JULY 2023

First Week of Summer Program & Family Day! 🌻
After a great turn out at Family Day, we started our Summer program at Literacy Achieves. In the first week, our students had so much fun with get to know you activities, great lunches, and awesome recess!
Heart House at Literacy Achieves
For the first day of program, our 3rd-5th class did "Find Someone Who"  bingo!
Each student had to fill in their card by asking their new classmates fun and interesting questions.

Our K-2nd class shared their favorite ice cream flavor--with the most popular being chocolate! 

Our Middle school Class made "All About Me" sheets where they got to write in fun facts about themselves and share them with the class.
This summer, Central Market donated all the lunches for our students! We are so happy they decided to be a part of the Heart House Family!

On the first day of program, our students ate a super healthy meal of mac and cheese, carrots, and a side of almonds!
For snack, our students got to pick from Cheezits or Quakers chewy bars to boost their energy!
Students had a great time at recess exploring the new playground, toys, and tire swing.

While playing with new classmates can be hard, our students
didn't hesitate to form soccer teams and try their turn at scoring a goal!

With makeshift goal posts, and one adult on each team, our future soccer stars had a blast kicking it!
Here you can see one of our awesome volunteers during reading enrichment! 
Family Day
Our Community & Family Engagement team held a Family Day for Heart House students and their parents at the Vickery Park Branch library!

To beat the heat, our students ate ice-cold popsicles and played cornhole, bowling, and ring toss with our awesome AmeriCorps 

Later in the day, we went inside the library for pizza and a movie where our students got to take home awesome prizes like bikes, scooters, and Lego sets!
Want to see more of what our students & teachers are up to?

If the answer is yes, check us out on social media!
We make weekly posts that tell you all about what our students are learning and creating with the guidance and support of their Heart House teachers.

We are so happy to announce that we will be participating in
North Texas Giving Day!

You can start giving as soon as 9.1.23, so be sure to save the date and visit our page! 
Heart House NTXGD Page
Looking for Community Partnerships

We are always looking for groups to share new and exciting project-based learning activities with our students! 

If your group is interested in
helping plan an activity with Heart House students, please reach out to Manju Warrier at
Please click the button below to donate to Heart House.
Thank you for being a major part of the ❤️ in Heart House!
Click here to Donate!
Thanks for reading!


Asia Rodgers

Interim Executive Director
(214) 750-7637 / Arodgers@hearthousedallas.org
Copyright © 2023 Heart House, All rights reserved.

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