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Monthly Members' Newsletter
For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics concerning policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.
For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. It is always worth remembering that we would be nothing without you! For our June newsletter we are all about military history and museums. We have tonnes to share with you and from you this month so standby for another bumper edition!
Scroll down to get up to date with the news, opinions, events and opportunities from our members...
Welcome to the Defence Research Network Newsletter!
Hello again everyone! I am excited to be talking about military history and museum this month especially as this is something I’ve really been enjoying getting more and more involved with this last year. I appreciate some of you may be doing your PhDs in collaboration with a museum and others may have had no cause to even visit one but hopefully this edition will have something for you all to inspire you to visit somewhere new or consider what collaborating with a museum could look like.
When you think of a military museum I expect you think either of the big attractions, the Imperial War Museum for example, or maybe you think of a museum local to where you live or grew up. If you stop and think about it military history is available all around for us and the public to engage with whether it is a local war memorial, battlefield tours, virtual galleries, military history and, of course, military museums themselves. And it is not just about a day trip out, military museums have some of the most amazing archives, run fantastic programmes of events as well as temporary exhibitions.
Some of the bigger military museums are Independent Research Organisations themselves and as such have their own research agendas. The national museums of the single services all have leads for academic outreach also so they can be a great starting point for talking about what you and they are working on.
When you read the various stories of working with museums in many different guises contained within the newsletter, with any luck you will feel inspired to reach out to one and consider how you can help each other. Perhaps you bring some specialist knowledge that could inform a display or exhibit they are working on, maybe they are looking for trustees, speakers for their events programme. With impact and public engagement in mind (and not because it’s a university buzzword but because it can be fun and fulfilling!), a military museum can be a fantastic place to share your research with a new audience, helping you to build new connections that can help with your research.
So read on, enjoy and let us know about your future work with museums.
Take care,
Hannah West
Chair of the Defence Research Network
Museum review: Bletchley Park
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
I very much love visiting museums, galleries, historical palaces and more, and I think I have visited at least a hundred in my life. I would like to review my recent visit to a military museum – Bletchley Park. I visited Bletchley Park a couple of weeks ago, and I would definitely recommend that you visit it too, if you haven’t already.

It does not matter if you are a history geek who already knows a lot about the Second World War, if you are only interested in codes and ciphers, or if you really do not know much about the topic, you will find Bletchley Park a highly enjoyable place to visit. The museum truly does cater to everyone.
The museum provides the context to understand the pivotal role Bletchley Park and its codebreakers and other personnel played. It really shows how well coordinated and organised the place once was, how many people worked there, what their jobs were, and what their impact on the outcome of the Second World War was.

There are lots of interesting videos and short movies, interactive displays and artefacts too, which include the Enigma and the Lorenz machines. You can learn a lot about how these machines worked, what their flaws were, and how, ultimately, the codebreakers at Bletchley Park cracked them. You can also see how the Bombe worked. The museum also tells stories of those who worked at Bletchley Park, including, of course, Alan Turing. You can see his office, and you can find out more about his personal life, struggles and work.
Even if you are not interested in history or code and cipher breaking, I think you will still enjoy visiting the site as it is just so picturesque! There are beautiful gardens, a lake, and the Mansion, which is a Victorian mansion that housed the commander’s office and the library during the Second World War.

But even though I spent several hours at Bletchley Park (I read and watched all the materials quite thoroughly!), sadly, I did not get to see all the buildings and exhibitions. What is quite amazing though, and very different from all other museums I have been to before, is that the tickets are valid for a year, which means that I will be going back to Bletchley Park again soon to see the remaining exhibitions!
The National Museum of the Royal Navy
Edited by Hannah West
Thank you so much to Louisa Blight, Head of Collections and Research for sharing how you can go about accessing collections and their exciting new exhibition open all summer....
When people think of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, chances are they will think of HMS Warrior, HMS Victory and, of course, Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson. But they probably wouldn’t realise that the National Museum’s collection dates back to Elizabethan times or covers anything and everything from ships to swords, archives to airframes; badges to bells and everything in between. Indeed, the collection extends to over 2 million individual items, many not currently on display and just waiting to be studied.
