May 2023
May marks Indian Arrival/Survival Day in Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, Martinique, Jamaica, Fiji and Trinidad and Tobago when our Indian Indentured ancestors arrived on far away lands to work on plantations for the british. May also marks a Happy Birthday for Hanecdote, Adem and my Nan, as well as reaching my 100 day streak learning Hindi on duolingo.
As if being too tired/in pain to make art isnt terrible enough, being too tired/in pain to go see art is also fucking awful and depressing. I hate saying it but i hate this body which causes me pain on a daily basis. I hate that I constantly have to weigh up the options of doing some chore, how much pain/fatigue its gonna cause me for days, then having to cancel plans to see or make art, which then makes me spiral with regret and gomo (grief of missing out). After last week where I tidied my room (really well, much needed and im so glad I did) but i caused myself so much pain and fatigue that I had to cancel the art day I had planned. The next day I went to see Kate regardless (before she moved out of the city), then on thursday I helped mum make cushion covers (which Im happy to do to cut her job in half and share my extra pair of hands) but again I caused myself so much pain and fatigue. So when I woke up on friday, the day I had planned to raincheck the art day, I saw it was literally raining and I was so tired and in too much pain so I cancelled it completely. It was a week of bullshit having to change my plans and all of that knock to my confidence was hanging over me. Its such a full time job to manage let alone cope with the emotions which come with it.
It was also my 2 year anniversary of quitting tobacco, which I mainly used in my spliffs in the end but I could feel my lungs getting bad. It was soon after I was diagnosed that I decided to quite (which coincided with having a tooth removed and having to stop smoking for a week or two). Ankylosing Spondylitis has an increased risk of lung problems, especially ribs causing pain and eventually making breathing harder. I never thought Id be able to quit (purely just from the habit of smoking spliffs) but 2 years later Im so proud and grateful.
I went to my first gig since 2019, as one of my favs was performing at Jazz Cafe, an iconic London venue. I was in a world of my own bouncing and skanking and feeling the bass in my body. I felt tired and in pain but the lights and smoke and beats and bars made me feel alive. Mangs even looked so happy when he clocked i was there 😭😭😭 D Double E came out at the end too. It was kind of bittersweet but it felt like old times, wearing my northface and side bag, going out with Viss and Antonia again, yet so much has changed especially me. I’ll be 60 years old looking back on the time Manga and P Money, who are amazingly talented lyricists and creatives, came to my degree show. My art career (and health) has lowkey gone downhill since then but nothing can take that away from me 🥹❤️ Having artists that I respect take the time out to come see my art and support me, is something that Im truly grateful for.
Carry on reading to hear my thoughts on the coronation, a sound immersion amongst cacti, my first time watching Eurovision and visiting Ham House (national trust property).
Manga Saint Hilare at Jazz Cafe
I started the day feeling shit and tired and depressed. We had planned to hang out us girls and potentially do a nice mushie trip in the garden in the sun. I went to Mols regardless as everyone was gonna be there and I didnt wanna let them down. We did end up doing some mushrooms, I literally did less than half a gram and brewed it in my tea as normal and it actually didnt taste of anything. The floor was swirling, people were all glitchy and moving as well as the shadows, it just wasnt the ideal vibe as it was so grey and miserable outside. The light at the end of the tunnel was that just as the mushies were wearing off, Eurovision was starting. Me, Mol and Zars had never seen it before and it started with a song by Austria about the ghost of Edgar Alan Poe in their bodies. It was so epic! The whole thing was so fun and exciting and camp and we’re gonna keep it up as a tradition. I really loved Finland with Cha Cha Cha and Germany with Blood and Glitter.
Even though the show debuted in 2014 I recently binge watched this great series called Detectorists. There is three seasons, one christmas special and a movie length special too I wish the show went on forever but that just shows how much I loved it! Its set in Essex, about two friends Lance and Andy who are part of the DMDC (Danebury Metal Detecting Club) and its simply about their adventures being hobbyists. I feel like it perfectly encapsulates the dry, british humour found in sitcoms where jokes are created out of the mundane, tedious, everyday minutia. This show has rival rogue metal detectorists, it has archeology and boring red tape relating to museums yet its funny and wholesome. If you love history i think you’ll appreciate this tv show. It was written and directed by Mackenzie Crook who also stars as Andy, he really captures the ups and downs, excitements and deep disappointments involved. I also really love the calming catchy theme tune which really sets the mood for the wonder and adventure that can be found when following these passionate hobbyists. Lance mentioned someone who was a collector of collections, and wrote a memoir called Recollections of a Collections Collector, I feel like they are my kind of people. For me, the natural progression of watching this show was finding youtube videos of peoples finds (so far) on the beach in Florida and in the rural hills of Vermont!
