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Is Your Size Right?

Dear Reader
I was recently working with one of my clients, and we worked through one of their quarterly meetings. Before the meeting there was a little bit of trepidation; on their leadership team of only four members, one of the members had moved on and is not with the company anymore. So there was a little bit of a concern. What is this going to look like now, three people instead of four? How is this going to affect the leadership team and its effectiveness?

We went into the quarterly planning, looking at the future and we unpacked the accountability chart. We unpacked the roles and you know what happened? The understanding dawned on us that the team had actually gone through a process of 'rightsizing'. It wasn't downsizing, it was rightsizing.

There was actually more energy and enthusiasm around the table when we had the new structure in place. We could see that the leader was more motivated, more on purpose, and that everything fell into place a little bit better.

So, this is something really important to learn: sometimes we feel like we have to grow, we have to add, we have to add bodies, we have to add complexity maybe, but sometimes, it is really important to rightsize, and think of what we really need to be successful.

This team has now reported that their meetings are working faster, they're getting results quicker, and they're just more effective as a leadership team and as a company altogether.

So think about this. What in your company can you rightsize? Is there anything that needs to be simplified, brought to a different level that will make you more effective? Because if you can do this, you will have higher productivity, you will be more profitable and in the end, you'll have more fun.

If you like this, like what you've heard and want to know more about EOS, let me know. I'll do a complimentary 90 minute meeting with you and your leadership team to tell you more. The magic of EOS can be part of your life too.

Have a great week.

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Best wishes,
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