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🍁 VHL Canada tagged RCC
Recently, I saw a post where VHL Canada was mistakenly tagged on Facebook. So, I thought of sending a brief note: VHL, e.g. gene or syndrome, etc. is connected to kidney cancer, but there are significant differences.
"Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) comprises 95% of kidney cancers and is estimated to be the ninth most common cancer diagnosed in Canada… Most cases of RCC occur sporadically; however, 5% have a hereditary basis. The most common and well-studied form of hereditary RCC is that associated with von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) disease."*
"There are 16 different known genes that cause kidney cancer and at least 13 different types of inherited kidney cancer… When we started looking at kidney cancer in the 1980s, we started on a hereditary type called VHL hereditary cancer syndrome… We studied these [VHL] patients and these families — these very brave people — and we managed them, learned how to treat them surgically and learned how to do active surveillance."**


* Canadian Cancer Society, Kidney Cancer Canada, VHL Alliance
** Dr. W. Marston Linehan, American Cancer Society (sporadic)

Help us to fill a gap in Canada.
We have moderate expenses to operate a peer support network specifically for VHL patients and their families in Canada.

VHL Canada
Registered Charity BN: 800804676RR0001

Our temporary mailing address is:
VHL Canada
C/O: H. Seo
618 Gladstone Avenue
Toronto ON, M6J 3H4


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VHL Canada · 2938 Dundas Street West, PO Box 70510 · Toronto, On M6P 4E7 · Canada

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