Since October 2022, the National Museum has had its collection information online via and researchers can keyword search or delve into curated packages of material. We, of course, welcome researchers who are interested in any topic but we are particularly reaching out to academics and researchers who want to delve deeper into our collections with contested narratives. We have many items which reflect the Royal Navy’s global work over the centuries and there are many stories just waiting to be uncovered.
Research visits can be arranged in person at either our Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Storehouse 12 site or at Cobham Hall in Yeovilton, Somerset and, since the start of April, we can now offer virtual research sessions too. All you need to do is drop us a quick email at and we will book you in. Guidance with using the catalogue and more information about our holdings can be found here:
It is worth knowing that access to the reserve collections for research purposes is completely free and tickets to the National Museum in Portsmouth or the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeovilton are not needed, although many people choose align a research visit with a visit to the galleries. You can use the ‘Visit us’ section of the National Museum’s website to find out what’s on and how to book tickets:
Until 8 August we have a very special exhibition of The Armada Maps, 10 unique charts capturing the epic campaign, which were saved for the nation during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are proud to be able to show them for the very first time all together in our temporary exhibition space in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. It would be great to see you there.
Louisa Blight, MA MSc(Econ) RMARA
Head of Collections & Research
National Museum of the Royal Navy
If you want to find out more about the National Museum of the Royal Navy....
Collections | National Museum of the Royal Navy
The National Museum of the Royal Navy holds the most comprehensive collection of Royal Navy heritage in the UK and the largest collection of historic ships in Europe. It cares for a collection of over 2.5 million items which tell the epic story of the Royal Navy from its origins in 625 AD to today. These collections hold a breadth of material much which is unique to the Navy – figureheads, flags, aircraft, art, documentary archives, photographs, archaeological material and technology.
Visit Us | National Museum of the Royal Navy
Take a voyage through time with the National Museum of the Royal Navy. Whether you are looking to step aboard some of the most famous ships, planes or submarines in naval history, discover the stories of those who served or simply enjoy some of our beautiful locations, there is something for everyone at each of our six museums across the country. Step onboard and discover one of our museums today.
We are really fortunate to also hear from Ann Bajo, one of our DRN committee members who also works at the National Museum of the Royal Navy....
I have always been fascinated with the military. I used to work in the Philippine military and as an international student who got the chance to study in the UK, I was looking for the opportunity to work in a military organization. I was happy to find out that a volunteer opportunity opened up at the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN), so I immediately signed up!
Initially, I worked at NMRN as a Royal Marines Library Ingress Volunteer. I archived the collection of the Royal Marines Library in a database. One of the biggest perks of working at the NMRN is spending time at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. I love museums! It makes me happy when I enter through the gates of the Historic Dockyard. I am always in awe when I see the majestic and grandiosity of British Navy Battleships, which include the Warrior and Mary Rose. The HMS Victory is my favorite, of course. Launched in 1765, it is the oldest commissioned ship of the Royal Navy. Popularly known for being Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson’s ship during the Battle of Trafalgar. It was just really fun to discover the nooks and crannies of this big old ship. Currently, it is undergoing a restoration project that will last for about a decade. And I am sure, the HMS Victory will astound people of its glory as Britain’s flagship.
At the dockyard, people also get the chance to see the HMS Queen Elizabeth. Britain’s largest aircraft carrier. Another wonderful part of my experience working in the dockyard is I get to meet new people. As an international student, life can be pretty isolated, so I am happy to volunteer and be surrounded by fellow military enthusiasts. It is very interesting that I am the youngest among fellow volunteers. I get fascinated whenever I hear stories from them. It was really nice to be part of a community that shares the same interest as I do.
My time volunteering at the NMRN led to the chance of being a Team Member. Now I am a custodian of the HMS M.33, which is the only surviving monitor ship from World War I. Dubbed the ‘lucky ship,’ it tells the story of the M.33 sailors and marines who survived the Gallipoli campaign. It was only built for seven weeks and was uniquely designed to support shore-based attacks. M.33 is easily missed at the dockyard. Despite her humble features, she has a deep story to tell. Most of the visitors who check out M.33 have family who fought during WWI. I love hearing their stories and how the ship preserves the legacy of their ancestry.
I guess one of the main reasons why I love working at the NMRN is because I get to be surrounded by the things I am passionate about. You get to experience being on the ships and understand how Navy sailors live during battle. You also get to learn more about the great history of the Royal Navy.
