A Few Republicans Acknowledge Our Democracy is Under Threat
“I believe that anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States, and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again.” Former VP Mike Pence Remember January 6
Now that the MAGA leader has been indicted for serious national security violations, we must all acknowledge that he is the leader of a MAGA movement that has a pattern of spreading lies and breaking laws to grab and hold power. All MAGA accomplices should be held accountable. Few among the GOP leadership have the patriotic courage to repudiate the MAGA movement's illegality. They try to rationalize it, or argue that the other party does it too.
We believe that the majority of our fellow Americans stand for equality before the law. As they learn the facts, patriotic Americans will turn away from MAGA. Help them by sending them this link to the Trump indictment. When they read it, they'll be appalled.
Announcement Rep. Jaime Raskin has agreed to be the Honorary Chair of the Thomas Paine Memorial Association that is spearheading the work to obtain a memorial to Thomas Paine in Washington D.C.
FLVCS supports the effort. We worked with the association to help pass bill authorizing the memorial through congress. FLVCS will continue our efforts to bring the memorial to fruition. Thomas Paine
Thank You A hearty thank you to all members and supporters who helped with the Heritage Harbor microforest project, and a tip of the hat to those who attended the dedication. Here is the link to our Veterans in Focus video about the project. Permanent Sign at Heritage Harbor about the Microforest
Meeting Notice: In-Person and Zoom When:Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Where:Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd., Sarasota FL 34231
Speaker:Jeannie Economos, Pesticide Safety and Environmental Health Project Coordinator for the Farmworker Association of Florida.
Topic:What the 2023 Farm Bill means to Farmworkers and to the future of Agriculture. Note:The 2023 Farm Bill must provide funding for President's Biden's climate law dealing with agriculture and forestry. The MAGA GOP is trying to strip this funding from farm bill.
ZOOM: You must register in advance for the Zoom webinar.
You can find out more information about the meeting and register for Zoom on the FLVCS website calendar.
About $12 billion in veterans benefits are expected to be paid out June 1 -- the same day the Treasury Department has named as the earliest day a default could happen if Congress doesn't act to avoid it.
A default would likely delay those benefits, but for exactly how long would depend on the Treasury's next move after a default, experts who spoke to Military.com said.
The MAGA GOP talks support for veterans. When they vote, they vote against veterans.
DeSantis Kills Woke, Shafts Floridians
Florida's governor has been crusading against “woke” investments for allegedly threatening his state employees’ retirement funds. But the most imminent threat to Florida public employees’ retirement dollars appears to be the massive state pension investments that have gone to some of the Republican Party’s Wall Street donors under DeSantis’ watch.
The Dystopian Abyss of a President DeSantis' America
Woke War Results in Policy Failures
Covid: Florida has one of the worst COVID death rates in the country.
DeSantis wages war on LGBTQ+ residents, teachers, universities, anti-discrimination laws, gun safety and so many other institutions and principles that a sane, inclusive society holds dear. So far he has only hurt Florida, as a presidential candidate he is a threat to our democracy.
Take Action As a group we need to increase our impact. We provide plenty of ammunition to drop truth bombs on MAGA, but we are missing the target too often. Every member and supporter can help us zero in.
Ask your friends to subscribe to our FLVCS email list.
Our job is to rebut the many MAGA myths, propaganda, and the misinformation that it continuously spews. As an example, it's an accepted myth that MAGA supports veterans. It doesn't. When it's time to vote, MAGA votes against veterans almost always as evidenced by the headline we provided in this notice.
Let's get to work!
Save the Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023 Plans are underway for a dedication of the Heritage Harbor microforest and a permanent metal sign about the forest which will include Florida Veterans for Common Sense as a sponsor.
Mark your calendar for 6:00 PM, Thursday, June 8, 2023 at Heritage Harbor.