Hello Master <<First Name>>,
Thank you so much for all your replies to the last email!
I received very honest, some heart breaking, sharings
to the questions about experiencing low self esteem
and how changeable do you feel it is?
Many of you talked about

feeling like an imposter and pretending to know - while inside feeling unworthy,
comparison to others and feeling behind,
feeling not deserving of happiness and bliss,
not finding value in who you are,
having to please and meet others' expectations in order to be loved, accepted and appreciated...
We all, or at least most of us,
were raised surrounded by standards and conventions we were expected to meet;

We will keep talking about this -

and as a part of it, as I promised last time,
here are some of the comments -
and my answers (some of them in private messages) under those FB ads:
Q: Never learned how to talk in a way it's accepted. Aries don't have it in us. We bold and outspoken to the core.
A: Bold and outspoken to the core can be beautiful, authentic, charismatic.
It could become a problem when in very early childhood we learned that these qualities can be too much, that we are too much...
And now, we ourself expect and are ready to get back resistance and criticism.
Then of course the self expression becomes more combative -
which attracts more resistance...
With a little bit of certain understanding and practice it's possible to abandon this loop,
and using these powerful qualities become the magnetic leader you were meant to be.
Q: For me, I'm at a low ebb of self esteem. I just don't appreciate myself. Even when people say something about me, I discountenance it. I just don't appreciate myself in any way and I don't know what to do.
A: Many times in childhood we get the impression that we are not good the way we are - that we are expected to be better/different.
And this is how we move on in life, so convinced that it's true and therefore not worthy nor deserved, and can't appreciate ourself,
no matter what compliments we get.
The answer can only be developed from inside out -
from learning about your true superpowers, connecting to them and using them,
then starting to trust yourself and being guided by your own truth, inner peace and intuition,
and from there will come self confidence, self appreciation, self love,
and the life you really want to live.
Q: Actually, I don't really understand how to make my life worth, I even let others underestimate me.
A: This is a very good question, that usually stems from the fact that we are taught to focus on others and to compare ourself to them,
and that what we are is not good enough,
and focusing on ourself is selfish and wrong.
Finding purpose, making life worth, making others see your beauty and appreciate you -
will start once you agree to shift your attention inside,
and discover, acknowledge, execute and enjoy your own talents, tendencies, superpowers, uniqueness.
You are one of a kind, not like anyone else and you are here to shine your inimitable light and experience growth and pleasure.
And as I said, it starts from choosing yourself and accepting that you are the center of your own world.
Do you feel ready to do that?

And you?

Do you feel ready to be the leader of your life?
If you haven't tried it yet,
the How To Stop People Pleasing mini course is still free
and can help to take your next steps to freedom and fulfillment,
if this is something you are looking for.
Take it from here:
Peace and freedom,
make wonderful magic,

Step Into Your Powers  -
Finally make the breakthrough into yourself and the life you really want

A comprehensive 4 months of deep personal work
to uncover and connect to your real self and powers
and start to create your dream reality
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Connect to your inner wisdom, qualities and superpowers
  • Learn how to use your uniqueness to create peaceful harmony, cooperation and fulfillment
  • Shift into the best version of yourself, your environment and your life
Check it here Step Into Your Powers

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and how can I better serve you through this time?
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