
                                   Chansley in his shaman dress on a sidewalk, holding a "Q sent me" sign
                January 6 Shaman in 2020
Jan 6 Shaman Released From Prison

Federal authorities have given Jacob Angeli Chansley, the "QAnon Shaman," an early release from prison. He was sentenced to 41 months, but received time off for good behavior. In some quarters, he's being received as a hero.

Chansley's reception is worrisome.  It shows our fellow citizens either do not understand the threat to our democracy posed by the events of January 6, or worse, they understand that it was an attempt to overthrow the election and nevertheless approve it. 

Upon his release, Chansley spoke at the Reformed Living Bible Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. The congregation welcomed him like a patriot although he made no apology for his role in January 6. His praise by a church congregation also shows the dangerous mix of religion with politics. He claimed a religious mission, talked about the lies of the federal government about him, and stated God had planted him to grow.  

A fascism marker is mixing nationalism and religion. The Greatest Generation smashed fascism with a devastating blow. Nevertheless, it is reconstituting itself in America. We must keep it from metastasizing. If we don't protect our democracy, fascism will swamp us.

We have to keep religion out of politics. If not, we'll end up destroying ourselves as the Germans did.  In WWII Germany, religion was so mixed with politics that the slogan on the German soldier's belt buckles read, "Gott Mit Uns." (God's with Us). We can't let that happen in America.

"Wear Orange" Ban Assault Weapons Rally 

Rally:  Wear Orange to raise awareness about gun violence.

When: This Sunday, June 4, at 11:30 AM

Where:  Intersection of Pinebrook Road and Edmondson Rd., Venice 

What: Please wear orange to recognize Gun Violence Awareness. The color orange represents the color hunters wear to protect themselves. You can find out more on the wear orange website. 

Note: FLVCS has long taken the position that military style assault weapons should be banned for civilian use. They are weapons of war for the sole purpose of killing people and should be banned for civilian use as are grenades and machine guns. 

If you attend the rally, organizers ask that you bring a sign, but limit the message to ending gun violence or banning assault weapons.  
 Why should this weapon be in civilian hands without permitting?
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