LD2003 Updates and MAHC's Bill - LD1706 An Act to Clarify Statewide Laws Regarding Affordable Housing and Accessory Dwelling Units.
LD 1706 has passed both Chambers with a 2/3 majority and is expected to be signed and go into effect upon the Governor's likely signature next week. It updates LD 2003 by:
- Changing the definition of “affordable housing development” to provide that an affordable housing development is a development in which a household whose income does not exceed certain level can afford 51% or more of the units in the development without spending more than 30% of the household’s monthly income on housing costs; and
- Clarifying that an accessory dwelling unit must comply with shoreland zoning requirements established by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and municipal shoreland zoning ordinances, except that a municipality may not categorically prohibit accessory dwelling units in the shoreland zone that would otherwise meet shoreland zoning requirements established by DEP and municipal shoreland zoning ordinances.
- Extends the implementation date to January 1, 2024, for municipalities that enact ordinances by municipal officer without approval of voters during town meeting. For all other municipalities, the implementation date is July 1, 2024.
Funding Update: The Housing Opportunity Program within the Department of Economic and Community Development has multiple funding opportunities to support municipalities with LD 2003 compliance.
- Service Provider Grants: These grants will provide service providers with funding to support municipalities with technical assistance, ordinance development, and community housing planning services. The Housing Opportunity Program anticipates that these grants will be open for application submission in late June.
- Funding to Municipalities: The Housing Opportunity Program has funding to reimburse municipalities for the mandated costs of complying with LD 2003. The Housing Opportunity Program anticipates more information will be available in late June about the process, timing, and amount of funds available to communities.
- Municipal Grants: These grants will provide municipalities with funding to support with technical assistance, ordinance development, and community housing planning services. More information will be available about these grants in the fall.
Questions? Please contact us at housing.decd@maine.gov.