Collaborating with museums in research: The Women and War exhibition at the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum
Edited by Hannah West
I was inspired to take a look at the website of the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum last Autumn when fellow DRN committee member, Lucy Robinson, told me about the fantastic exhibition about service children which she had visited there. I spotted a note on the website saying that they were preparing a temporary exhibition for Summer 2023 on Women and War and were looking for contributions. I got in touch and before I know it I was talking Museum Director, Ursula Corcoran through my research which we agreed was a good fit with what they were planning.
Being a critical feminist researcher who looks at gendered knowledge production about war I was a little wary about how participation in this exhibition could see my research co-opted into a narrative that reinforced a linear history of British servicewomen’s increasing integration into the Armed Forces, something I challenge through my work. But it was a really positive experience, where I was completely open about the critical perspective of my work which was accepted as contributing to the public conversation.
Lucy kindly joined me and my family at the launch of the exhibition where we heard a speech from Col Lucy Giles reflecting on her experience of being a woman in the British Army and met with other contributors to the exhibition which, to the delight of my young sons, covered the history of women’s involvement at Bletchley Park (they are into all things about ‘spies’!). I was really proud to see two display panels based on my research there in the middle of the exhibition and I would thoroughly recommend to others to look out possible opportunities to do something similar.
Museums' digital collections & resources
Edited by Lucy Robinson
More and more, museums are digitalising their collections and offering a range of resources which you can access from the comfort of your own home! Below are a curated selection for you to enjoy.
Are there any digital resources from military museums that you'd recommend to our community? If so, please message us on Twitter (@DefenceResNet) or drop us an email:
Reflections on researching with museums
Written by Mark Barton
A significant element of my PhD research involved working from objects to form a dataset from which to draw conclusions, in my case Georgian presentation swords. There were three main sources for this: auction houses, private collections and museums, and all three brought their challenges. Auction houses were generally the most helpful. They usually answered my queries quickly and directly. They are used to answering public questions rapidly, although I suspect it did not hurt that I am also a collector so I am also a customer of many of them. That said, I was always clear when my questions were just for research.
Museums varied widely in how helpful they were. Some would simply ignore any questions and the only option to garner the information was to travel to them (my dataset involved more than 150 museum collections) with often the largest and most national being the hardest to get answers from. As a rule, the smaller and more obscure the museum, the more helpful, even more so when it was not typical of their museum theme but related to the person or place (for example, Liverpool City Hall for Collingwood's sword, Wordsworth's Cottage for his brother's sword). It was also hard getting them to respond with a null response, which was important because I was trying to develop comparative numbers of objects held.
As I came to the end of my military career, I determined that part of my post service portfolio would be to carry on as an independent researcher in my specialist area. I therefore tried to use the work experience option for resettlement to gain some experience working with museums in order to better understand how to interact with them, rather than seeking to become a museum professional. Even though I was, in effect, free labour and the RN would be covering all my travel and expenses, I was surprised how difficult this proved to arrange, with the two museums that I did organise it with both being through particular circumstances and not through general requests. One was Chatham Dockyard where I had met the curator at a conference and the other was the Royal Armouries where they had a particular research project they wanted support with and were using my own book as their key reference.
Personal links appear to be the key to successful engagement and this proved critical with regard to my third main source - private collections because in my area some of the best collections in the country are in private hands, whether companies or individuals.
Things you didn't know about military museums or museums you might not have heard of...
Edited by Hannah West
Have you heard of the Army Museums Ogilby Trust (AMOT)? We have relatively recently discovered this and it is well worth taking a look if you are interested in Army Museums. They have a regular newsletter and annual conference. To find out more, check out their website here:
Beth Rebisz, a lecturer in history at the University of Bristol, is part of the team at the Museum of British Colonialism whose aim is to have a repository of research and accounts detailing the events during British colonialism and the lingering effects on the colonies. To find out more take a look at their website (click on the image):
Some reflections on summer conference season....
Land Warfare Conference 2023
Written by Jeff Tibbett
I was fortunate enough to be selected by Defence to attend the most recent Land Warfare Conference held at Churchill House, Westminster Abbey. This yearly conference offers an eclectic mix of practitioner, academia, and industry. Discussing the future employment of Land Power against the backdrop of a war in Europe, particularly with recent events surrounding the Wagner group.
