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June 2023

To our colleagues, partners and community members, 

Welcome to the Joint Office of Homeless Services monthly newsletter! 

Here you will learn more about our collective work and shared commitment to addressing homelessness in Portland and throughout Multnomah County.

If you are experiencing homelessness and need assistance,
please call 211 or go to
Question of the Month
What is the source of most garbage on the streets of Portland?
(hint: It's not homeless camps)

(scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to see the answer)

Housing Multnomah Now launches with selection of Old Town site

In support, County Chair proposing major new capacity-building investments for providers

Housing Multnomah Now: Providing unsheltered people a path to stable housing through outreach, support, and wrap-around services.


Housing Multnomah Now, an outreach-focused street-to-housing pilot program announced by Chair Jessica Vega Pederson, has reached a series of key milestones this month — with outreach workers now on the ground in the program’s first designated location, in Old Town Chinatown.

Starting June 7, outreach workers from Transition Projects have been working with people camping in a zone beneath the Steel Bridge along NW Naito Boulevard.

Chair Vega Pederson and Joint Office of Homeless Services Director Dan Field also announced major new proposed investments to address challenges within the current homeless services system.

These investments, and wage increases for providers included in the County’s recently approved FY 2024 budget and FY 2023 budget, are expected to help Housing Multnomah Now, but also accelerate the rest of the work providers and the Joint Office are undertaking to address homelessness in Multnomah County.

“Inadequate wages for nonprofit employees are a fundamental roadblock to effective service delivery,” Commissioner Susheela Jayapal said. “I fought hard for the adjustment included in last year's budget, and am very supportive of this additional investment in wages and contractor capacity.” 

Read the full press release on the initiative

Find out more about Oregon All-In/Housing Multnomah Now

The Grand Opening of The Joyce

Ten people stand holding a blue ribbon and a big pair of scissors in front of a building. Above the door is a sign reading 'The Joyce'.On June 5th, we celebrated the grand opening of The Joyce Apartment building! The Joyce will welcome residents into 66 apartments providing permanent supportive housing, which combines deeply affordable rent with wraparound services. Those on-site services are made possible with funding from the Joint Office of Homeless Services through the Metro Supportive Housing Services Measure, approved in 2020.

“The Joyce was little more than a hotel-style flophouse in desperate need of health and safety repairs,” said Molly Rogers, the Portland Housing Bureau’s interim director. “But more importantly, it was the last remaining place in the Central City, or really anywhere in Portland, where someone could rent a room for as little as $19 a night. It was a place where landlords would accept IOUs from residents who were waiting on state assistance, but didn't have access to their money, and where no one would check your criminal or rental history.”

A complete renovation of The Joyce provides Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for people who have been homeless, who are vulnerable, and who need both subsidized housing and services to be successful. The Joyce is dedicated fully to residents who need this combination of intensive services and deeply affordable rents.
Podcast Special Episode: Meet new JOHS Director Dan Field
Interview with Dan Field - photo of Dan Field - "Out of the Streets of Portland"The podcast produced by the Joint Office of Homeless Services, 'Out of the Streets of Portland, has released a special episode -- an interview with new JOHS Director Dan Field.

You can also read this Q&A with Dan, with bonus questions not included in the podcast.

Dan comes to this work after 30 years in the healthcare field, and in this interview he shares more about his background, his motivation, and his vision for the office and the work to end homelessness in our region.
Happy Pride Month!
June 2023 Happy pride month from the Joint Office of Homeless Services. Celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community. Supporting LGBTQIA+ houseless people and service providers
Inter-Governmental Agreement Extended

The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners on June 8 unanimously approved a one-year extension of their agreement with the City of Portland that allows for the continuation of the Joint Office of Homeless Services.

The City and County formed the Joint Office of Homeless Services in 2016 to coordinate their delivery of services to people experiencing homelessness. Even though the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to promote the office into a full-fledged County department in response to its growing resources and urgent work, it continues to be a multi-jurisdictional agency.

The Joint Office receives funding from multiple government agencies: the County, the City, Metro (through the Supportive Housing Services Measure), the State of Oregon, and the federal government. The City of Portland’s general fund provides roughly 15% of the Joint Office’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget.

Read the full article.

County passes budget for Fiscal Year 2024
County commissioners and Chair stand in the Council chamberThe Multnomah County Board of Commissioners voted on June 8th to approve a new budget to maintain current Multnomah County services and staff for the next fiscal year beginning July 1. The Fiscal Year 2024 budget increases funding for housing and homeless services, behavioral health, community safety, early learning opportunities, elections and more.

The budget was developed during a leadership transition to Chair Vega Pederson, who took office in January. It takes on the profound challenges she has faced across several critical areas, including spending of the Metro Supportive Housing Services Measure (SHS) dollars, increased investments in, and accountability for, the Joint Office of Homeless Services and Multnomah County Animal Services, and support for operating the Behavioral Health Resource Center in downtown Portland.
Notice of Funding Availability

Notice of Funding Available: Move On Program - deadline June 23, 2023 - 11:59 pmWe are excited to announce a new Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Move On Program. 
Deadline: June 23rd, 2023 by 11:59 PM. 