In February's newsletter I mentioned The Cactus Man of London who showed us around Wolves Lane Community Centre and told us about these performances he has where people make music amongst the cacti and basically sing to them. Well one of these events came by, Sound Immersion with Api Ascaso by candlelight. It was a beautiful, spiritual and natural night where music and chanting was performed with an array of drums, guitar, loop machines and other Mexican percussion instruments I dont know the names of. Its a wonderful space which feeds the community and also teaches them skills about nature and fresh produce grown on site. A place which nourishes peoples bodies and spirits at the same time is a very important one. I really enjoyed being in the moment with my friends and strangers, feeling the music and sounds through our bodies and being around nature felt like such a special opportunity, especially surrounded by Cacti while remaining in North London. You can see more on their instagram here
Sound Immersion amongst Cacti at Wolves Lane Community Centre
Ive been checking my facebook memories to see what I was up to and its been really nice to be reminded of some of my achievements and projects. Due to my pain and fatigue I just dont spend much time making art, it really gets me down as it also means I cant distract myself and keep my mind busy. I am so solitary and dont move, I dont do much except the odd exhibition (this year Im trying for at least once a month, but the past few years Id spend months without doing any kind of fun activity outside my house). It feels so much like Im at a stand still, but I try to create joy and comfort despite that. Its fun to be reminded of one of the first embroideries I made my Mum, maybe for a birthday or Mothers Day, where I used a mixture of paint and thread. Looking back theres loads I would improve on, but this was made in 2012, the year I learnt to sew, and started Hanecdote, so Im really proud of my natural talent (and lots of practice). In turn that makes me sad and makes me miss embroidery so much and the days where I could spend hours getting lost in the process. The next image is of something I made in 2013 while studying my second year of an Art and Design BTEC, where I was experimenting with materials as you can see from the metal sheet Ive sewn an anatomical heart into. This was the time in my life where I learn that thread is a way of mark making just like paint, pencils, pens, crayons etc. If you puncture or drill holes into any material, soft or hard, you can use thread to sew into it. That was transformative to me as a 17-19 year old finding my identity and space in the world after three years of mental health struggles and not wanting to live. No matter how old I get I will look back on those years so fondly because it deepened my natural love for art, taught me about all different kinds of mediums and art movements, and was where I found my love for textiles/embroidery.
To me it makes no sense to still have the monarchy as they really dont bring in that much money via tourism (you cant even enter Buckingham Palace even though no royals live there), open it up as a museum! The royals are massive wealth hoarders, i dont believe Charles paid any inheritance tax when his mum died, the man is worth £2 billion and owns over 6.6 million acres of land worldwide!!!! Not only that, he couldnt even spare £100 million of his own vast wealth to pay for his own parades and parties! In less than a year taxpayers have paid for the queens jubilee, her funeral and this coronation. Meanwhile theres thousands of food banks and new warm banks so people dont freeze to death. No money for nurses or teachers, yet endless for this disgusting pomp and pageantry 🤮🤮 My local borough Enfield, which has some of the highest poverty in London spent £50,000 on coronation celebrations while services have been cut to social care and across the board. Other boroughs spent over £150,000 putting up screens and decorations. The police powers were ramped up as this government continues to violently squash our right to protest. A royalist who attends many different royal events was even arrested and detained all day because she was standing next to Republicans protesting against this extreme show of wealth and against the family and system which represents such inequalities in society. They also arrested community volunteers (who often work alongside the police with homeless people and crises) but because they had rape alarms (in the early hours of the morning way before the coronation had even started) they were arrested for intent to cause a nuisance or some bullshit like that! Its archaic, and I fully believe people are brainwashed into believing these people are by birth better than the rest of us. Ordained by God, Charles is now the head of the Church of England, all because Henry VIII wanted a divorced all those hundreds of years ago. As if one crown isnt enough, Charles wore three different ones throughout the affair, along with travel via a golden horse drawn carriage, its hard to believe this is real life and not some fairytale. There was massive attempts to diversify this coronation, with the flags of Commonwealth countries lining the streets outside Buckingham Palace, people from multiple religions partaking in the ceremony and a Black gospel choir. It was supposedly a coronation for the people, but that feels patronising and condescending! The cheek of these wealth hoarders to clutch at straws to remain relevant in a modern society, I truly in my lifetime hope I see the end of the monarchy. Many people loved queen elizabeth and turned out to her funeral happily, but many dislike charles due to his adultery amongst other things. I fear the british public is too brainwashed and committed to suffering and bootlicking to ever see them as a stain on democracy and equality. Royal history is fascinating to me, for much of history the royal was was the only way and thus art, architecture etc is deeply connected to royals, but they should be a relic of the past, not something the public continue to pay for despite their endless riches.
I actually cannot believe that this is the first National Trust property we have visited since my birthday in September last year when we went to Red House! I guess life just happens and we just didnt have a chance sooner. As you can imagine I was extremely excited. On the way we stopped off at Wing Yip to get some Asian treats for a picnic including pork buns, seaweed rice crisps, mango drink and mango gummies. Then we went to Ham House and listened to the architectural tour of the outside of the building. There wasnt really that much that stood out to me about the architecture or the interior, but it was just nice to be in a new place seeing new things. There was actually one room inside which was amazing, it was a small room but the ceiling was painted with cherubs, and the walls were a green fabric and there were loads of miniature portraits, smaller paintings and trinkets all over the walls and on tables and shelves. There was a massive art collection in this house, and because they were preparing for some TV show to be filmed there they even had to remove the most expensive paintings from the walls. There was a room attached to the outside of the house where one lady of the house would make different herbal medicines and ointments which was filled with lavender and different dried plants. The tour guide said that when the house was built (sometime in the 1600s) the main road was basically the river thames, which the house is directly next to, the quickest was to travel was by boat. I just like exploring and seeing all the different architectural features, design choices for the interior as well as the gardens and stables.
National Trust: Ham House in Richmond