This year’s conference focussed on the lessons from Ukraine, NATO and the new force model, the requirements for a future British Army, talent management and engagement with industry.
The Conference takes place in Church House at Westminster Abbey a fantastic venue sat right in the centre of town.
The conference was opened by the Chief of the General Staff, Gen Sir Patrick Sanders KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen. Who discussed a number of issues both internal such as talent management and external, like the situation in Ukraine.
The conference was broken into seven sessions over two days, all brilliant in their detail, research and delivery. I will of course select a couple which I found particularly engaging from my viewpoint.
The first of which explored the lesson that could be learned from Ukraine was chaired by Professor Tracy German with speakers from the Centre for Defence Studies and the Centre for Naval Analysis. Tempered by a practitioners view from the Commander of the Field Army. What followed the talks was a lively debate, unlocked by the expanse of the knowledge which bled beyond the Land Domain.
Another session of note was regarding NATOs new force posture. This was chaired by Dr Rebecca Jension from the Canadian Forces College, with DCOS Ops Shape particularly engaging and re-enforcing the lessons he has discussed previously 5 Tough Lessons From the Ukraine War Many Don’t Want to Hear ( His concentration on the need for mass, amongst an audience of generals and academics most of whom are resigned to the smallest British Army in living history was timely.
The Secretary of State closed out the first day, with the conversation excellently steered by Dr Jonathan Eyal. SoS discussing that Russia still holds a risk, that while some may discuss Russia’s downfall, another viewpoint may view this newly unified Russia, no longer distracted by Wagner as particularly deadly.
The final session that I will highlight was that which explored the wider utility of Land Power. This was chaired by Dr D Sidharth Kausal, of particular not was the contribution by Professor Nina Wilen whom discussed Wagner and other actors impact on continents such as Africa. The use of Land Power, as a means to exert political and economic will, is played out across the continent.
In all there were 25 speakers and chairs, from Ministers of State, Directors of RUSI, Journalists and Industry. This gave the conference a real feel of inclusivity and approachability. Admittedly it did lack some of the world class focus and clarity that you get with some conferences. Overall, though this is a conference I would heartily and readily recommend to all.
British International Studies Association Conference:
Glasgow 2023
Edited by Hannah West
It was wonderful to get together a merry band of the DRN Committee in Glasgow and enjoy an evening of tapas together, many of us meeting face to face for the first time.
Megghi Pengili shares her reflections on BISA 2023....
I presented in three panels different from each other in format and content. For all three my special thanks to the Civil Wars (@JournalofCW) staff for the support, and then to James Worrall (@PolViolence) for the two research works - his input in the abstracts and inception has been invaluable.
In the first panel I participated on behalf of the journal where I pay service as assistant editor, the second was a co-authored project with our Tamiris Santos, and the third panel I presented my own project.
The first panel was a collaboration with International Affairs journal team (@IAJournal_CH) and the BISA representatives (@ChrissieDux) working on social media. We teamed up since ISA 2023 and thought to approach the academic audience particularly the early career researchers with questions regarding professional development. The core topic was pertinent to bridges between academia and policymakers, without necessarily publishing journal articles. All panellists introduced their current products and initiatives with relevant information and topic focused. As panellists we learned from each other while sharing, but also learned about the current issues of concern for the audience, in particular PhDs and Early Career Researchers.
Our next projects will be in ISA 2024. Teaming between large prism journals and specific -focus journals, such as this case, deliver an up-to-date methodology with a holistic approach which touches upon needs and enquires of a larger audience consisting of policymakers, academia, business to connect with each other. Academic journals, as Civil Wars sees it, are a knowledge management system which is taking knowledge production philosophically and practically to a new dimension.
The second panel, a co-authored project with Tamiris, will be explained by her and I do not have much to add.
The third and last appearance, is a new project I developed while working within the Civil Wars journal. The project writes about Cyber Civil Wars. The audience, chaired by our friend and colleague Lucie Pebay was a fully engaging and interaction with the audience. I learned more about my topic through all remarks and came out with new ideas to give life to this research project and further promote it.
Megghi has kindly added a few top tips for researchers new to big conferences....