This funding opportunity is for up to $1.8M to provide Move On assessment and case management services to those who are ready and willing to exit Permanent Supportive Housing programs, with funding from the Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Measure..

JOHS seeks responses from all qualified providers of supportive housing services. The SHS Measure provides regional funding to address homelessness and housing stability, prioritizing communities of color. The SHS Measure aims to increase housing stability and equitable services delivery across the region through inclusive community engagement.

More information on how to apply for this funding opportunity.

Get Involved: Volunteer!
Person carrying a box through a warehouse, with pallets of bottled water on the sideMany of the community-based organizations supported by the Joint Office of Homeless Services welcome volunteers. These organizations offer services to our neighbors who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. Click here to find out about opportunities to volunteer.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
The Joint Office of Homeless Services invites the public to attend our advisory board and committee meetings. These advisory groups provide opportunities for community members to learn about the Joint Office's work, bring a community perspective to our decision-making, and make recommendations on programs, services and policies. 

Community Budget Advisory Committee
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023  ⋅  11:00am – 1:00pm
Click here for Virtual Meeting 
CBAC meetings are posted on the Office of Community Involvement Website.
For more info about CBACs please visit the Office of Community Involvement.

Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Advisory Committee
Thursday, June 8th, 2023  ⋅  3:00 – 5:00pm
Click here for Virtual Meeting
More info about the Supportive Housing Services Advisory committee.

Continuum of Care Board 
Thursday, June 15th, 2023  ⋅  11:00am – 1:00pm
Click here for Virtual Meeting 
More info about the Continuum of Care Board.

For more info on our advisory boards and committees, including meeting links, agendas and other materials, please visit

Please email us at with any questions.
New JOHS Website | End of June 2023
The Joint Office of Homeless Services will launch our new website at the end of June! Our new site will feature data dashboards, an easy-to-navigate interface, resources and info for people looking for help or interested in our work at the JOHS. 
Screenshot of new website - with header Joint Office of Homeless Services, menus, and the top of a chart labeled 'Permanent Housing'
Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness:
►  Who to Call for What - a list of hotlines, helplines and other useful phone numbers.

►  Visit Oregon Law Help or Oregon Renters Rights for information about rental assistance and eviction protection.

►  Rose City Resource Guide from Street Roots - includes an updated, searchable list of food, housing, transit and other resources for the Portland area.
Racial Justice & Equity Resources

►  Data on Race, Ethnicity and Homelessness: A report from the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

Resource Guide: Race and Homelessness: A guide produced by the Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative at Portland State University

Multnomah County Workforce Equity Strategic Plan: How the County is addressing historic and institutional inequities within local government.


COVID-19 Updates

► If you test positive with an at-home test, you can self report your positive test to the Oregon Health Authority. Call the hotline at 866-917-8881 or text OHACOVID to 61222, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Multnomah County 

Regional COVID-19 Dashboard: Case data from MultCo, ClackCo, WashCo and YamCo.
Employment Opportunities

Current job listings at our Partner Organizations:
Answer to the Question of the Month 
  • The Metro RID patrol, which clears an average of 70 tons of waste a month from public property in the Portland metro area, found that around 53% of the waste is from residential sources. Less than one-quarter of the waste comes from houseless camps.
Pie chart from Metro RID Patrol showing the source of the waste they clean up

  • People who are living in camps do have trash, like everyone else, but counter to stereotypes about them, the amount of trash they produce is not more than housed neighbors - it's just more visible, and doesn't get picked up every week!
  • Dumping trash near or on houseless camps is very common - housed people often drive up, dump an old couch or refrigerator, and drive away, and the houseless residents of the camp don't have the means to remove these items from their camps.
  • With the new Supportive Housing Services Measure passed by Metro voters in 2020, the Joint Office of Homeless Services has launched 34 new programs with community partners to hire people experiencing houselessness to clean up trash. In the first six months of operation (July - Dec. 2021), these programs cleaned up 76,000 pounds of trash.

Thank you for reading our newsletter. It is important that we continue to recognize the underlying issues that make homelessness so pervasive in our society: from structural racism and disparities, to the economic and social impact from COVID-19, to the lack of affordable housing that makes homelessness unavoidable for so many local households.

We would like to hear from you: ideas, feedback, suggestions and connections. Your feedback can help shape our work in the community. Please reply to this newsletter with your ideas for features, things we should include or questions you have for the Joint Office.

Please share this newsletter in your circles and with anyone who would like to learn more!

Thank you for your work and your interest in helping our unhoused neighbors get the support they need to get into housing, so that we can collectively end homelessness throughout the PDX metro and make anyone's experience with homelessness temporary and brief.

                                                                           -The Joint Office of Homeless Services
This notice was distributed to those who have signed up to hear about opportunities to participate and receive updates on the Joint Office of Homeless Services and the local implementation of Metro’s Supportive Housing Measure in Multnomah County. Did you receive this email from someone else and would like to join our mailing list for future updates? Click here to sign up.
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