
Summertime Success:
GIT Mom's Top Tips for Surviving the Season


Don't let summer turn into "Camp Mommy!" It's time to demand balance, delegate like a boss, and have fun! Here's the scoop on hiring help, scheduling "Me time," and making your kids do their fair share (hello, responsibility!). Plus, learn how to swap babysitting duties with your bestie and actually enjoy a break.

Get It Together and enjoy one of the only 18 summers we have with our children before they are grown and flown.   


GIT Tip #1
Demand balance for yourself!

Summer can quickly turn into "Camp Mommy" if we don’t communicate and delegate responsibility to others. Talk with your significant other about what they can do to support the family, and don't be afraid to hire help. 
GIT Tip #2
Create a summer schedule and stick to it
Schedule is everything for Getting It Together, not only in summer but all year long. Kids thrive on a schedule because it makes them feel safe and secure knowing exactly what to expect throughout their days. 
Part of this schedule should include kids' chores. I like to think of this as preventing the summer slide. Give your children age-appropriate responsibilities and be sure they’re taken care of each day in the morning when your child's focus is freshest and most focused. 
GIT Tip #3
Arrange babysitting swaps with friends

Lean on your village! If your kids are old enough to be dropped off for a play date, start scheduling some ASAP and in exchange tell your bestie she can drop her kids at your house another day. 
I am the biggest advocate of this and use it pretty much every weekend with a like-minded mom friend. We are both organized and fair and take turns taking care of each other’s kids.  
GIT Tip #4
Empower your child

Finally, don't give in and rescue your child when he's moaning, "I'm borrrrrred!"  Ask him to come up with ideas and give a time limit when you'll be free to hang out. 

Here's to rocking this summer parenting gig!
Love, Eirene
P.S. ICYMI I was recently on The Zen(ish) Mommy Podcast talking about how to survive summer. Add this to your playlist.

Do you know someone who could use these #GITMom tips? Please share!

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