Which Name is Patriotic, Ft. Bragg or Ft. Liberty? Which is Seditious?

MAGA Republicans don’t know history and don’t want others to know it either. They understand that if all Americans knew history, MAGA positions on many issues would be an anathema. That's why they ban teaching history.

One issue of historical importance is the naming of military bases.

No service member, or veteran, wants a military base named in honor of a traitor to the United States. After reconstruction, several bases were named for Confederate generals such as Bragg. Now, the Pentagon is changing the names to appropriate ones. For example, Ft. Bragg has been changed to Ft. Liberty.

The MAGA GOP leadership kowtows to its base that admires the Confederacy and wants the old names back. On the other hand, true patriots, who know history, recognize that the Confederate rebellion was a treasonous attempt to overthrow the United States government in order to uphold slavery and white superiority.

Patriots will never forget the disgust we felt on January 6 as insurrectionists paraded through our Capitol proudly waving the Confederate battle flag as they attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
  Capitol protest

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

The insurrectionists on January 6, and their enablers, believe that they should have power without following democratic processes to obtain it. They continue to claim that Trump won the presidential election, tried to stop the certification of the election by violence, and hatched an unlawful scheme to submit fake electors to Congress.

Make no mistake, the MAGA movement wants to impose the will of a minority on the rest of us by any means necessary. In addition, they seek to turn back the clock on civil rights just as the Confederacy did.

DeSantis, and other MAGA radical presidential aspirants, have promised to reinstate the traitorous names to military bases. They do so to curry favor with their MAGA base that agitates for white supremacy and authoritarian government.

FLVCS is proud to say that we spoke up long ago to change the names of bases named for traitors.

Let’s all commit to informing our fellow Americans why DeSantis and the MAGA base want the traitorous base names reinstated. 

Take Action

Speak up: Let your friends know that DeSantis and other MAGA authoritarians want to reinstate traitorous military base names. Post to your social media. Post a comment on our FLVCS website.

Send this notice to your veteran friends. 

Have you given your friends the link to the indictment against Trump? The link is here. Post it to social media with a comment. 
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