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We have previously spoken to you about our data enrichment tool, the Eighty20 National Segmentation (ENS), and wanted to give you an update on how we have been using this tool to help clients grow in this tough economic environment.

The ENS matches your customers in a POPIA compliant manner, either via RSA ID or mobile number, to thousands of variables including demographics, household characteristics, spend behaviour and much more.

View the full dashboard with password provided

South Africa's biggest banks and retailers are using our bulk matching and API data enrichment service to:

  • Enrich their internal customer data, providing a view of their penetration into key consumer markets
  • Identify and size opportunities for, and threats to, growth. We have developed techniques that use the ENS and client internal data to impute ‘brand loyalty’ and indicate spend potential at a customer level
  • Develop clearer more targeted digital media campaigns to grow acquisition
  • Score inbound leads to help increase conversion and value at acquisition
  • Improve existing customer journeys, CRM strategies and deliver real hyper-personalisation
  • Enable more targeted and relevant primary research
ENS Customer Profiling Tool

We feel the ENS is the best enrichment tool on the market for several reasons:

Richness of data - The ENS contains a vast number of variables ranging from traditional financial affluency and demographic data points to imputed variables including household size & composition, retail behaviour, digital adoption & behaviour, media consumption, interests, hobbies and psychographics  

A view of the entire market - The ENS can be used to enrich your internal segmentation while also providing an understanding of customers through a total market view and determination of market share 

Built by consumer experts - Eighty20 is a leading consumer research and analytics business with many years of experience helping clients use big and thick data to better identify, understand and then engage with customers

More than data enrichment - Other services have been built using the ENS, enabling clients to overlay their internal data to develop value driver trees, attribution analysis, lookalike modelling and imputed loyalty metrics aimed at understanding the drivers of value creation and to identify and size growth opportunities.

We’d love to show you how your company can get the most out of its customer data in these economically challenging times when consumer disposable income is under significant pressure.

Please call us to set up a meeting.

If you would like more information on Eighty20's consumer research and analytics services, please call us on +27 (021) 461 8020 or
click here to email us


At Eighty20 we are passionate about helping our clients use data properly
to create value, by leveraging our unique combination of strategic,
analytics and research capabilities

Tel: 021 461 8020 |

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