
Faces of Open Government

Faces of Open Government: Prince Clement Agba

Prince Clement Agba, outgoing Minister of Budget and National Planning, Nigeria

In our June Faces of Open Government feature, we discuss Nigeria’s success in beneficial ownership transparency in the extractives sector and recommendations for how member countries can begin to implement the new strategic shifts and goals from OGP’s 2023-2028 strategy. Read more here.

Road to #OGPEstonia

How to Engage with the 2023 OGP Global Summit 
By Tim Hughes and Carina Paju 

Get ready for a Summit full of collaboration and knowledge sharing! Join us at the 2023 OGP Global Summit, where the focus is on creating an interactive and participatory experience. Learn more about how to engage with the 2023 Global Summit in this blog.

Host Your Side Event at the 2023 OGP Global Summit!

On September 4 and 8, governments, civil society organizations, and multilateral institutions will have the chance to organize workshops, consultations, and events alongside the main Summit. If you're interested in organizing a public side event, review the Guide to Side Events and submit your information through this form by July 31.

OGP’s 2023-2028 Strategy

OGP’s 2023-2028 Strategy

The new OGP strategy acknowledges the importance of encouraging and embracing change led by open government reformers. The Partnership's new vision and mission focus on cultivating a stronger movement of reformers and leaders who drive change and take action through and beyond OGP.

Insights and Stories

The Private Sector and Open Government

Explore how and why private sector actors should invest in open government and how they can improve the way government works. More here.

New Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government Chapters

Algorithmic Transparency
Recent evidence shows how different methods of algorithmic transparency can reduce bias, make bureaucracy more efficient, and instill trust between government and citizens. Read the chapter here

Debt Transparency
How can countries grow investment and combat corruption? Explore the benefits of debt transparency here

Extractive Industries Fact Sheet

Discover how countries leverage open government power to ensure that natural resources benefit all citizens and contribute to sustainable development. 

Four Ways to Strengthen Environmental Rights

By Inés Selvood and Eugenia Braguinsky, Red Internacional de Justicia Abierta

To ensure the successful implementation of the Escazu Agreement, we must address some challenges within the justice sector. Read our latest blog for four key issues of the agreement we can tackle from a justice perspective.

Empowering the Next Generation of Young Leaders in Armenia

By Ani Harutyunyan, Armavir Development Center

By embracing open government principles, Armenia is nurturing a vibrant ecosystem where young leaders can drive positive change and build a more inclusive and accountable society. Learn more here.

Six Ways the United States Can Lead By Example on Open Government

By Alex Howard, Demand Progress Education Fund

Discover opportunities the United States, an OGP founding member, can enhance transparency, citizen engagement, and collaboration between government and civil society. Read more here.

OGP Local

OGP is delighted to announce a new expansion of OGP Local with a planned intake of up to 50 new local governments in 2024.

OGP is inviting new reformers to join OGP Local later this year! Applications open on September 6, 2023. Get your application ready.

💻 Blog

From Transparency to Engagement: Hamburg's Path to Open Government
By André Renz and Laura Büttner, City of Hamburg

By exploring alternative approaches to data, the city of Hamburg, Germany is creating accessible spaces for dialogue and shaping the future of data-based technologies. Learn more about Hamburg's path to open government hereOGP is inviting new reformers to join OGP Local later this year!  Applications open on September 6, 2023. Get your application ready.

🌏 Local roundup

- Anloga District, Ghana, delivered its 2023-2024 action plan with commitments related to natural resources management, public service delivery, and inclusion. 

- Abuja, Nigeria, began implementing its second action plan focused on fiscal openness. Learn more about how they co-created this plan here

- Sarchi, Costa Rica, delivered its first action plan with commitments on digital governance and civic space.

- West Sumbawa District, Indonesia, is preparing for the 2023 OGP Global Summit by accelerating the implementation of their commitment to revitalize the Posyandu (integrated service posts) into centers for service, empowerment, and development for the community. 

- Kaduna State, Nigeria, and civil society organizations are discussing targets and milestones for their third action plan.

- People Powered launched an accelerator program to kickstart initiatives focused on public participation to mitigate or manage climate change, and more just and equitable policies for the digital world. Apply here or register for the orientation webinar on June 27.

For more Open Gov Week activities and other OGP Local updates, check our Slack channel! 

World of Open Gov

Read insights and recommendations on how civil society and the open government community in European Union countries can advance beneficial ownership transparency.

- OGP’s CEO Sanjay Pradhan met with Laura Gilbert (Chief Analyst, 10 Downing Street), Alex Bughart (Member of Parliament and UK OGP Minister), and representatives of the UK civil society to discuss the country’s role in leading open government and anti-corruption reforms. 

- OGP’s CEO also joined USAID’S Advisory Committee On Voluntary Foreign Aid (ACVFA) on a panel to discuss how OGP has been a critical partner in maintaining momentum from the Summit for Democracy.

- OGP met with the President of Malawi as the country launched its newest open government action plan. The president reiterated his commitment to implementation, and continued collaboration with civil society, private sector, and parliament.

- OGP took part at the 2023 EITI Conference in Dakar, Senegal, to discuss how open government values can help tackle corruption, safeguard community interests, and support environmental sustainability in the extractive industries.

- Open Contracting Partnership is hiring a Head of U.S. 

- Explore the Open Contracting Partnership’s case study with learnings from the decade-long effort to bring about beneficial ownership reform in the US.

- Explore recent beneficial ownership transparency initiatives from Open Ownership, including their Open Gov Week webinar, a new article summarizing the strengthened provisions on beneficial ownership transparency in their EITI Standard, and their latest advocacy paper.

- Officials and civil society in Albania engaged in an OGP training on participation and co-creation, with opening remarks from Milva Ekonomi, Minister of State for Services and Standards.

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