
SEANERGY International Seminar

The seminar aims to bring together representatives from the IMO and the EU, with the central support of the EU Horizon Europe-funded project SEANERGY (Sustainability EducationAl program for greeNER fuels and enerGY on ports). The SEANERGY project aims to go towards zero-emission ports, becoming clean energy hubs for integrated electricity systems, hydrogen, and other low-carbon fuels, as well as testbeds for waste reuse and the circular economy through the creation of the SEANERGY Master Plan.

The two days' events, aim to discuss our 50 years of commitment through MARPOL, in particular green technologies, and ways of promoting global collaboration and capacity building in maritime decarbonization.

The morning of the 1st day (30th August) will be plenary speakers while the afternoon of the 1st day will be dedicated to "Global Cooperation".

On the second day (31st August), the event will focus on a “SEANERGY Regional Baltic & North Sea workshop” as part of the SEANERGY project activities, aiming to collect feedback from relevant port cluster stakeholders to guide EU ports and policy-making toward the decarbonization of the shipping sector.

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SEANERGY Catalogue of Technologies

for Maritime and Costal Communities and Port

Lead Partner: Fundación Valenciaport

Fundación Valenciaport created a report to provide an overview of the available technologies to implement sustainable best practices and decarbonize the maritime sector within the port boundaries. Once public, this report will provide the guidelines followed to review the available technological options and develop a catalogue with best practices, state-of-the-art solutions, and future trends in the form of pilot solutions.

The methodology followed was based on brainstorming to identify the structure of the catalogue, followed by a literature review, analyzing the key technologies in ports decarbonization as well as future trends, after which SEANERGY partners contributed to building the list of technologies.

The catalogue will be structured into ten subsections that encompass the main equipment used within the maritime sector. In total, over 90 available technologies (both commercial and pilot) will be included in the catalogue. 

More coming soon…

SURVEY - WMU online survey is closed The survey will create an insight of different port stakeholders, the barriers they are facing in the process of port energy transition, and the possible solutions to overcome these barriers.
SISTER PROJECT - Do you know about TRANSIT? 

SEANERGY and TRANSIT projects have established a new synergy that aims provide sustainable training and re-skilling programmes for current and future generations on a multidisciplinary approach in renewable energy.

SEANERGY Project Partners

Led by Magellan Circle, the SEANERGY project brings together 12 European partners with specific roles and missions.


Discover the SEANERGY partners

First Exploitation Workshop

he first SEANERGY Exploitation workshop took place on March 22, 2023, gathering all the partners around the project’s Key Exploitation Results.


In preparation to this workshop, all SEANERGY partners had completed a first questionnaire gathering essential information on the Key Exploitable Results of the SEANERGY project, its market uptake and IP ownership after project…


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement number 101075710. This visual support reflects only the author’s view; the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Copyright (C) 2023 SEANERGY Project. All rights reserved.

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