
Veterans Are Appalled at Security Violations Set Out in the Indictment

As veterans we are appalled at the indictment of the MAGA leader that evidences violations of basic security protocols. Many of us have had the responsibility of working with classified information. In that regard, we were all aware of the consequences to our country of not following the rules to safeguard the information. In some cases violations could result in compatriots' deaths, or damage the national security.


In addition, there are personal risks for not following the security rules. Long prison sentences await the lawbreakers.


A grand jury has found that there is probable cause that the allegations of the indictment are true. If any of the indictment allegations are proved beyond a reasonable doubt, Trump should spend time in prison like any other lawbreaker who has put our national security at risk.


Today is flag day. Honor the flag by standing tall for democracy. Be a true patriot.

MAGA Puts the 'Great Leader' Before America

MAGA minions put loyalty to their leader above loyalty to America. Most of the MAGA GOP deny the fact that their leader is so unpatriotic that he encouraged a coup to overthrow our democratic republic.


MAGA folks talk about upholding law and order, but their actions belie their words. For example, twelve MAGA GOP representatives voted against honoring the police who protected the capitol on January 6. Two are from Florida: Matt Gaetz and Greg Steube.


In response to the Department of Justice indictment, some MAGA extremists call for violence. “Why are we talking about anything but dragging the political elite out of their homes and setting them on fire?” asked a poster on the online forum, The Donald. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) tweeted, “We have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye.”

Instead of waiting to know if the grand jury’s findings of probable cause to indict Trump are factual, Florida’s MAGA senators and governor rationalize the indictment as ‘political.’ Scott blamed president Biden. DeSantis said federal law enforcement has been weaponized. Rubio said the indictment has no allegation of harm to the national security, or that Trump sold information to a foreign nation so therefore it doesn't matter.

Rubio's statement is ridiculous. First, harm to national security is not necessary to find a violation of security rules. Second, we may never know if there has been harm or if there will be harm in the future. Third, Rubio knows, or should know, that taking classified information from a secure facility without authorization is a crime.

In short, MAGA people don't care if the indictment allegations are factual. Their priority is standing by their leader. True patriots would want to know the truth.

MAGA calls for violence and their excuses for security violations confirm how low the MAGA GOP has sunk. Putting loyalty to their authoritarian leader above the best interest of America is unpatriotic.

We can hope that patriotic rank and file Republicans will have the courage to stand up and turn the MAGA authoritarians from their party. 

Take Action
Patriotic Republicans should do all they can to purge MAGA from the GOP. Patriots should stand for truth. Share the indictment with your fellow citizens.

The grand jury's indictment should be forwarded to our Republican friends.

Help FLVCS defend our Democracy. Donate now. 

The MAGA GOP Doesn’t Support Veterans

The MAGA extremists will imperil billions of dollars of veterans benefits if the U.S. defaults on its debts.  

About $12 billion in veterans benefits are expected to be paid out June 1 -- the same day the Treasury Department has named as the earliest day a default could happen if Congress doesn't act to avoid it.

A default would likely delay those benefits, but for exactly how long would depend on the Treasury's next move after a default, experts who spoke to said.

The MAGA GOP talks support for veterans. When they vote, they vote against veterans.

DeSantis Kills Woke, Shafts Floridians

Florida's governor has been crusading against “woke” investments for allegedly threatening his state employees’ retirement funds. But the most imminent threat to Florida public employees’ retirement dollars appears to be the massive state pension investments that have gone to some of the Republican Party’s Wall Street donors under DeSantis’ watch.

Despite a federal anti-corruption rule designed to prevent donors from receiving pension investments, private equity executives have donated millions to political groups supporting DeSantis, all while the governor oversaw the transfer of more than $1 billion of Florida public employees’ retirement dollars into these donors’ high-fee, high-risk “alternative investments.”
Note: The mainstream media focuses on DeSantis's woke war while he and his MAGA extremist legislature line his buddies' pockets.

Take Action: Send  a reporter the cited articles.


The Dystopian Abyss of a President DeSantis' America

Woke War Results in Policy Failures

Covid: Florida has one of the worst COVID death rates in the country.

DeSantis wages war on LGBTQ+ residents, teachers, universities, anti-discrimination laws, gun safety and so many other institutions and principles that a sane, inclusive society holds dear. So far he has only hurt Florida, as a presidential candidate he is a threat to our democracy.


Take Action
As a group we need to increase our impact. We provide plenty of ammunition to drop truth bombs on MAGA, but we are missing the target too often. Every member and supporter can help us zero in.  

Ask your friends to subscribe to our FLVCS email list. 

Our job is to rebut the many MAGA myths, propaganda, and the misinformation that it continuously spews.  As an  example, it's an accepted myth that MAGA supports veterans. It doesn't. When it's time to vote, MAGA votes against veterans almost always as evidenced by the headline we provided in this notice.

Let's get to work! 

Save the Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023
Plans are underway for a dedication of the Heritage Harbor microforest and a permanent metal sign about the forest which will include Florida Veterans for Common Sense as a sponsor.
Mark your calendar for 6:00 PM, Thursday, June 8, 2023 at Heritage Harbor.

Help FLVCS defend our Democracy. Donate now. 
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