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California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness 

UC San Francisco Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative has released the largest representative study of homelessness in the United States since the mid-1990s, providing a comprehensive look at the causes and consequences of homelessness in California and recommending policy changes to shape programs in response.

The California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness used surveys and in-depth interviews to develop a clear portrait of homelessness in California, where 30% of the nation’s homeless population and half of the unsheltered population live.

The study found that for most of the participants, the cost of housing had simply become unsustainable. Participants reported a median monthly household income of $960 in the six months prior to their homelessness, and most believed that either rental subsidies or one-time financial help would have prevented their homelessness.

“The results of the study confirm that far too many Californians experience homelessness because they cannot afford housing,” said Margot Kushel, MD, director of the UCSF Benioff Homeless and Housing Initiative and principal investigator. “Through thousands of survey responses and hundreds of in-depth interviews, the study’s findings reflect the incalculable personal costs of homelessness. Our policy recommendations aim to inform solutions to the homelessness crisis.”

The study reaffirms that many Californians experience homelessness because the cost of housing is out of reach. The annual 2023 Out of Reach Report published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, found Santa Cruz County to be the most expensive rental market in the country. SF Chronicle reports on the findings here.  

Project Homekey Update: Casa Azul opens!

Casa Azul, formerly known as 801 River Street, is officially open and will begin housing tenants this summer. Located directly across the street from the Housing Matters campus, the Victorian building now has seven separate living spaces, two one-bedroom apartments and five studios, designed specifically for residents with ongoing healthcare needs. 

The renovation was funded through donations and grants, including a $2.24 million Project Homekey award by the State of California, in collaboration with the County of Santa Cruz and Housing for Health Partnership. Additional funding for Casa Azul was received from New Way Homes, Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz County Bank, Common Spirit and Kaiser Permanente.

Support Santa Cruz County's Housing Element

Public outreach for the 2023 - 2031 Santa Cruz County Housing Element is underway! Residents who want to help ensure everyone has access to healthy, safe housing are invited to participate in the upcoming public meeting on Wednesday, June 28, at 5:30 p.m. at the Watsonville Civic Plaza Fourth floor community room, 275 Main Street, Watsonville. 

Learn more, sign up for updates and submit comments about the 2023-2031 Housing Element here.
Monterey County Receives $8M for a Regional Navigation Center and Cross-County Collaboration

The County of Monterey was recently awarded an $8 million Encampment Resolution Funding grant from the State of California. The grant application involved a collaborative partnership between Monterey and Santa Cruz County, the City of Watsonville, and the Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency.

The grant will focus on serving people experiencing homelessness who are camping and sleeping in and around the Pajaro River. The grant will fund the creation of a 34-bed micro-village navigation center, a low-barrier shelter with housing-focused services in Watsonville that focuses on helping people secure permanent homes as quickly as possible. Grant dollars will support the development of the new site, targeted outreach and supportive services over a two-year period. The Housing for Health Partnership is working collaboratively to secure ongoing funding to support the micro-village navigation center. 

211 United Way of Santa Cruz County is here for you

2-1-1 connects people to the services they need. Trained specialists will match your needs to local services ⎯ including recovery resources. It’s free, confidential and available 24 hours a day in more than 150 languages. Text your zip code to 898-211 or visit

Become a Member of the Housing for Health Partnership

Housing for Health Partnership (H4HP) membership is open and free to any person or organization committed to a collaborative effort, focused on ensuring all Santa Cruz County residents have stable, safe and healthy places to live. 

H4HP Membership includes:

  • Invitations to participate, learn and provide feedback at community meetings.
  • Chances to express opinions through surveys and voting opportunities.
  • Events to network with others working on a shared goal.
  • And more!

To apply click here

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