Hi <<First Name>>
It’s July, which means it’s summer camp season! We finished the school year in Spain in late June, and we’ve made our way like migratory birds back to the United States to send our kids to Jacobs Camp in Utica, MS for the next four weeks. We have friends who don’t send their kids to camp (no judgment) and when we tell them ours go for a whole month, they tend to give us an “I can’t believe you let your kids be away from home for that long” type of look. These poor souls.
Don’t get me wrong, having your kids around is a treasure and a joy every day, but you know what is also amazing? NOT having them around! It’s a win-win! Especially living in Spain where our options to foist them off on other relatives or sleepover dates is severely curtailed, it will be a really nice break for all members of the family to have a little time apart.
My kids love camp, which fills my heart with gladness. My time there growing up is the root from which everything I currently do sprouted. When I talk to potential clients, and they tell me about some specific goal they want to achieve or obstacle they need to overcome with our show, I always make sure to mention my camp bonafides, which to me is like a guarantee that no matter what they want, we can figure out a way to make it happen. Camp taught me many things, and problem-solving is probably at the top of that list.
For those of you whose kids are also gone right now while you read this, congrats! Enjoy your well-deserved time off, and may your children write you at least once while they’re gone.