The Vestry and I have set the date for an All Parish meeting on Sunday, July 9th after the 10 a.m. Worship. This meeting will be a presentation about St. Patrick's' status in this transition time. It will explore some past and some hoped-for future and particularly where we are now. The objective is to inform the parish how the church in particular St. Patrick's, carries out its mission of sharing The Good News.
Headings will include the following issues that have formed and continue to form our congregation.
- Timeline history
- Church and cultural dynamics
- Church administration and finance (some details)
- Future challenges, Leadership & Finance
- Out Baptismal promises and ministries
This is not a town hall type meeting, but purely informational so that all St. Patrick's members can know where and how and what we are doing. It will not presume to answer all questions, but it will put us all on the same footing as we go ahead together. God is our guide!
For now on, the Sunday bulletin will be available on the website under the worship page.
Father Ed
St Patrick's
Upcoming Worship Service
In Person & Zoom
Contact Information:
The Very Rev. Ed, Priest-In-Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033

Our Happenings at St Patrick's Church!
June 23 & 30- Centering Prayer Group 10:30AM
June 24- Don Millikan- Memorial Service 10:30AM
June 25 & July 2- Holy Eucharist 10AM
June 26 & July 3- Art & Exploring Class 11AM
June 26 & July 10- Food Bank
Distribution 5PM
June 28 & July 5- Midweek Worship followed by Bible Study 10AM
June 28 & July 5- *Al Anon- 6PM
*AA - 7:30PM
July 6- P.E.O. Meeting 10:30AM
Please click on the link below for upcoming calendar events!
On Tuesday July Fourth St. Patrick's will march the parade!
Ministries of the parish that we cannot directly accomplish, except by our hospitable welcome to these fellowships and healing work include the following:
* AA Group, weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30PM, meets in the Parish Hall.
* Al Anon Group weekly on Wednesdays at 6PM, meets in the Common Room.
* PEO, once a month on the first Thursday at 10AM and sometimes on the first Saturday at 8:45AM, meets in the Parish Hall.
St Patrick's Weekly Calendar
Sundays: Holy Eucharist
Join us in person for Sunday Eucharist! 10 a.m.
Also available online by Zoom. Click here for the invite.
Tuesdays: Morning Coffee Hour
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Contact Rich Randolph for your Zoom Invitation.
Rich Randolph:
Thursdays: Compline
Compline on ZOOM! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Minerva Haddad. Contact Minerva for your Zoom invite.
Minerva Haddad:
Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Rich Randolph and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation.
Rich Randolph:
Blessing Bag News
June 2023
There were 40 Blessing Bags delivered to the Redwood Gospel Mission for June, another demonstration of the compassion we share at St. Patrick’s for our less fortunate neighbors. 40 Blessing Bags! That’s really great! Thanks to all the participants.
The next deadline is July 9. You may drop them off at our house at 8399 Oakmont Dr., Santa Rosa 95409 or bring them to the basket in the narthex. If you have any questions about the Blessing Bags, please call me at (408)981-2024.
~Betsy Randolph
Greetings Friends! Check out Eleanor's thankful note to her volunteers from Monday, June 12!
Thank you to Pam/Larry, Carolyn, Ned, Ron, driver Tomie, rep Arturo. 40 households/138 individuals received food. Special thanks to Ron for subbing for me while I visited family and friends in Texas!
For June 26: Gordon/Karen, Beth, Polly Stanley, Mary L. will volunteer. (Thank You!)
We'll resume the St Pat give-away June 26. LOTS of stuff being "relocated" to people that can use the many items St Pat no longer needs!
~Eleanor A.
March With St. Patrick's on
Fourth of July!
Film Showing at
St. Patrick's Church
Art & Exploring Our Own Creative Expression with
Kate Rogers
Class meets weekly on Mondays at 11AM.
To sign up, please contact Bobbiejo at or call 707-833-4228. For questions, contact Laurie Boone Hogen at
St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church is located at 9000 Sonoma Highway in Kenwood.
New Address for The Fonseca's in Florida!
Betsy Randolph recently sent in a news update on the Fonseca's. As of this week, we have a new update!
The Fonseca's ate in their new apartment in Davie which is a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale AND the really big news is they got letters telling them they are approved for permanent residency!! Green cards will be in the mail in a few weeks.
Their new address is 2721 SW 72st. Terrace # 704, Davie, FL 33314.
Praise God! God is good!
~Betsy Randolph
On June 3, members of Churches of the Russian River Deanery marched in the Pride Parade in Santa Rosa. Their sign and banners proclaimed in many colors the welcome The Episcopal Church extends to all members of the LGBTQ+ communities in California and Beyond!
Father Ed helped carry one banner which said "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You" from "The twelve churches of the Russian River Deanery." They were applauded all along the parade route. The photos tell the story!

Fall 2023 Holy Land Pilgrimage
Dear Diocesan Family:
Trinity Cathedral and Faith Cameron Park are leading a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from NOVEMBER 26 – DECEMBER 6, 2023. We are delighted to be able to open an invitation to members of the diocese on a first come first serve basis.
Please read the online brochure linked below, and follow the link included on the website to make your booking directly with Lightline. We have seven more places available and would love for you to join us. The deadline for booking at this price is July 12th 2023.
Please also let us know at the Cathedral if you are booking to go, by emailing so that we know to include you in our advance planning emails.
This tour will be led by The Rev Tom Gartin, The Very Rev Matthew Woodward and the Rt Rev Barry Beisner.
Dean Matthew+, Rev Tom+ and +Bishop Barry
Tutors and tutorees at their tutor graduation at Dunbar!! Pictured are St. Patrick’s volunteers Laurie Boone Hogen, Anne Phillips, Elizabeth Romako, Betsy Randolph with Tracy Salcedo librarian and Karen Adelson tutor chair.
Robin Williams in License to Wed (2007)
The following is an insight on why so many adults have chosen the Episcopal Church. You might like to share it with one who is a searcher and could find a home in the Episcopal Church.
- Worship that brings you in, instead of putting you on the sidelines.
- A theology that demands our intelligence rather than ignoring it.
- A willingness not only to tolerate, but also to celebrate differences.
- A heritage that takes the Bible very seriously but is not bound by literalism.
- A strong sense of community in which our consensus is in Christ, not a conformity of opinion.
- A devotion to the Biblical Sacraments instituted by Jesus, which evoke awe and mystery instead of factual explanation.
- A sense of ministry that is rightfully the obligation of every baptized person.
- An insistence upon morality (what is good and loving) and an avoidance of moralism (salvation by code and not by Christ).
- The heritage of Apostolic faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in the Apostolic order given to the church by Him.
The Rev. Canon James MacLean, Diocese of Arkansas
Food Donations Needed
F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa
Spread the LOVE!

Our friends at F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa would like our help with peanut butter donations! If you would like to bring in jars of peanut butter to help fulfill their needs to keep serving those in need. You can also bring canned soup and other food non-perishable items. Peanut butter is their greatest need at the moment.
Drop off your donations in the basket located in the Narthex.
We thank you for all your help!
Donation basket, located in the Narthex
Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry
Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.
Thank you!!!

If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.
Contact Information:
The Very Rev. Ed Howell, Priest-In-Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452