#GirlsLeadSTEM Newsletter
#GirlsLeadSTEM Summer 2023 edition
Techbridge Girls: 
Girls Belong in STEM: Mission Unstoppable Gives Girls of Color a Sense of Belonging
Girls are good for #STEM and STEM is good for girls - Techbridge Girls' coined phrase became the theme of the May episode of Mission Unstoppable. Student, Alize Cerna Aguilera and educator, Julissa Escobar, joined Applied Materials Engineer, Erika Gabrielle Hansen to learn more about process engineering from a fellow Latina in STEM. 

Techbridge Girls also launched their advocacy plan: The Belonging Blueprint. The Blueprint offers advocacy and policy solutions that address the unique, intersectional barriers that prevent Black, Indigenous, and Latina girls from persisting and succeeding in STEM education spaces.
Surprisingly STEM Series
Surprisingly STEM is a video series that highlights exciting and unexpected careers at NASA. The series is designed to inform students about the broad range of career opportunities at NASA – outside of the typical associations of rocket scientists and astronauts – and to break down perceived barriers for working at the agency. Each five minute career episode comes with associated STEAM activities and monthly live sessions with a NASA expert to answer student questions. 

The 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses will be visible across the U.S. on October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024 - are you ready? Connect with NASA to engage students and families by finding local viewing events here or creating your own opportunity. Use NASA Resources, Videos, Lessons and Materials with students.
 (Please ensure safe viewing - Everyone MUST wear solar eclipse glasses or use an alternate viewing method to look at any eclipse. Read more about eye safety during an annular eclipse on our web page and on this safety flier.)
STEM Next Opportunity Fund: 
The Power of Mentorship: Mission Unstoppable Highlights Qualcomm & The Flight Crew
"Mentors have been absolutely essential to my success," says Mackenzie H., Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew member, in the July episode of Mission Unstoppable featuring her visit to learn from Yun Lin, Director of Software Engineering at Qualcomm. Together the mentor / mentee pair explore Qualcomm patents and the STEM inventions that keep us all connected. 

A bold new goal: Dedicated to ensuring that all children have access to high-quality STEM learning outside of their classrooms, STEM Next is embarking on a new strategic direction to achieve a bold new goal of inspiring 20 million more young people with STEM opportunities by 2027.
Lyda Hill Philanthropies – IF/THEN®: 
Seventeen Ambassadors Participate in 2023 Comic-Con 
For the second year in a row the real-life superheroes of the IF/THEN® STEAM Squad were back in full force at Comic-Con San Diego in July.  Chock full of career talks, animal encounters, robots, video games and so much more, the 17 AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassadors of the STEAM Squad reminded all who attended that working in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) doesn't only mean working in a lab...sometimes it means being an expert on panels at pop culture events like Comic-Con! ⁠ At The Comic-Con Museum’s STEAM Fair they orchestrated a weekend of hands-on activities designed to inspire curiosity and exploration of all things STEM.  

Throughout the summer, ten #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit statues have been on display at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center as part of their 70th Anniversary celebration.  The Clinical Center is the nation’s largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research where successes not only contribute to basic understanding but mark game changing “firsts” in the treatment of disease.  As part of their Fine Art Program, the statues will provide inspiration and hope to patients, employees, and visitors from around the world.  
National Girls Collaborative Project: 
"Empowering Change: Women and Girls in STEM" Podcast 
Get ready to dive into empowering narratives, groundbreaking ideas, and conversations that inspire. Join National Girls Collaborative Project for their podcast "Empowering Change: Women and Girls in STEM" and hear from phenomenal experts and trailblazing women in STEM, sharing their journeys, challenges, and triumphs. A hub of knowledge and inspiration is coming your way!

About #GirlsLeadSTEM

#GirlsLeadSTEM is the brainchild of a coalition of STEM champions committed to advancing gender and racial equity in STEM, including advocates from the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, Lyda Hill Philanthropies, STEM Next Opportunity Fund, Techbridge Girls and the National Girls Collaborative Project. Learn more at
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