

In this edition:

Last day of Kickstarter
Outdoors adventures
Alchemist Update
WXO Summit
The College of Extraordinary Experiences
Event: game session and concert!

Final day for our Kickstarter

We're so excited by the incredible response to The Medusa Report!

At the time of writing, over 1450 people have contributed almost $120.000 to make this production possible! That’s just mind-blowing to us and we couldn’t be more grateful to all the backers.


The campaign ends tomorrow, so if you were on the fence about getting this unique tabletop mystery for yourself, now is the time!

Go to Kickstarter

Escape the heat, rediscover Amsterdam 😎 

It's summer, let’s go outside! Step into the past to discover Amsterdam and its history in a fun new way. 

Follow treasure maps and solve escape room style puzzles as you explore the city in search of a secret society from the Golden Age or diamonds in WWII.

Explore Amsterdam!

Update on The Alchemist

We’re now a few weeks into the beta phase of The Alchemist, and we’re still learning a lot every week. 

To everyone who got a ticket in the presale, we recommend booking a date in August or later, to benefit from these learnings and improvements as much as possible.

WXO - the diverse worlds of experience design come together in London next week!

Next week we’re excited to join many illustrious creatives at the very first World Experience Summit in London.


Designers of escape rooms, immersive theatre, travel experiences, retail and events will get together and exchange knowledge from their separate but very connected fields.

Wanna hop on a train/plane and join? We can help a bit with a special promo of 25% off last minute tickets, to help compensate for the higher cost of travelling last minute. Just use the code ‘Sherlocked’ upon checkout. We don’t get a commission, we’d just love to see you there ;)
WXO Summit

🏰 In August: The College of Extraordinary Experiences 

Speaking of inspiring events, in two months, Victor and Francine will head to a castle in Poland to help guide two of the different Houses of the immersive The College of Extraordinary Experiences.

The College is one of the rare ‘conferences’ that actually feel like an adventure. It's strange, it’s welcoming and wonderful. 

It's expensive, it’s intensive, but if you want to dive into the world of experience design, it’s a fantastic place to start.

Learn more

 🎲 Game day & Concert night in July

After the Game Night we hosted last week, we knew we had to do this again and we found the perfect occasion:

On the 16th of July at Sherlocked’s HQ, another game session will take place in the afternoon followed by a concert in the evening!

If you participated in our first edition of the Game Night, then this will be the perfect time to continue the mysteries you tried first! And if it’s your first time coming, home mysteries, board games, tabletop games and more will be awaiting you for a puzzling day.

Baymele will perform in the evening, a very dynamic klezmer style music group made of three members: Matthew Stein, Dmitri Gaskin and Misha Khalikulov. The concert will hopefully take place in our gardens, so the atmosphere is sure to be cosy.

A contribution of 10€ will be asked to support the group for their touring in Europe. Tickets should be available in the coming weeks. More information is on the way, we will keep you posted!

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