

Dear Temcare Supporter,

Firstly, thank you for all of your prayer, financial and practical support for Temcare over the past year. You are very much appreciated and we are very blessed that we have you as our partners to work together in helping the disadvantaged and vulnerable in our community in the name of Jesus.

As you know, due to the rising cost of living, 2023 is turning out to be a time of increasing hardship for many Victorian families. 

Temcare is right there on the frontline, helping vulnerable children, families and individuals in many tangible ways. 

Your financial support leads directly to a range of assistance, such as regular food hampers for struggling families; a support group for mothers; and youth mentoring, including for children of prisoners in our long-running partnership with Prison Fellowship.

We also conduct various annual camps; provide professional, long-term, and in-depth social welfare family services; the MATES youth program; regular short-term respite care; and general practical aid to those in need in your community.

However, all of this is only possible through your faithful big-heartedness.

More than ever, your support is needed, and your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of people who need your help, right now.

That’s why, as the end of this financial year fast approaches, we are asking you to partner with us to invest in the lives of those most disadvantaged in your neighbourhood.

Your financial partnership with Temcare enables us to continue helping vulnerable children and families here in Victoria, on your behalf, at a time of growing need.

Your financial contribution would directly enable us to continue supporting people like Sara. (Name changed to protect her identity).*

Sara is a 16yr old girl who experienced horrible abuse as a child. To flee the abuse, at age 14, Sara made her way from Queensland to Victoria on her own. Moving between different friends’ houses over the last couple of years, Sara’s home life has been far from stable. Temcare first became engaged with Sara when she attended our annual youth camp. After identifying that she needed more support and someone in her corner, our youth worker began working with her. Our youth worker has now been supporting Sara for over a year, during which time, great trust has been formed and many goals achieved. On multiple occasions Sara has identified her youth worker as her ‘safe person’ - the person she would talk to if something was going on. Not only have Temcare’s financial supporters enabled our youth worker to stay involved for so long, but over the last year we have been able to gift Sara school books, stationery, food hampers, and toiletry items that have been donated by various Temcare supporters, while also sending Sara on CYC camps, which have given her moments of respite from her challenging home life, many positive friendships, and exposure to the message of Jesus! 

We praise God that your support enabled us to be there for Sara at a time she needed help, and we pray that Temcare can continue to be there for other people in need.

Every little bit helps, so please make a difference today by helping to fund the community support and outreach work of Temcare.

At this time of increasing need in our city, Temcare also hopes to expand its range of services and needs your financial help to do so. 

Thank you for your partnership with Temcare.

May God bless you,

Craig Manners
Information for Donors:

Temcare is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) covered by Item 1. Donations over $2 are tax deductible for donors.
Temcare is not government funded and therefore is primarily reliant upon the generosity of churches, businesses, individuals, and charitable trusts to fund its mission. 

Thanks to a generous supporter some donations made to Temcare will be co-matched to a certain level, therefore your donation could in effect be doubled.

If you would like to financially support Temcare as your community care and outreach partner to disadvantaged and vulnerable children, families and individuals, you can do so by donating in one of the following ways:
  • Online from our website
  • Forwarding a cheque to Temcare, c/o P.O. BOX 2624, Ringwood North, 3134
  • Making a direct deposit to Temcare's gift account:
    • BANK: ANZ
    • BSB: 013328
    • A/C: 484168802

Temcare - Your partner in community care, as together we:
"Go and do likewise." (Luke 10:37)

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Disclaimer: The information published in this newsletter was to the best of Temcare's knowledge correct at the time of publication. Temcare accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions and recommends the viewer check the details of any matter of interest prior to acting on it.