
Hi <<First Name>>

It’s July, which means it’s summer camp season! We finished the school year in Spain in late June, and we’ve made our way like migratory birds back to the United States to send our kids to Jacobs Camp in Utica, MS for the next four weeks. We have friends who don’t send their kids to camp (no judgment) and when we tell them ours go for a whole month, they tend to give us an “I can’t believe you let your kids be away from home for that long” type of look. These poor souls. 

Don’t get me wrong, having your kids around is a treasure and a joy every day, but you know what is also amazing? NOT having them around! It’s a win-win! Especially living in Spain where our options to foist them off on other relatives or sleepover dates is severely curtailed, it will be a really nice break for all members of the family to have a little time apart.

My kids love camp, which fills my heart with gladness. My time there growing up is the root from which everything I currently do sprouted. When I talk to potential clients, and they tell me about some specific goal they want to achieve or obstacle they need to overcome with our show, I always make sure to mention my camp bonafides, which to me is like a guarantee that no matter what they want, we can figure out a way to make it happen. Camp taught me many things, and problem-solving is probably at the top of that list. 

For those of you whose kids are also gone right now while you read this, congrats! Enjoy your well-deserved time off, and may your children write you at least once while they’re gone.

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Who Knows One? Mysteries

We famously solved the mystery of the acoustic Humpty Dance (RIP Humpty Hump), and by we, I mean the Who Knows One? detectives out there who did a little digging with the determination of ants building a colony. Each newsletter we’ll try to put things right in the universe - reconnect long-lost friends, return a kiddush cup to its rightful owner, figure out a solution to (almost!) anything that’s been weighing on you. Let us know and we’ll put our sleuths on the hunt.

You may have seen this one on Facebook, but of course we want to see if we can help get this one to the finish line. Recently a man in Toronto found a red tallis bag underneath a park bench and the internet has been trying to help him reunite it with it’s owner ever since: 

Here’s a little more info we can add into the mix. In addition to the tallis, there were the following clues, courtesy of Congregation Beth Emeth, who are doing excellent work trying to put these puzzle pieces together: 

  • 2006 literature from Beth Emeth in Herndon, VA, USA, (a Conservative congregation):

  • Shabbat service programs from October 13-14, 2006 (Shemini Atzeret) and November 3-4. 2006 (Lekh Lecha)

  • The annual Yizkor Book dated 5767 (2006-7). The Yizkor book is distributed at Yom Kippur but also used for the 3 other Yizkor services, including Shemini Atzeret.

  • "Reserved for usher" document, identical to what is still in use, ONLY on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Usually only congregation members sign up to be ushers.

  • Informational brochures about various Jewish topics -- a series we still have in a lobby.

Do you have any ideas who this tallis might belong to? Reach out to Beth Emeth and let them know!

Great Jewish Geography Stories

One of my favorite parts of Who Knows One? is the JG stories I hear. I delight in each and every one (okay maybe not quite that much - but most of them!). If you have a great story, reach out to us and share it. We may just feature you in an upcoming newsletter and add it to our burgeoning collection of stories on YouTube!

A written one this month, but I loved this from friend of the show Arielle Nissenblatt, about a little podcasting Jewish Geography she experienced:

By the way shout out to Unorthodox Podcast, and congrats to them pulling in Joshua Molina as their new co-host. A huge part of how Who Knows One? got on people’s radars back in the day was when I featured two of their hosts (Stephanie Butnick and Mark Oppenheimer) as contestants on one of our earliest episodes, and they then talked about it extensively on their next episode, which was certainly very much appreciated. If memory serves, Mark even helped come up with our “It’s not who you know, it’s who who you know knows” tagline. 

And now Arielle brings it full circle with their show and new co-host. Look forward to listening!

Share your story!

Who Knows One? Job Connections - Hebrew In The Bahamas

Each month we’ll try to highlight a job posting, either from an organization we love or for a role that seems like a cool, unique opportunity. Have a job you want to recommend? Email us and we may feature it in an upcoming newsletter.

If you’re looking for a little fun in the sun and a way to make some money, check out this job for a Hebrew reading teacher in Nassau, Bahamas. I mean, sun, sand, Hebrew…what else could you ask for?

More info here.

Upcoming WKO Shows

We’re traveling around for some summer gigs right now (shout out to Ohef Sholom in Norfolk, VA for a wonderful show last week), and continuing to book out for 2023-24. We’ve got some great dates in early November in the Philadelphia area, and then we have a show in St. Louis on Nov. 12, and have a gap at the moment from Nov. 5-11 that is ripe for more bookings! Reach out to us today to learn more!

In the meantime, catch us in action Stateside if you’re a part of any of these communities!

July 19-20 - Ramah Berkshires
July 30-Aug 2 - Ramah New England

August 13 - Denver Jewish Day School

August 16 - Unified Jewish Congregation, Baton Rouge, LA
August 20 - B’nai Torah, Atlanta GA

How can we help build your community? Reach out to us today to inquire about dates.

Inquire about live show dates

Give Us All Your Chosen Ones!

As always, we're on the lookout for new and more diverse Chosen Ones! If you are interested or know someone else who would be sign up today!