- Find like-minded and multidisciplinary researchers to share your ideas and incarnate them into joint projects. This has double benefits: improves one’s own works and reassures participation in the conferences. E.g., In my case I enjoyed a lot working with Tamiris, and, also, as part of the Military Innovation Research Network with Lucie Pebay in the panel where we teamed as network with Cristina Fontanelli and Raphael Lima.
- Network, network, network! Meeting new scholars and connecting with them adds to the knowledge about recent developments in your research area. Further to that, these connections turn always useful at a later stage of your professional development. Connection is like energy; it is never wasted.
- Do not be shy! The conferences are a friendly place to meet reputable scholars in your field. Approach them, over coffee and talk to them and share ideas about your research while asking for advice.
And from the other half of the Megghi-Tami dream team, Tami reflects on her involvement in BISA 2023...
The BISA 2023 Conference, held by the British International Studies Association the last week, was an exciting learning, development and networking opportunity. Besides sharing our work in progress with colleagues, I could not be more grateful for the privilege that Megghi Pengili and I had; provided the thoughtful comments we heard during our panel presentation, great feedback on our ongoing article in a conversation with the editor, and the invaluable insights and learning coming from comments and presentations of our colleagues.
Discussing ongoing military innovation, particularly as AI could be understood as a critical juncture in defence decision-making (and the brand new ‘elephant in the room’), was a remarkable experience in our joint endeavour. Moreover, I cannot quantify how much I could learn. Attending the conference, particularly in person this time, highlighted how much it is possible to learn and improve by listening to other researchers’ experiences and all the inspiration involved. Each activity was thought-provoking and undoubtedly contributed to my next steps as an early-career researcher who aims to connect with others from our research area based on different places.
Also, meeting with my colleagues from DRN (for the first time in person) was a memorable moment.
Hannah West reflects on what she has learnt from this and previous BISA conferences...
Here I am speaking on the ‘Bodies of resistance’ panel, presenting my paper, ‘Invisible bodies of war: British servicewomen on covert operations in Northern Ireland’.
This was my third BISA and I really enjoyed it but I think I’ve learned a lot along the way about how to approach it. I think I did probably overcommit paper-wise presenting three papers (one jointly) but I tend to use conferences as a way of moving the writing forward by forcing my hand with a deadline so it wasn’t all bad as I now have three draft papers.
I think my top tip is to stay conscious of getting the balance right for you. It is tempting to look at the programme and line up something in every session drawn in by seeing the names of speakers you cite in your own work and the lure of amazing sounding roundtables and papers (my first look through this year’s programme found two and sometimes three things I wanted to go to in some sessions!). But it is worth dividing up the time in your head into different things you want to get out of it. In terms of panels and roundtables, you cant go to them all. You have to go to the ones you are speaking on but after that try and choose a few to hear from people you cite or topics you think will inform your future work as well as supporting colleagues especially those more junior (it makes such a difference to see a friendly face!).
Prioritise getting some time out from the conference itself, it can be very heady and intense to stay in that bubble constantly. I spent a lovely few hours in the Mitchell Library in Glasgow away from it all, catching up on a bit of normal work and getting some space. In the week or so before the conference, reach out to people you would like to have a chat with too, people are especially receptive to doing this on these occasions and it’s nice to make a face to face connection (remember how flattered you would be to be asked the other way round and then be bold!). It works both ways, I arranged to speak to someone and someone else arranged to speak to me which was super. I like to get some fresh air whether that is going for a run or a walk around the town, it is nice to get a sense of where you are and sometimes the conference itself arranges something along these lines that you can join in with. Something I have been bad at is connecting with the BISA Working Groups which often arrange their own meetings, social events and meals and can be a fun way to get to know people working in a similar area so that will be my aim for next year.
From all of us, thank you so much to the BISA organising committee for a brilliant conference and roll on Birmingham 2024!
Demystifying academic publishing
Edited by Hannah West
Thank you so much to Dr Natalie Jester for leading us through an amazing workshop (which I only wish I had heard early in my PhD time). It was super helpful, interactive and we all learnt lots. We are so grateful for her generosity in sharing her time and also her own personal experiences. We will be sharing some new resources on our website soon but for now we thought we'd share a couple of top tips...
