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Deep and Restful Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Gazing Point
On Their Way
Deep and Restful Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Many people struggle with getting to sleep—and experiencing deep and restful sleep through the whole night. There are multiple causes for this epidemic, many of which are stress-related. Concerns about work, health, finances and family are common challenges that can disrupt restful sleep. Life changes or traumas can also contribute to habitual sleeplessness known as insomnia.
It is important to understand how the long-term loss of sleep can have a very detrimental effect on vital health. Reports indicate that obesity and depression, along with decreased brain function and weakened immune systems are just a few of the health risks.
There are some known helpful hints that everyone can do to improve sleep patterns:
  • Stick to a sleep schedule. Keep your bedtime and wake time consistent—even on the weekends.
  • Stay active.
  • Avoid taking naps later in the day.
  • Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Address any long-term pain issues.
  • Don’t eat your last or largest meal close to bedtime.
A great tool to change negative behavior patterns into natural sleep patterns, is the AMI 850™. If you hope to make changes in your behaviors, it is important to look at all the aspects of your being. All of the AMI 850channels contain frequencies which bring the “five bodies” back into harmony. The physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are all an integral part of us. When we look at restoring natural sleep, we must address how each of these aspects play a part.
In the AMI 850, there are three channels which can be highly beneficial when improving your sleep and overall health:
Channel OneStress has frequencies that address physical stress which often results in pain—as well as codes that clear the mental body of repetitive thoughts, and help to balance the emotions. This same channel also has codes to fortify the etheric body and clear energetic disturbances found in the spiritual body.
In the Keys To Health, (the second set of ten channels on the AMI 850,} we provide Channel Fifteen—Emotional Harmony. Mental and emotional health go hand-in-hand. When the mental body is clear of repetitive thoughts and the emotions are soothed, a healthier existence, to include the deep sleep required for the healing process, can be achieved.
Also available is Channel Seventeen—Sound Sleep, which was created to relax the body and balance the brainwaves, so that natural sleep patterns can be established. It is the perfect channel to utilize, right before bedtime.
There are many “sound solutions” in the AMI 850device! For advice on sound sleep and other important aspects of health, contact us at
Gazing Point

with Mandara

“Many people have asked how I first became interested in seeing sound. One of my most profound experiences happened when I first visited John Stuart Reid’s laboratory in the UK, in 2005. I was exploring the multiple uses of therapeutic sound and searching for other researchers and scientists to help me learn more about the frequencies I was working with.
After learning about John’s breakthroughs with
cymatics—the science of making sound made visible-- and his device, the Cymascope, I was thrilled to think that I might be able to actually see the sound of the healing frequencies found in my device.
In his laboratory, in a highly controlled setting, John was able to "feed these sounds" through his Cymascope instrument. I will never forget the feeling I had when we watched these amazing patterns unfolding. I was mesmerized by the dancing geometries, and in awe of how the sound vibrations were able to create such beautiful visuals.
I sensed the healing power in each one. 
Later, with John’s innovations and a high-powered camera, we were able to see the images in water. When the cymatic glyphs first appeared, they were
floweringon the surface of the water, while many other sound geometries were developing underneath. It was the memory of this that inspired me to name my sound/visual meditations the “Soundflower Experience.”
The resonances that have created all the images you see on the Cyma Technologies website and in my book are actual “biosignatures” of the body--researched by Dr. Peter Guy Manners and other scientists, over a period of forty years. I believe that when you see a sound-made-visible image created by a healing frequency, it brings a state of Divine awareness. Modern science has already concluded that engaging all the senses is necessary for a complete healing and transformation. I know that you will benefit greatly by taking time to gaze at these “real sound” images.”
"I plan to continue creating healing experiences that you can hear, feel, see and be touched by."
Dr. Mandara Cromwell 2023


To learn more about cymatics and Mandara’s innovations with the healing frequencies, you can enroll in her course found in the website store at
The course will introduce you to the powerful healing of the visual and auditory aspects of sound, and how it can be accessed with the Soundflower Experience videos. Join her, as the beauty of the images guide you into a state of deep relaxation and bliss! The course includes an instructional manual, video and bundle of three Soundflower Experiences for just $50.
On Their Way
Cyma Technologies is excited to announce that our very first fifty students to study the AMI 850™ Basics Training are now on their way to becoming excellent Cymatherapy Practitioners!

The application process is now completed for the course that begins in June 2023.
The training was designed so that students, many of whom have very active lifestyles, could study at their own pace. It offers a special opportunity to take the time to learn about the miracle of the human body, and how sound offers great healing potential for it.
AMI 850™ Basics Training also offers the option for people to audit the course, without the mentorship of the Cyma Technologies advanced therapists and staff. It is perfect for those who want a better understanding of the therapy and device, but are not seeking an AMI 850™ Certification to work in the community.
Those who do plan to offer sessions in their communities are
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to participate in the full certification program for further education on how to utilize all twenty channels on the AMI 850 device with knowledge and technical skill.

Cyma Technologies has also recently released Four Official Zoom Recordings that are free trainings for owners of the AMI devices. If you  are interested in them, please request these, please click the links below! 
AMI 850™ Certification program application process will reopen in December 2023 for the course that begins in January 2024.
Introductory Tutorial 1
Introductory Tutorial 2 Cyma 10
Introductory Tutorial 3 Keys to Health
Introductory Tutorial 4 AMI 500
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Disclaimer:All content in this newsletter is the freely-expressed, individual opinions of all those involved. Cyma Technologies does not recommend any particular supplement or treatment option for any medical health condition.  We do not intend to replace the need for professional advice in any way.  Ultimately, it is up to you to work with a qualified, medical professional and make an informed decision.  The information here within is for educational purposes only.   
Copyright © 2023 Cyma Technologies, All rights reserved.

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