Over this time I’ve done lots of work on myself. Found out by my Red Indian Guide Red Eagle that we come from a Blue Plane, we do healings there and we came down here to heal. He told me of our life times together as Shaman and that I usually live where there is water. All my signs are water. Later on I gotten to realise that Archangel Michael and Raziel are the Archangels that work with me. They told me that my Planet of Origin is Pleiadies and later I found out that I also have origins in Orion, Lyra and Neptune. I’m connected to Merlin, St Germaine and the Wizzards in the places of my origin. I was told that I was an old soul can came to end off cycles in this planet to move onto higher levels of consciousness. So I got to understand why I was drawn to healing, alchemy, and have a deep understanding of esoteric and spiritual principles.
Now 13 years on and all I can say is that it hasn’t been the easiest of paths nor easiest of journeys, but it has most definitely been the most rewarding. We cannot take any material wealth with us one day when we leave, but what we build up on the Spiritual, we take with us. We continue from the levels and vibrations that we Spiritually reach in this lifetime. What we get to clear and master this time around we don’t necessarily have to repeat. We can clear stuff for 7 generations forward and 7 generations backward. That’s why I followed the road less travelled. To change things for myself and for my children. Wanting only the best for them and not for them to repeat old patterns of family Karma.
What does it mean to take the road less travelled? It means you follow the beat of your own drum. You do what makes your heart sing, what makes you happy, what gives you soul satisfaction, what lights your soul on fire. You do what’s on your highest value system. While I was following other peoples dreams, climbing the corporate ladder, in a ‘dog-eats-dog’ kind of world, it felt that my soul was dying, due to the work that I did, going against my own personal levels of integrity and how I think people should be treated. It felt like I was selling my soul and what I received in return it wasn’t worth it, was never enough. Left me dissatisfied. Wasn’t what was important for me. Wasn’t what I wanted to be know for. Lacked compassion.
So many times when clients come to see me, I hear how their parents have brought them up to believe that they should to become a Doctors, or a Lawyers, or CA’s because their parents think that would be a good job/career for them, ‘to tell their friends their child is a ___ or a ___ that’ and feel elevated in the experience. Not taking into consideration what the child’s interests are, their personal God given gifts and abilities and passions they come with and to build on that. People get trained to follow the money, doesn’t matter how unhappy, stressed or lifeless it makes them feel.
Most people just end up existing, not necessarily living at all. That was one of the reasons I resigned. I got a degree my father thought was best for me. I followed in my mom’s footsteps into the business world. Although I’ve learned a lot from these experiences, the biggest thing I learned is that it’s not for me, it didn’t make me happy, I felt no level of personal satisfaction and I just knew deep down inside that there must be more to life than this. My parents discouraged the road less travelled. My dad said he knows no light worker that earns a decent living. My mom said not to follow my passions, I need to get and keep a real job and earn a salary to take care of my kids.
My response in my mind. ‘’Well, I don’t need an example, I’ll be the example. I’ll show you that it can be done. I’ll do it so others can be inspired and do the same’’. What I mean by that is, people think that something is impossible, a record is set, and for a time no one can come close to it and then someone else tries to break it. They endeavour to break the record and one day someone does. That which was once seen as impossible in a person’s mind becomes possible then. Sometimes people just needs to see that it can be done. And then many people reaches it.
My mother had a belief system that we cannot follow our passions and dreams. We need to make grave personal sacrifices for our children. Do as everyone else does. It’s the safer option. I couldn’t just exist anymore, I had this deep yearning inside to do something with meaning. Something that would make me come live, where I knew I made a difference. And life has taught me what was important for me and what not.
We are to find out how we can make this world a better place for ourselves and others. But what is it, that holds us back from experiencing it? The limitations we place upon ourselves. Not taking personal responsibility for our own lives, our own happiness, and dreams. We get taught at school that we don’t know. Others know and others have the answers and we need to find it from them or in books or google, or a qualification, or what. Yet that’s the furthest from the truth. It lies within us and we do know. Help people to know what they know, is what I would like to get more involved with, I love empowering people.
I find that people don’t listen to themselves, they don’t realised what they tell themselves, what they believe about themselves and what they believe about their lives. In my consultations I first listen to people, they reveal everything about their personal beliefs and feelings to me and I help them with it. I listen, and sometimes think, wow… listen to yourself… all your answers are there…
What had led me to my true life path was deep soul searching,
My Light Work has been built as a consequence of my life experiences. I had to learn how to work with Spirit. How to drop the self-doubt and how to fully and completely trust in the unknown, the unseen, that each step gets ‘Divinely guided’ and what ‘Divine Timing’ means. Experiencing life for myself gave me the tools to help others. So in these writings I share some of my personal experiences and lessons learned along the way.
When we judge another it is a set-up of duality we get to experience by being here on Earth. A lesson I learned when I attended Dr Demartini's Breakthrough Experience was that all humans are alike. We each have a light and dark side. We all are good and bad, right and wrong, sinners and saints. We have duality within us. Have you ever said 'I'm in two minds about....' By holding a judgement against a person or situation is by not acknowledging that aspect within yourself. He who has no sin, let him cast the first stone.
I learnt, in life there is no right or wrong and we cannot judge one another for there is appropriateness in everything we come here to experience and learn. We each have varying characteristics of strengths and weaknesses. How boring would it have been if we all were the same. Just by that we give one another purpose. We learn from one another. We were never meant to be copies of one another. Just our true authentic selves.