
Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change

June 2023 | Final Bulletin

Welcome to the Final Newsletter of  EU Erasmus+ project Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change (Fight Climate Change).

In this final edition we want to thank you all for your involvement in this project and joining us on this collective fight against climate change.

It is the end of the project but the knowledge, initiatives and innovations continue. We look forward to keeping this alliance alive and helping spread knowledge and insights on key actions that we can all take to help fight climate change.

Thank you.

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The Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change - ERASMUS+ Project comes to an end, but before that, we would like to thank you for your support, participation, and joining us on this collective journey.

Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change was born with a clear aim and a vision to fight climate change through education, collective innovation, and cooperative efforts. Instructing and guiding individuals, educators, entrepreneurs, employees, employers, SMEs, and organisations altogether.

Over the lifetime of our project, we have completed multiple initiatives, projects, meetings, and activities. We designed and developed four outputs, all with a practical outlook, aimed at informing and educating people on the importance of fighting climate change and the actions that can be taken. We prepared and shared two surveys, to provide an overview of current practises adopted by SMEs and entrepreneurs to involve their employees in ‘green behaviour within the enterprise and a ‘Green Transition Survey’ that presents the readiness, commitment, and needs to do business or implement projects in the fields of fighting climate change, the green transition, and the circular economy.

We held two training courses aimed at educating businesses, individuals, and educators themselves on actions to fight against climate change in Brussels and Sofia, and to culminate all of these activities, we organised an international conference, Racing to Net Zero, in London, bringing together key climate and sustainability experts.
Thank you to all those who have followed our journey, thank you to all who have joined in any of our activities, surveys, used our outputs, or read our articles. Reading, sharing, and engaging with this project really makes a difference and has a real impact on what we can do to look after our planet.

The Fight Climate Change consortium partners hope to build upon what has been created over the project's lifetime, and we’ll continue to share any updates and relevant news on this page. In the meantime - keep learning, keep educating, and keep fighting!


1.Climate Change & Sustainable You Handbook (CU Handbook)

2. Innovating for Climate Change & Sustainability Toolkit
(IC Sustainability Toolkit)

3. Culture of Change, Climate Change Manual (C Change Manual)

4. Fight Climate Change Platform (Change Platform)
When we wrote this project early 2020 the concept of fighting climate change was becoming just popular when the Covid-19 outbreak diverted the focus. We strongly believed that a collective effort was the only way to achieve remarkable results in protecting our planet. Now, June 2023, the project is reaching its end and we can say the effort was worth being done. We have worked with excellent partners, and discussed several topics on climate change that stimulated innovative approaches. All the consortium members were engaged in doing more within and outside the project.

In these 30 months we have grown as companies, professionals as well as individuals. We have reinforced our ties and learnt a lot one from the other. As EPN CONSULTING, we have been the project coordinator, and we had the task of organising the project final conference in London.

We hosted tens of speakers and 130+ delegates from the UK and abroad with whom we discussed several ways of racing Net Zero. We were delighted to see so much interest and engagement on this topic. All this made us revise EPN Consulting’s priorities and dedicate more effort to study and implement effective ways to fight climate change.
For us at Worldview Impact Foundation this has been an epic 30 months journey with the FCC project which ended in a terrific grand finale on 15 June 2023 at the London School of Economics and Political Science right in the heart of the UK. We are proud to be part of this awesome European Alliance that is dynamic and strong in fighting climate change. We are honoured to be part of the organising team for our closing conference in London which was attended by more than 150 people from around the world. We look forward to keeping this alliance alive and continue the climate action work on the ground and making a difference bottom up.
The Fight Climate Change project held profound significance for Creative District as an organization committed to sustainability and innovation. It was a significant opportunity to leverage our team’s expertise in research and the development of practical tools and methodologies that empower other enterprises or individuals to embrace sustainability. The outputs developed by the project in addition to its overall impact aligned perfectly with our mission to foster a culture of sustainability and use innovation to drive positive change. The project allowed our team to showcase its thought leadership, expand its network of like-minded partners, and make a tangible impact by being part of an ecosystem seeking to take meaningful steps towards combating climate change.
CEED Bulgaria's participation in the Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change project allows the serious topic of climate change and the challenges it faces to reach a wider audience, which, like CEED, can be recognized as a driver of change. Joint efforts and collaborations with stakeholders can contribute to reducing harmful impacts on the environment, as well as promoting new approaches and technologies to support sustainable development. For CEED, the project was inspiring, and confirmed our belief in a better future, which requires persistence, individual understanding of goals and direction, but collective efforts to achieve better results in the long term.
 As IDEC, we are very proud of our participation in the European project "Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change". Our participation as quality managers, as well as our contribution to the development of the outputs and especially the carbon footprint calculation platform, for which we were appointed as leader partner, gave us new resources and knowledge in the subject of the green transition. As business consultants to SMEs, project outputs will provide us with new innovative tools to help our clients become environmentally friendly and comply with ever-increasing legislative requirements for environmental protection.
For us as partners in this project, the participation was a special experience of a process of rethinking the role of business in achieving the SDGs. Combating climate change is a broad field for product, technological and business model innovation. We were privileged to work with colleagues who have been dealing with this issue as individuals for years and to make our modest contribution in interpreting what is expected from the business and investors to do together with the citizens and governments in this area. During the implementation of the project, we, as individual experts, mentors and consultants at the Knowledge, Innovation and Strategies Management Club were able to propose, share and apply the approach of managing innovation in the context of fighting climate change. I hope that the achieved results of this project will be a good basis for further development and search for innovative solutions to pursue the achievement of the SDGs.
Being part of the fight climate change project has enabled us to share the message within our global network for science and technology parks and areas of innovation on the importance of education in this field. We have been able to offer entrepreneurs in these innovation communities the opportunity to attend our training courses, we have shared (and will continue to share) the main outputs of the projects, with the Handbook providing guidance for educators, the Toolkit and Manual for entrepreneurs and SMEs, as well as the carbon footprint calculator. These are all extremely valuable resources and we are delighted to be able to offer these to our international community, to help spread the knowledge and insights on key actions that we can all take to help this fight against climate change.
We would like to highlight all the work put in by the consortium partners. Their continuous cooperation and efforts made this shared initiative a success. Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change - ERASMUS+ Project successfully attained all the established objectives, making a great step towards a more sustainable planet.

Big thanks to 
EPN Consulting, Worldview Impact Foundation, Creative District, CEED Bulgaria, IDEC, KISMC and IASP partners.
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