Note from the Division Chief
The Duke Health system continues to be the health provider of choice in Durham County and has identified the importance of being provider of choice within the Triangle, but also the referral choice statewide, and across the Southeast United States. Projections both from the Health System as well from our internal research project that our faculty size will need to grow significantly over the next 3-5 years. We are incredibly fortunate to have successfully recruited 4 new faculty to join us this upcoming year and for all of them it’s a bit of a homecoming per se. Dr. Ashley Johnston is well-known to us in that she completed her residency training here at Duke before going to Indiana University to complete her pediatric fellowship at Riley Children’s Hospital. She is “coming home” to join our pediatric urology team to grow our pediatric urology enterprise and will also provide the urologic expertise in the multi-disciplinary gender-affirming treatment and transition care-team. Dr. Martus Gn will join us and be located on our Raleigh campus and will fill a huge need in providing general urology care to the fast-growing Wake County market. Martus received his MD from Temple University (my alma mater!) and will be completing his urologic residency at Brown University. He completed his undergraduate studies at Wake Forest so he too is “coming home” to North Carolina! We were also incredibly fortunate to recruit three of our graduating fellows to join us and call Duke Urology “their home”. Prior to coming to Duke, Dr. Rob Medairos completed his urologic training at Medical College of Wisconsin. He will be joining our growing endourology team here in Durham. Dr. Jordan Foreman received his MD and completed his urologic residency at the University of New Mexico. He is completing his reconstructive fellowship here and will provide much needed general urology and reconstructive expertise on our Raleigh campus. Finally, Dr. Vishnukamal Golla, who completed his Masters in Public Health at the University of Texas, Houston and urologic residency training at UCLA, is completing his National Clinician Scholars Program here at Duke. He will continue his acting consultant role working on developing quality care and health equity payment models for primary and specialty care and will continue his clinical career at the Durham VA and maintain a Duke adjunct faculty appointment within the Department of Urology.
As we transition from the Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC), to the Duke Health Integrated Practice (DHIP), Duke Urology will be an eager partner in making sure that our growth goals are in line with the goals outlined by our newly formed integrated Duke Health system.

Dominic Greenberg MD will be entering private practice in Asheville, North Carolina.
Rohit Tejwani MD will be an endourology fellow at Stanford University, Palo Alto California.
Robert Qi MD will be an endourology fellow at Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota.
Brent Nosé MD will be completing his residency at the end of 2023 and is awaiting his assignment from the U.S. Army.
The 8th Annual Multidisciplinary K12 Benign Urology Research (KURe) Symposium attracted over 80 attendees from a wide range of scientific backgrounds representing 16 U.S. and Canadian academic institutions.
The meeting not only showcased the impressive research by the Duke K12 KURe scholars, but also the depth and breadth of benign urologic research being performed by trainees at Duke and across the U.S. and Canada. Returning to an in-person format allowed for engaging conversations and an ability to have meaningful scientific discussions. Invited speakers provided a diverse insight to the program’s highlighted topic "Urologic Congenitalism and Development: Impact from Prenatal to Adult Life." Over 30 trainee abstracts were presented.
For more information, see the KURe website:
Urology team members receiving awards included:
Top Basic Science Abstract: Michael Odom, PhD (post-doc fellow in Purves/Hughes lab)
Underactive bladders from type 1 diabetic Akita female mice exhibit an increase in contractility via FP receptor activation as a result of NLRP3-mediated inflammation
Top Clinical Science Abstract: Robert Medairos, MD (endourology fellow)
The impact of single use cystoscopes on clinical time workflow in an outpatient setting
Panelists Chris Cooper MD (Pediatric Urology, Univ of Iowa), Maryellen Kelly DNP (Duke Urology), Jonathan Routh MD MPH (Duke Urology), Brandon Lane PhD (Duke Pediatrics)
The 55th annual Duke Urologic Assembly meeting in partnership with our colleagues in the Duke Cancer Institute, Leading Edge Urology was held at the Wild Dunes Resort outside of Charleston South Carolina. Joining an outstanding roster of Duke and national Urologists, Medical Oncologists, and Radiation Oncologists, participants were able to learn about advances in precision Urologic Oncology and benign Urologic conditions, that encompassed leading edge updates on the most effective and efficient. Diagnose diagnostic and therapeutic aspect in the sub specialty areas of UROLOGY and Urological oncology. This year, we were honored to have Leonard Gomella, MD, Bernard Godwin, Professor of Prostate Cancer and Chair of Urology at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia as our Victor Politano lecturer who spoke about innovations in the genetic genetics of prostate cancer.
