
Greetings friends
I hope you all have or had a great Father’s Day and celebrated the pater familias. Of course, it’s followed instantly by Juneteenth - the modern-day 15th of nisan.  It is a day celebrated as one that marked the end of slavery in the United States, although, as we all know, it has not really ended anywhere.
Freedom from slavery should always be celebrated, and whatever day you finally become free from the self-imposed fear and slavery that limits you – you should celebrate that too.  That is the personal pharaoh we each need to overcome.
Many still live in fear, and these days fear from so many things beyond our control can affect us – like the state of the economy, inflation, and the deadly effects we are having on the earth and its climate, which can be generational.  We are to help heal the world, not destroy it.
And part of that healing was in celebrating the summer solstice and change of season – and for many, they are becoming important spiritual events again.
At one time, the calendar was depicted as a circle - representing the sun - with four dates represented by a cross - those four dates were the solstices and equinoxes - holidays and spiritual events centered around them in all cultures and many still do – and each represented something - from spring representing the beginning of the year to fall being the time we examine ourselves to winter when we begin the search for light during the darkest time of the year to the summer when light is at its most abundant - and so each of these dates stood for something and the summer solstice - when light is at its greatest was the time of loss and abundance.  And it is both because we have the most amount of light available to use to examine - and light gives us the ability to see - to see the losses we have incurred and to see the great abundances we have.
This week we read a story that is a wonderful metaphor for life, known by a misnomer.  We read shelach – send out – referred to as the episode of the spies - but the men whom Moses sends are tribal leaders, not ordinary scouts. The function of their mission is not espionage but observation, to bring back a description of the land to their people. They are leaders. That is why their negativity when they return is so devastating. It is an utter failure to lead and encourage.  We expect better of our leaders.  We still do, and perhaps we should be casting a closer eye on our own and examining them more carefully.
We think of two groups – we think of James Bond, Simon Templar, Mata Hari, James West – and Churchill, Roosevelt, Elizabeth Regina, Gandhi, Kennedy, Nixon.
The former were spies – they hold a special place in our hearts and minds - the latter – chieftains - heads of state, leaders – none without blemish. 
The leaders observed and reported back to the people; the leaders were there - the promised land - but their fear - the great inheritance from Jacob kept them from the realization of their dreams.
Friends - Don’t let it stop you.  They used a made-up fear of giants keep the people imprisoned.  The biblical giants were real – they were the fe fi fo fum jack and the beanstalk ones, but our giants are not – we use it as a metaphor – giants of industry, music, and science.  Our giants are good.  The bible’s giants were not so good.
This episode will be posted on our channel - click here to watch the Rabbi David Gellman Show in the 2023 cycle.  And if you are one of the people this was sent to by a friend and want to receive it yourself, let me know, and I will add you to my mailing list.
Thank you all for allowing me into your homes, electronic devices, and hearts – as you are all with me in mine.
Be well, be happy, be healthy, be free, be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate, be independent of mind and deed, be mindful of your intentions, and be good to yourself.  Continue to celebrate freedom of choice in your life and do not give in to the fear which is so prevalent, and enjoy the peace that comes from acceptance – and as always - if you have any questions or suggestions or want to say “hi,” please send me an email.  I love hearing from you.
And remember, any time you do not want to receive these anymore, please send me an email so I can remove you.  And know - that I truly appreciate your sharing your sacred time with me.
Enjoy and celebrate your life and the lives of others, and in doing, be safe, my friends, be happy, and may you all sow the seeds of and reap the rewards of peace and love and miracles and make sure you also celebrate your unique individuality and your incredible awesomeness. 
Continue celebrating love; continue celebrating freedom; send renewal and goodwill out to everyone in the world – it is an energy that cannot be stopped - and remember – your world is what you make it.  Just wish upon a star, continue to be a miracle in someone’s life, and light the light of love wherever you go. 
Respecting our past.  Putting faith in your future
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