News from our community
Edited by Tegan Harrison
Virginia Sherborne has been in touch to share the final publication from her PhD thesis. Congratulations, Virginia!
Our very own Veronika Poniscjakova has been speaking to TVP World about the help required in Ukraine.
And discussing encounters between Vladimir Putin and African leaders. Well done Veronika for reaching out to new audiences! Click on the images to catch up on what she had to say.
We've heard so much about the Military Human courses at York St Johns that we wanted to share it hear for anyone who has not come across it yet...
What we have been listening to
Shared by Veronika Poniscjakova
Do get in touch if you have heard a fascinating podcast or you have been involved in one, we'd love to include it in a future newsletter.
June Twitter Hour: 'Military history and museums'
Edited by Lucy Robinson
June's #TwitterHour on the theme of 'military history and museums' happened on Wednesday 28th June. Thank you very much to all who took part by sharing their experiences and top tips! Below, we share the highlights to the four questions. #DefResChat
Q1: What was your favourite military museum as a child?
- I visited many military museums as a child my favourite was the small military museum inside Carillion War Memorial Loughborough. With the memorial celebrating its centenary this July. @armymuseumsuk @ICOM_ICOMAM
- Almost certainly was Duxford.
- I didn't have a very military upbringing so we didn't visit a lot of military museums but I do have a great photo of me aboard Submarine Espadon in Nantes, France aged about 9 wearing a French Navy cap. Who knew I was going to marry a submariner many decades later!
- I visited the @I_W_M as a child and distinctly remember the immersive experience of walking through replica WW1 trenches.…
Q2: Which military museum(s) have you worked in, or collaborated with in recent years?
- Collaborated closely with @RAFMUSEUM throughout my time at Air Historical Branch. Brilliant partners.
- I had a fabulous experience with my PhD collaborative with @RAFMUSEUM. I’m delighted to be on their Research Advisory Board now. A privilege working with my viva examiner @DEHEdgerton on that Board.
- I’d also shout out to @NMMGreenwich for a lovely research facility and great volunteers who make the place super welcoming.
- I currently work at the Royal Leicestershire Regimental Museum in Newarke Houses part of my work for Leicester Museum and Galleries. @armymuseumsuk @ICOM_ICOMAM
- I am working on an @ahrcpress project with @h_k_richards in collaboration with Laura Patrick @RIrishRegiment Museum and @NiftyFoxCreativ. Work in progress but really looking forward to the next few months working towards our research showcase.
- What I would say to students in these collaborative arrangements is they have to manage relationships with their university and museum - it pays to be proactive with both from the start.
Q3: What top tips would you offer somebody who wishes to conduct research in a military museum setting?
- Be interested in the wider museum subject: you’re research is likely to be specific and something others may not understand or be interested in but there will be links.
- Talk to the staff and volunteers, they are goldmines of information and will gladly assist! Also let the museum know before you visit them, talk beforehand, ask questions and they will often dig out ‘specific’ artefacts for you. They are your Allies !
- My tips would be to attend conferences such as those hosted by the @armymuseumsuk and @NAM_London which is an excellent opportunity to network and make connections with the smaller military museums which will have those fascinating archive materials.
- I'd echo this. I presented during my PhD @NAM_London where staff were really supportive of my talks, assisting me with contributions from their archives to support areas I had less information about. Really enjoyed a fantastic 5x15 event (5 presenters speaking for 15 mins each).
- Talk with @Cobrahistorian and @germanbunkers @klaasm67
- Talk to people who work in the museum sector and ask their advice.
- Always ask about what archives they hold - it can be surprising.
- Visit temporary exhibitions/events and get chatting about their future plans, perhaps your research can contribute in some way.
- Consider public engagement or impact grants as a way of collaborating with museums, that way you are bringing some funding along that can have a big impact for a small museum.
- Appreciate staff and volunteers. Don’t be transactional. If they have lecture programmes offer to get involved. If they hold conferences do submit abstracts and if you’re not very confident about this ask.
- Definitely this! While applicable to all, this is especially true of curators and archivists. They know the collection better than you ever will! If you treat them well, you never know what they might help you find.
- I’d say in summary that military museums are staffed by great people who want to support research. Finally shout out for @AeroSociety Library at Farnborough which isn’t a military museum per se but full of archival jewels and a lovely space to work.
