This week’s Newsletter completes our three-week programme to help you fast-track your weight loss in readiness for your holiday; how to stay active whilst on holiday, and this week, how we can repair any damage that we might have done if we have over-indulged!
Whether you are going on holiday or not, this information will stand you in good stead at any time if you need to give yourself a kick-start, now or in the future, if or when your discipline has flagged.
Without doubt, having a holiday is good for us. We leave all the pressures of daily life behind and go into a different environment where hopefully the sun will shine and we can relax and be waited on and take each day at a more leisurely pace.
Dining at a local restaurant or within a hotel offers us tempting food of great variety and indulgence so it is no surprise that we think we might have gained a few lbs by the time we get home.
Are you a gourmet or a gourmand? The gourmet will enjoy normal portions of delicious food and savour every mouthful whereas a gourmand may pile their plate high and thoroughly indulge, particularly on an all-inclusive holiday! The end result on our waistline after a holiday for each personality type is likely to be very different.
The classic test of how much weight we gain on holiday is whether the clothes we wore at the beginning of our trip still fit at the end! To be honest, the likelihood is that you will know if you have gone mad with the amount of food and drink you have consumed. If you have, it is time for immediate action otherwise that extra weight will take residence and be much harder to shift.
The way to lose your holiday weight fast is to take action on the first day after your return home. You will be amazed how quickly you can shift it if you follow this Three-Day Holiday Rescue Plan and take the recommended exercises suggested by Mary in this week’s Fitness Challenge.
Your Daily Allowance:
- 300ml (1/2 pint) semi-skimmed milk in tea or coffee.
- Avoid alcohol for these three days.
- Water and low-calorie drinks are unlimited.
- Avoid all snacking between meals.
- Meals can be interchanged or repeated within each meal category.
BREAKFAST: Eat two boiled eggs or a two-egg omelette plus a small glass of fresh orange juice.
LUNCH: Defrost a portion of your favourite home-made soup and have it with one slice of wholegrain bread. Alternatively, have one slice wholegrain toast topped with 200g baked beans.
DINNER: Cook a portion of fish (salmon/cod/haddock) and serve with 100g new potatoes plus unlimited broccoli or broccoli spears and carrots.
BREAKFAST: 200g strawberries topped with 200g live natural yogurt.
LUNCH: ½ can of tuna served with a large salad of leaves, radishes, peppers, celery, tomatoes, cucumber, onions, raw mushrooms. Serve with a little salad dressing.
DINNER: Chicken & Pepper Stir-fry served with 55g (Blue Portion Pot) dry-weight basmati rice.
BREAKFAST: Poached egg on a slice of wholegrain toast spread with Marmite (optional). Alternatively, have 50g any high-fibre cereal with milk in addition to your daily allowance.
LUNCH: Crunchy Pepper Salad or five pieces fresh fruit excluding bananas.
DINNER: Tandori Salmon with Spicy Noodles.
If you are vegetarian or vegan, please select alternative recipes with around 200 calories for breakfast, 250 calories for lunch and 450 calories for dinner from our website.
Don't forget our new Recipe Page makes it easy for you to select different categories such as "All Vegetarian Recipes" or "All Vegan Recipes" or to search for a particular recipe by title or ingredient.
This very effective and healthy kick-start menu will create a significant weight loss following a period of over-indulgence, whether it is a weekend away or a full-blown vacation. The key to your success is to stick with it and then to eat healthily thereafter and keep active so that you maintain the weight-loss you have achieved.
Serves 6
Per serving: 241 calories, 1.7% fat
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 35 mins
500ml semi-skimmed milk
4 tsp cornflour
1 tsp mustard powder
100g extra light soft cheese
1 tsp vegetable stock powder
6 sheets fresh pasta
300g Swiss chard leaves
30g low-fat mature cheese (max. 5% fat), grated
- Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6.
- Reserve a little cold milk to mix with the cornflour, and heat the remainder in a saucepan. Mix the cornflour with the cold milk and whisk into the hot milk, then continue whisking to allow the sauce to thicken. Stir in the mustard powder, extra light soft cheese and stock powder.
- Blanch the pasta sheets in a large pan of boiling water for 2 minutes, then remove and allow to drain individually on a tray. Add the chard to the water and wilt for 30 seconds, then drain well.
- Assemble the lasagne by placing alternate layers of chard, sauce and pasta in an ovenproof dish, finishing with a layer of sauce. Top with the grated cheese.
- Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until golden brown.
- Serve with a large salad.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Sometimes when I have returned from a holiday, I am surprised that I have not gained as much weight as I thought I would, considering the excesses of the previous week or two. But what I have learned is that if I carry on at the same level of eating and drinking, the weight suddenly piles on!
This is to do with how the body adapts to a significant change from normal in both eating and drinking habits and the expected weight gain may not be as instant as we think. This is referred to in the scientific world as metabology and is linked to how our metabolism changes when we have over-eaten. It is a natural metabolic adaptation to protect us against the dangerous extremes of both under and over-eating.
Let me try to explain. There is a hormone which was discovered as recently as the 1990s called Leptin and it has been labelled the 'Fat Controller' – not to be confused with the character from the Thomas the Tank Engine children’s TV programme!
After a period of over-eating, the volume of fat in the body increases and, because Leptin is produced in the fat cells, a message is sent to the brain that there is quite enough fat stored and that no more is needed. It then acts to decrease our appetite but, more importantly, it increases our metabolic rate, to burn off what we are eating more quickly. So, in the first instance, like being on a 1 or 2-week holiday, our weight is being controlled 'biologically' despite the excessive food and drink we are consuming and therefore we may not gain as much weight as we would expect.
It is also probably why, towards the end of my holiday, I am just desperate to get back to my normal level of eating and drinking! The over-indulgence is beginning to feel very uncomfortable and there is something within us that is driving a 'need to stop' button. Leptin is doing its job!
Now it is not all good news regarding how Leptin works because those who are very overweight and have a lot of Leptin circulating around the body seem to be able to override this important signal. Hence why the number of obese people is so high. Much research has been done to try and understand why this happens, but researching large groups of people (and using large groups is the only way to get a clear answer) is difficult. This is because not many people want to enrol on a research programme that expects them to over or under-eat for a prolonged period of time. Understandably!
But it does explain why, for those of us who are not very overweight, the action of Leptin helps us to return to a pre-holiday weight pretty quickly once we get back home. But beware! The longer we leave returning to ‘normal’ eating habits, the more likely our body will adapt to our new weight and weight loss will be harder. That extra weight gained on our holiday will settle. Then it is harder to lose.
Post-Holiday Action Plan
- If your usual eating and drinking regime is pretty healthy then commit to getting back on track the day after you get back.
- Don't delay in adding in plenty of exercise. Try for at least one week doing an early morning session that burns more fat than later in the day.
- If your holiday lasted two weeks then aim to get back to normal within two weeks.
- If you started your holiday weighing more than you want to be, then expect it to take longer but stick with it!
Science has not yet come up with all the answers as we are now living in an age where a considerable percentage of the population is overweight and obese. What I do know is that those who follow The 28-Day Immunity Plan, eating foods that are less calorie-dense, and more natural, plus keeping active throughout every day, will lose the weight and feel so much healthier and happier
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- As soon as you return from holiday take immediate action to lose any excess weight and get moving. Add some extra gusto to your daily 30+ minute walk. This is a fundamental part of your quick-correction plan.
- Next, try the HIIT Workout twice this week if you can. It’s tough but you will feel you are doing something effective to help shift that holiday weight.
- Having returned from your holiday feeling relaxed, (hopefully) why not try a Pilates workout?
Did you know...
The Reverend Awdry started telling stories about steam engines to his three-year-old son Christopher, to keep him amused while he was in bed with measles. He had no thought of getting them published but his wife thought otherwise! The first book "Three Railway Engines" featuring the stories of Edward, Gordon, and Henry, was published in 1945 and sold well. It was to be followed by "Thomas the Tank Engine" and in total Rev. Awdry wrote 26 books. Later, Christopher took up writing further stories and in time they were picked up by television and grew into the enormous phenomena that "Thomas and Friends" is today.
With an eye on political correctness, The Fat Controller is now known as "Sir Topham Hat" although strangely no one seems to have renamed the various "Thin Controllers" and "Small Controllers" who managed the narrow-gauge railways which appeared in the books. It seems that "The Thin Clergyman" (the Rev. Awdry himself) and "The Fat Clergyman" (Rev Awdry's friend and fellow steam enthusiast Rev. Teddy Boston) who first appeared as characters in "Small Railway Engines" also escaped rebranding.

And finally...
Whether or not you are going on holiday the information we have given you will help you to make educated choices when going away or having a ‘staycation’ which can still be enormous fun if you plan your week.
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL