Microforest Dedication

FLVCS was a major partner to install the microforest at Heritage Harbor in Bradenton. Join the celebration and dedication of this microforest and permanent signage on Wednesday June 7, at 6 PM. In the opinion of many, this is the best microforest yet. Our name will be on the permanent signage as one of the sponsors. 


Say NO to Radioactive Roads

In this last legislative session, the Florida legislature passed a number of environmentally damaging bills.  One of the most egregious was HB 1191 - Use of Phosphogypsum.


This bill promotes the use of a radioactive waste by-product from phosphate mining to be used in road construction and includes a study and demonstration projects. 

The EPA has studied this issue and has concluded that the use of phosphogypsum in road construction remains prohibited. Click here for more information on the EPA’s findings.

Email the Governor and ask him to veto the bill.

  Radioactive Material From Fertilizer Production | US EPA

               A Florida Phospho Gypsum Stack

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