Q4: Which military museum is on your list to visit?
- The Fleet Air Arm Museum but not for research just because I am ex-carriers and have had it recommended by @hannah_r_west!
- Always good to visit a museum on a recommendation! We can also recommend visiting @SOFOtrust after a recent visit by @hannah_r_west & @LucyGBRobinson to see @hannah_r_west's contribution to their current exhibition 'Women & War'.
- The one I run when I’m not research fellowing for @CranfieldDefSec small and not technically a museum as you’ll see firing of the artefacts. We have the biggest online archive of small arms manuals it seems.
- For a long time I have had on my list a visit to the Violette Szabo museum after being lent a video about its opening many years ago I'm also intrigued about the US Army Women's Museum but its a bit of a trek
- The Military Museum on my list is the Army Museum Žižkov in Prague which I got a chance to see before it reopened as part of the @ICOM_ICOMAM Conference. It will be great to go back see since the reopening. @armymuseumsuk
Thank you to all who took part! #DefResChat
What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
The Terrorism Trap: How the War on Terror Escalates Violence in America's Partner States
Harrison Akins
This new book analyses the unintended consequences of the War on Terror. The US counterterrorism operations that targeted al-Qaeda in peripheral regions of US partner states often provoked a violent backlash from local terrorist groups, leading to a spike in retaliatory attacks against partner states. This fascinating book draws on extensive primary sources, including newly declassified documents and in-depth interviews with leading government officials in the US and abroad.
You can get a copy here.
Routledge Handbook of Violent Extremism and Resilience
Richard McNeil-Willson, Anna Triandafyllidou
This edited (hand)book analyses various forms of violent extremism, and considers different factors that enabled the spread of new forms of extremism. The book looks at different theories of community violence, extremism, polarisation, as well as resilience - a recent addition to counter-extremism policy and practice. The book also includes multiple country case studies, and it maps trends across Europe, North America, and Australasia, to provide regional and state-level comparative analysis.
You can get a copy here.
Edited by Andre Carvalho
Spykman Center Hybrid Summer School
The Spykman Center was born around a specific mission: to teach how to do geopolitical analysis. The Spykman Center’s first annual hybrid Summer School follows this path and aims to teach students how to build a geopolitical analysis and is divided into two sections concluding with an assessment.
Section I will consist of a series of lectures on methodological points (geopolitical analysis as research of the factors conditioning political action), on the stylistic construction of an article addressed to the general public (explained by a journalist from The Economist), and on the possible destinations of the article or essay to an increasingly saturated market but at the same time increasingly in need of serious, accurate and understandable analyses.
Section II will involve interactive workshops between students and experienced Spykman Center’s analysts who have already published their work with the Center. It will be a way to move from theory to practice, in a horizontal exchange among students.
Assessment: The participating students will be involved in writing a short geopolitical analysis on a topic of their choice.
For more information and how to apply, check this link.
Develop an Armed Forces Suicide Bereavement Pack
(Date 28th September 2023)
A study in collaboration with SSAFA, The Armed Forces Charity
Dr Sharon McDonnell is the Founder and Managing Director of Suicide Bereavement UK and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Manchester. She has specialised in suicide bereavement research and support for over 20 years and is a recognised international leader in this field. She has been commissioned to Develop an Armed Forces Suicide Bereavement Pack, funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Armed Forces Commissioning team. The study has MoD Ethical Approval which has been obtained from MoD Research Ethics Committee (MODREC).
For more information about the project, click here.
Dr McDonnell will also be talking about the study (Suicide bereavement in the UK Armed Forces Community) at the Suicide Bereavement UK’s 12th International Conference. See below for more details.
Suicide Bereavement UK’s 12th International Conference
(Date 28th September 2023)
This is a hybrid conference with over 400 people expected to attend from over 14 different countries. The conference is happening in Manchester (UK) on September 28th 2023. The conference has previously been over-subscribed so early registration is recommended.
For more information and to register, click here.
If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by Andre Carvalho
Do you have any Second World War-related stories or objects passed down to you by your family members? Would you like to preserve these stories and objects before they are lost to history?
Their Finest Hour, a University of Oxford project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, aims to digitally preserve the stories and objects of the wartime generation and make them available via a free-to-access online archive.