L-R: Brant Inman, Ankeet Shah, Gary Faerber, Leonard Gomella, Dan George, Judd Moul, Glenn Preminger, Mike Abern.
Gary Faerber presenting the Victor Politano Lecturer Leonard "Lenny" Gomella with his honorary DYSURIA certificate.
June is National Men’s Health Month and Duke Urology was a key part of the annual community screening event held at Lincoln Community Health Center and a Duke Primary Care location in Durham in the weekend of 4-5 June 2023. Duke Urology has participated in community screening programs for over 25 years. Initially, these events were primarily for prostate cancer screening and this is still done. However, the last few years has seen a great expansion of screening services including for hypertension, diabetes, skin, cardiac, and prostate. Over 300 men were served and, for many, it was their only contact with the health system. For men with elevated PSA or with an abnormal digital rectal examination, follow up will be organized with our service and in collaboration with the Duke Cancer Institute. Approximately 75% of participants were from underserved communities and many men were regional living in outlying rural counties. Duke Urology Chief, Dr Gary Faerber, worked the event and spoke on behalf of our entire team, “This annual community screening event is so important and we are all so proud to give back to our deserving citizens”
Duke Urology is leading the way in Focal Therapy for Prostate and Kidney Cancer Treatment. The AUA News is dedicating a special June 2023 edition dedicated to Focal Therapy highlighted by the Duke Team lead by Thomas Polascik MD and Cary Robertson MD along with the Focal Therapy Research team of Sriram Deivasigamani MBBS, Sri Kotamarti MD, Eric Adams MD and Mahd Mottaghi MD who are recognized leaders in changing the field of prostate cancer treatment for select men with early, localized disease. This edition also features Duke SUO alumni Kae Jack Tay, MBBS, FAMS and Wei Phin Tan, MD
Congratulations to this dedicated team from Duke advancing the treatment of both prostate and kidney cancer.
Judd Moul MD received a Distinguished Contribution Award from the American Urological Association in Chicago April 28-May 1, 2023 for “prolific contributions and leadership in prostate cancer research and dedicated military service.”
Jonathan Routh MD MPH was selected to give the John Duckett Memorial Lecture in Plenary Session of the American Urological Association annual meeting in Chicago on April 30, 2023. He spoke on “Innovation by Necessity: Improving Urodynamics for Children with Spina Bifida” which highlighted his motivation to conduct research on incorporating machine learning in the urodynamic interpretation.
Rob Medairos MD (Endourology fellow) won Best Poster at the Southeastern Section of the AUA meeting in Amelia Island FL in March for “The impact of single use cystoscopes on clinical time workflow in an outpatient setting.”
Ian Berger MD won best poster in the Stone Disease: Epidemiology & Evaluation Session at the American Urological Association annual meeting in Chicago April 28, 2023 for “Work Productivity of Patients Undergoing Trial of Passage for Ureteral Stones.“ Co-authors included co-resident Alexandria Spellman MD, health services research fellow Vishnukamal Golla MD, and endourology/health services research faculty Michael Lipkin MD MBA, Gary Faerber MD, Jodi Antonelli MD, Chuck Scales MD MHS, and Deb Kaye MD MS.
Steven Campbell, MD PhD - Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland OH
Nicole Miller, MD - Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN