

Hello <<First Name>>,

Welcome to the month of June. Here are some updates for you.


PSHAN Annual Conference

We are excited to announce the upcoming 2023 PSHAN Annual Conference, centered around the theme "Building Sustainable Health Systems in Nigeria." This conference aims to address the challenges faced by Nigeria's health system, identify opportunities for innovation and collaboration, and develop strategies for building resilient and sustainable health systems that can cater to the needs of all Nigerians.

Date: 22nd June 2023

Time: 9am (WAT)

Venue: Zoom

The conference will unite stakeholders from healthcare, policy, research, development, and private sectors, aiming to strengthen Nigeria's health system and ensure quality healthcare for all. It encourages collaboration, innovation, and also offers a platform for participants to discuss, share experiences, and explore collaborative opportunities.

By attending this conference, you will gain valuable insights, contribute to the discourse surrounding Nigeria's health system, and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share the common vision of transforming healthcare in our country

Click the link, register, and save the date to join us for this exceptional virtual event. Together, let's work towards building sustainable health systems that will benefit all Nigerians.

Register Here

We look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 PSHAN Annual Conference.


MTN Foundation’s WCWDT Initiative

MTN, the largest telecom operator in the country, has decided to let the people lead the way when it comes to spotlighting what they need done in their primary healthcare centers and communities. The MTN foundation, through the ‘What Can We Do Together’ Initiative, is cutting down on the number of abandoned or run down PHCs by giving the people exactly what they want.

“We are looking at remodeling 40 primary healthcare centres,” Odunayo Sanya, Executive Secretary of MTN Foundation said at the unveiling of the initiative recently in Lagos.

PSHAN has taken the opportunity to collaborate with the 'What Can We Do Together’ Initiative' by raising a call for private sector players to follow this bold move and ensure the provision of better health facilities for improved healthcare services.

We thank the MTN foundation for their immense contributions to community development and look forward to future collaborations for   Bringing quality healthcare to all Nigerians.


Addressing Tuberculosis in Pediatrics: Taking Steps Towards a Healthier Future

Despite the progress made in combating Tuberculosis (TB) globally, the burden of this infectious disease remains significant, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria ranks among the top six countries with the highest TB burden worldwide.

TB is primarily transmitted when a person with TB of the lungs coughs or sneezes, releasing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) into the air. Healthy individuals can become infected by inhaling these TB germs. The risk of developing TB disease is increased in individuals with conditions such as HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, and extremes of age.

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The Need For Regular Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is necessary for preventing chronic diseases, increasing energy levels, lowering stress, and keeping a healthy weight, among other important benefits. The following are some of the ways to improve physical activity

Find an activity you enjoy: It shouldn't be discomforting to exercise. Find physical activities that you enjoy doing, whether they be dancing, hiking, swimming, cycling, or participating in sports. You're more likely to be consistent over time if you enjoy what you're doing.

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Private Sector Investment in Primary Healthcare

As the first point of interaction between the grassroot and the healthcare system, primary healthcare is the foundation of a strong healthcare system. It is imperative to underline the need for increasing investment in Primary healthcare in Nigeria, a nation with a fast expanding population and a variety of healthcare concerns.

Nigeria can improve access to vital health services, improve health outcomes, and establish the groundwork for a healthier and more successful country by committing greater resources to Primary Health centres.

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As we embrace the month of June, it's essential to prioritize our health and well-being. With the change in seasons and various activities taking place, it's crucial to stay proactive about our physical and mental well-being.

1. Embrace Outdoor Activities:

Outdoor activities not only promote physical fitness but also contribute to mental well-being and stress reduction. Whether it's going for a brisk walk, jogging, cycling, or participating in outdoor sports, spend time in nature and soak up the benefits of fresh air and sunlight.

2. Stay Hydrated:

Proper hydration supports various bodily functions, helps regulate body temperature, and enhances overall well-being. Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day, even if you don't feel excessively thirsty.

3. Focus on Seasonal Produce:

Embrace the season's bounty by incorporating locally available produce into your meals. Opt for a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure you receive essential nutrients.

4. Protect Yourself from the Sun:

Avoid prolonged sun exposure, especially during peak hours when the sun is strongest. As you spend more time outdoors, protect your skin from harmful UV radiation. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher before heading outside, even on cloudy days.

6. Maintain a Balanced Routine:

Establishing and maintaining a balanced routine is essential for overall health and well-being. Prioritize getting enough sleep each night to allow your body to rest and rejuvenate. Aim for regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management techniques. By maintaining a balanced routine, you support your body's natural rhythms and promote optimal health.  

In Conclusion, let's prioritize our health and well-being by incorporating these health tips into our daily lives, we can thrive and make the most of this vibrant month. Remember, your health is your greatest asset, and small, mindful choices can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.