Forensic Mental Health Journal Club
Join us on July 24 for Forensic Mental Health Journal Club, hosted by Drs. Jennifer Piel and Edward E. Goldenberg. Participants will discuss two articles on violence risk assessment. The club is open to practicing clinicians, clinical trainees, and anyone interested in topics in forensic mental health. Register to receive the Zoom link.
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AAMC Telehealth Equity Catalyst Award
Washington state is currently experiencing unprecedented wait times for people in jails pending their forensic mental health evaluations. There is a backlog of criminal prosecutions that were suspended during the first two years of the COVID-19 public health emergency, resulting in a surge in demand for competency-related services.
CMHPL Director Dr. Jennifer Piel received an award from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to study the feasibility of an academic-state partnership to provide forensic mental health evaluations through a university-based telehealth forensic assessment clinic. The study results will inform policy and programming to better serve people with mental health conditions involved in the criminal legal system.
Upcoming faculty search
We will soon begin a search for a new core faculty member for the Center for Mental Health, Policy, and the Law. The role will have a research and program evaluation focus, and the successful candidate will have experience and expertise in content areas relevant to forensic mental health and serious mental illness. To be notified when the position has been posted, please email