers are up to?

If the answer is yes, check out our page on facebook!
We make weekly posts that tell you all about what our students are learning and creating with the guidance and support of their Heart House teachers.

Visit our page on facebook today!
Volunteer this year!

Did you know that if you have at least three hours, one day a week, you could volunteer at Heart House? You must pass Dallas Independent School District’s background check and commit to at least one month of service.

For more information about becoming a Heart House volunteer, please click the button below or contact our volunteer coordinator at 
Learn more about Volunteering here!
Looking for Community Partnerships

We are always looking for groups to share new and exciting project-based learning activities with our students! 

If your group is interested in
helping plan an activity with Heart House students, please reach out to Manju Warrier at
Please click the button below to donate to Heart House.
Thank you for being a major part of the ❤️ in Heart House!
Click here to Donate!
Thanks for reading!


Asia Rodgers

Interim Executive Director
(214) 750-7637 /
Copyright © 2023 Heart House, All rights reserved.

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