We are looking for all stories and objects, from the extraordinary to the seemingly 'ordinary'. We want our archive to reflect the diverse experiences of all those affected by the war - men, women and children across the British Empire and Commonwealth who worked in various roles, experienced evacuation, ran households, or served in the armed forces.
To share your stories and objects with us, you can:
- Upload stories and photos of objects directly via our website.
- Attend a Digital Collection Day, where volunteers will record the stories and digitise the objects for you (c. 100 events will take place in 2023).
- Organise a Digital Collection Day in your community (free training and support provided).
For further information, please visit or click the icons below.
Announcing the brand new MQ Post-Doctoral Scholarship
MQ Mental Health Research is very proud to be announcing a brand new funding programme that aims to support early career researchers who are transitioning from their PhD and doctoral studies to the next stage of their research career.
What are we looking for?
We will fund innovative and bold ideas and approaches that aim to improve our knowledge to better detect, treat, and prevent mental illnesses. The project could be basic, clinical, or public mental health research. It could look into biological, psychological, social, economic, cultural, or environmental factors behind mental illnesses and or could study how various factors interact with each other in mental illnesses.
What do we fund?
We welcome applications from newly qualified postdoctoral researchers who are within two years of completing their doctoral degrees in consolidating their PhD (or equivalent doctoral degree)
This pilot scheme will provide funding of up to £95,000 (GBP) for a period of 12 to 24 months to the successful applicants.
This is a global call for applications, and applicants can be from anywhere in the world except for institutions that are based in countries under UK Financial sanctions.
How do I find out more?
You can find out more in this information pack. There will be a webinar on the 29th of June at 14:30 UK time where full information will be given about the application process. You can register for the webinar here. If you are unable to attend the live webinar it will be available to watch after the event on MQ’s YouTube Chanel.
Call for Participants
Are you a military veteran who has been medically discharged from the UK Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve)? Would you be willing to participate in a research study focused on aspects of your physical activity, health and wellbeing?
LSBU is looking for military veterans who have been medically discharged from the UK Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve), to take part in small (n=4) Focus Groups centred on your participation in team sport since your medical discharge. The term “team sport” includes adapted and non adapted sport, some examples are football, rugby (league or union), volleyball, basketball etc.
Focus groups comprise four veterans and one researcher and are expected to last a maximum of 1-1 ½ hours but may be less. Since they are online they can be organised at times to suit, so weekends or evenings if needed.
The focus groups are online (via Microsoft Teams), anonymous and will centre on the meaning of team sport for you, why you chose it over other forms of physical activity and what it is about team sport that made you engage in it.
If you are a military partner/ spouse, please consider taking part in this research exploring employment experiences which is being undertaken by @UoCVeterans, funded by @CovenantTrust . You can take part by completing this short survey:
Select Committee Area of Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence in Weapon Systems
(Deadline: 31st July 2023)
UK Parliament Call for Research Evidence: An ‘Area of Research Interest’ has been launched by the House of Lords select committee on Artificial Intelligence in Weapon Systems alongside the Call for Evidence. Academics, research institutions and experts with technical and other expertise concerning AI in Weapon Systems are invited to complete a short survey about their research.
Areas of interest include definitions of autonomous weapon systems (AWS), human involvement in the use of AWS, the technical capabilities and limitations of the AI models underpinning AWS, the impact might AWS have on warfare, and the role of international humanitarian law in governing the use of AWS.
Researchers at all career stages are invited to share their research and insights, highlight any evidence gaps and how these could be addressed, and suggest scrutiny questions for the Committee. Those who respond to the ARI survey will be entered onto a database of experts who may be contacted by parliamentary staff in order to help them scrutinise this area of interest.
Click this link to access the survey.
As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!
Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
July theme: Military leadership
We hope you've enjoyed our news, tips and recommendations so far. In case you missed our previous newsletter editions, check out our archive section here!
As usual, we will be looking to showcase some early-career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation with' pieces with more established academics. And let us know about any relevant events, from book launches to webinars. We'll keep an eye on our Twitter account to keep you posted!
Keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
See you soon and many thanks for being part of our network!
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
Thank you so much for joining our network.
Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.
For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at
The DRN team