
Circle of Friends

Dear Reader,

A dear friend (who follows this) asked me to talk about a tradition we have in our family. Before every meal, our tradition is to hold hands in a circle and for me to say a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing. We do this every meal - when people come to visit us, friends, family, whoever.  

And it has become a habit also, sometimes when we go to those of our friends who don't do this as a tradition, to ask me to do it there as well. It has become something that binds us all together. 

The prayer itself is totally without agenda. It's simply thanksgiving and a blessing. There's no religion in it, there's no deeper message that we're trying to convey. It's simply to bring us together as friends, as family, as people together sharing a meal.
I say thank you for the meal and I ask a blessing on the meal and the people around the table and the hands that prepared it. And you know what? The blessing follows, the joy comes from it. Right now when we go to other friends, they ask for it and it's become this thing that gradually builds our friendship and we become more like family, together.

So I highly recommend this. Whenever you receive something, be thankful about it. Bless those around you and see how much joy it will bring you too.

Hope you enjoyed this, more next week.
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See you next week. Let's work through those disappointments this week and become better, together.

Best wishes,
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