Dear Praying Friends,
Before our trip we sought your prayers, asking you to entreat our gracious Heavenly Father for our child evangelism efforts with Operation Christmas Child, and relationship building with both the Maohi Protestant and Assemblies of God denominations here, leading toward pastor training.  We rejoice in the Lord that He has answered every prayer according to His will.

Our week began on Raiatea, an island about 100 miles west and a little north from Tahiti.  There is a small Assemblies of God Church there that is without a pastor, so I volunteered to preach on Sunday, May 21st.  They were a lovely group, very responsive to the teaching of the Word.  I even taught in French!  After the service I suggested that we meet again the following Friday, and they readily agreed.  Prayer for relationship building: ANSWERED.
Soon after church on Sunday, we made the rendezvous with the rest of the Operation Christmas Child team and boarded the fast boat-taxi for Taha'a.  Of immediate concern for our prayer warriors was the transportation issue on the island, where the villages are mostly isolated from each other by miles of curvy coastlines and deep bays.  On Raiatea, the public schoolbuses were the solution, but on Taha'a there is only private transport for schools. On a public holiday, how could all the kids possibly arrive at the events? On Monday, we made our presentation to the Mayor of the island, who did not seem concerned with transportation.  She told us she believed that all the kids would come, then she made a public announcement on the island Facebook page that afternoon.  

Tuesday dawned and the ministry commenced.  How many children would there be?  As it turns out, at event after event, nine in all, attendance exceeded expectations so that by Thursday afternoon, we had reached 850 of the island's 900 or so children!  But of course the real issue is, how was the response? Did the children listen? What about the adults also in attendance? At every spot it was the same: great engagement with the groups, focus on the simple message of belief in Jesus for eternal salvation, and a desire to follow Him.  Each night we came back to our place, exhausted and satisfied in what the Lord was doing. To top it all off, our AirBnB host, Hitimana, was so impressed with the work that on Friday he went through the training to become a teacher and finish the work there. Mission accomplished. Prayer for child evangelism: ANSWERED.
There was a third prayer: We asked for intercession to begin a working relationship with Maurice Hioe (Hee-oh-way), the director of the Maohi Protestant training school on Taha'a. Our team visited Maurice and Tracy Monday afternoon and we simply asked how we might pray for them and their endeavors in the Lord. They were deeply touched by this and shared many needs. Our team leader Edualdo had pertinent wisdom and outstanding prayers toward their requests.  Our fellowship with them was precious.  The following day we saw Maurice at one of our events and he told me that they strongly thought that God brought us to them. It was a great moment.  So, prayer for friendship in the Lord with Maurice and Tracy Hioe: ANSWERED.
Please pray that these new relationships bear full fruit in training, especially in Bible study methods.  We cannot emphasize enough the need here.  We have much to follow up on with previous ministries with women and children, and now with pastor training.  Pray for the pastors to have resolve to follow through with their good intentions.
For the geographically curious, here is Taha'a's location relative to Tahiti.
Please check out our updated website!  It has pictures, videos of worship, and literary quotes about the islands where we serve!  There will be regular updates as the Lord unfolds our work here, as well as videos of teaching and ministry events, and interviews with the islanders we work with.
How to support us financially:

As always we are grateful for our amazing support organization, Village Ministries International.  If you want to support us beyond prayer, click below:

 FPolynesia - Village Ministries International

Likewise, we have a private charitable foundation to support education for Tahitians.  You can give to that fund at
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BP 121403
98712 Papara
Polynesie Francaise
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