Be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. Click here to sign up! Click here for archived C2Ps.
Now's the time to register
for the Archbishop's Golf Tournament.
Aug. 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. | Trophy Lake Golf Course, Port Orchard
To all parishes: Please post the opening of registration for The Archbishop’s Golf Tournament 2023. You can help us reach our goal of raising $200,000 for the education of our seminarians, while carrying on a tradition that began in 2003. Parish Information | Learn more | Register | Flyer | Digital assets
Transform the way you serve: Apply to the Christifideles program
The Fall 2023 Christifideles program offers intellectual formation for a master's degree in theology through a partnership of the Archdiocese of Seattle and Santa Clara University.
Apply now for an opportunity to grow in your ability to serve the Church; generous scholarships are available. Application deadline is July 30.
Learn more about the Archdiocese of Seattle's Christifideles program.
Plan to attend the June 20 or 22 virtual Santa Clara University open house to learn about the Fall 2023 program.
The PDF report is available online; the video presentation will be posted later this week. Please talk about it at Masses starting this weekend, June 10-11.
• Talking Points (for Mass and digital newsletter)
• Bullet insert English | Spanish | Vietnamese
• Digital logos
A reminder that all 4401.10 accounts are automatically mapped in Qvinci as OI. If they fit into another category (e.g. restricted, votive candles, etc.), make sure they are put in the correct accounts, not 4401, by June 30. Questions? Contact Sarah Diama at
ParishStaq – Successfully using ParishStaq forms and process queues for ACA
ParishStaq has several tools that are helping parishes do their work: Forms, Process Queues, and Giving. Wave 7.5 joins the waves already actively implementing ParishStaq. Monthly check-ins for June through October are in an open office hours format. Newsletter
Read this week’s update to learn about these items and more:
• Archbishop’s second mailing was sent last week.
• Pastor follow-up mailing is scheduled to be sent June 13.
• Follow-up during Mass is critical in making your goal.
Read this month's newsletter and learn about upcoming summer events, activities for youth ministers and volunteers, and key dates for next year's calendar. If you are not receiving youth ministry announcements by email, please contact Lisa at to be added to the list.
As we celebrate Trinity Sunday, let us reflect on all the ways that we have been nurtured by the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Learn more.
Would you like to receive the enlarged Partners prayer card?
The Partners in the Gospel prayer card has been resized for better readability.
It is now 5"x7" and available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Original size was 3"x5". Send language/quantity request to
Click here for Q&A’s and new timekeeping procedures. Implementation required at all locations (schools and parishes) by July 1, 2023. Please set time to review with your employees. Online training with Matt and Kate to come. If you have any, please submit to:
A special fund, in coordination with Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, is available for parishes helping asylum seekers and other migrants. Funds are available until Aug. 31, 2023. For more information, contact Chris Koehler at Nick Leider
Aug. 15-17 | Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center
High school juniors, seniors and recent graduates are invited to attend this three-day retreat exploring ways to grow in relationship with the Lord, recognize his voice, and discern his plan in their lives. Register | Learn more | Digital assets