Hello Master <<First Name>>,
On the last few weeks I've been invested

in learning a new way
to spread the light of inner freedom and peace:
Sponsored advertising on Facebook.
Why am I telling you that?
- Wow, I have so much to share with you about this journey,
but let's start from the beginning -
and then, there was something I liked us
to look into today:
So, remember that a few weeks ago,
I suggested here a process
to help to shift from an unfulfilling people pleasing -
into magnetizing effortless love, appreciation and cooperation?
Shortly after, I actually turned this 9 steps process
into a little mini course -
yes - with videos, workbook and everything!
It's free, so I'll leave you a link here below
in case you - or someone around you -
want to get rid of this constant urge
to please others and look for their approvals,
and instead to start living your life the way you really want.

Anyway, what I really wanted
to share with you today,
is my surprise to find that many people
actually left comments on the ads (I'd never expect!)
and that most of the comments talked about:
Experiencing a low self esteem,
and how almost impossible it was for them to feel worthy,
and if I think that it can be changed?
I will post some of my answers
to those questions on the next email,
but first I would love to hear your thoughts,
by simply replying to this email -
Do you feel the same?
Do you, too, wonder if a low self esteem could ever be changed into a high self worth?
Or what did you do to increase your sense of self value?
And as I promised,
here is the link to the free Stop People Pleasing mini course:
Peace and freedom,
make wonderful magic,

Step Into Your Powers  -
Finally make the breakthrough into yourself and the life you really want

A comprehensive 4 months of deep personal work
to uncover and connect to your real self and powers
and start to create your dream reality
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Connect to your inner wisdom, qualities and superpowers
  • Learn how to use your uniqueness to create peaceful harmony, cooperation and fulfillment
  • Shift into the best version of yourself, your environment and your life
Check it here Step Into Your Powers

Is it time for you to get grounded, balanced and clear?

Find your focus, stability and motivation in the changing reality:

Feel like keeping in a closer touch?

Join us at Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported
and to receive a daily message from the cards.

Click to join:

What else can I do for you?

I would love to hear how you're doing?
and how can I better serve you through this time?
Waiting to read from you here

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Transformation Point · 30 Gloucester Street · Toronto, On M4Y 1L6 · Canada