
    FLVCS Memorial Day Message

On this solemn Memorial Day, we honor and remember the brave men and women who died protecting the values we hold dear. These values include more than the founding principle that all men are created equal. They also include freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.  We salute the greatest generation that fought so hard against Nazis and fascists to preserve our democracy.

As we honor the fallen, we must also remember that they fought for a reason. They fought to fulfill the promise of America. They died to preserve and extend our democracy.

Many of us have experienced the loss of a comrade, family member, or friend fighting and dying for these American principles. As we honor them today, let us also not forget that the struggle continues.

Now we see the rise in America of a hate-filled, neofascist movement that is trying to overthrow our democracy. The extremists are intent on subverting our political norms and are willing to wreck our economy to grab power.

Like those patriots before us, we will continue to fight against those who would destroy our democracy. As veterans, we will stay on the front lines following in the footsteps of those who died to create an America that upholds the principles of fairness, justice, and empathy for the less fortunate among us.

Florida Veterans for Common Sense is honored to have so many members and supporters with the courage, wisdom, and dedication to continue the fight for a better world. Thanks to your commitment our organization has outstanding solidarity that enables us to accomplish all that we do. We are active in many arenas. We work to protect our democracy, combat climate change, and support our fellow veterans.

On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen, support the living, and strive to create a world worthy of the fallen’s sacrifices.


Note: You can also find our Memorial Day Message on our website where you can comment. 


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