Issue 13 (April 2024) year 2:    Seeking God /Meeting God
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The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Re-enactment by our girls
Dear friends and family,
I thank God for you and your tireless labor of love and exemplary faith in action. We just ended the Lenten season when we celebrated and commemorated the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. And because the Lord Jesus has conquered death, we that belong to him will also live (John 14:19). Thanks be to God, we have met the Lord, our savior, our God. Still, today, so many are seeking Him. We are approaching the end of a month-long fasting of Muslims when they pray and fast and give alms to seek the face of God.
For the last two months, our Journey of Hope and Love has taken us to arid places where people are still seeking. Pastor Phil's (my pastor, my hero) thoughts illustrated the journey that we have embarked on.
In & For Him, serving together,
Dr. Bella
                                       Being the hands and feet of Christ
                                          Thoughts by Pastor Phil Viall

Have you ever pretended to be someone you’re not? A superhero perhaps? Or have you wished you
could be someone who inspires people and shows others the light of Jesus Christ… Perhaps Mother
Theresa or Billy Graham? Why do we even consider this? I believe it is because we want to make a difference. We want to somehow make the world a better place. We want to improve the lives of someone. The dying question of one of my fictional heroes was: “Did we make a difference?” When he heard an affirmative response, among his last words were, “Least I could do…”
I don’t think I’ll ever be a superhero, nor will most of us, but together, we can support a superhero. I
refer of course to Dr. Bella. Everyone of you reading this newsletter has a chance to be a part of
something greater than yourself. Dr. Bella was selected by Jesus to “proclaim the good news,” and that is what she has been doing. But she needs your help to continue to do it. I urge each of you to commit to a monthly gift. It doesn’t need to be a huge gift. Many of us buy coffee at a drive-through a few times a week. Consider reallocating a portion of these funds to do the work of Jesus Christ. Almost every week in my pastoral prayer, I ask God to bring light, love, and understanding into places that are ruled by darkness, hate, and evil. Dr. Bella IS PART OF THE ANSWER to that prayer. Your support is the rest of the answer.
In my youth, I dated someone whose mother had died when she was four years old. She had very few memories of her mother, other than the funeral. Her father and other family
members raised her. I remember there was always an emptiness of never really knowing her mother. Many of the girls that Dr. Bella works with have no idea who their mother is or even where they were born. Some were kidnapped into slavery and human trafficking at a very young age. The “lucky” ones were brought to the safe house by the police after their parents were killed. These girls have nothing—except for the light the Dr. Bella brings.
If you don’t know, Dr. Bella spends much of her time at a “safehouse” for girls. For a while, the girls are safe from evil people who would treat them as nothing more than a commodity to be sold, or perhaps more appropriately “rented.” It is not a picturesque view of the world. While the girls are safe for a time, at age 18, they need to leave the safe house. Traffickers are waiting outside the
safehouse ready to intimidate the girls (now young women) back into the life they had been saved from. The sad truth is, in a lot of cases, these young women have few skills, and no choice but to back to the life of sexual slavery. Again, not a picturesque view of the situation.
But Jesus is HOPE, and Dr. Bella is HOPE. Her vision is to bring more missionaries to this place. 
The vision includes providing some type of vocational training to the girls at the safe house so that when they finally leave, they can be employed and forever be free of being a commodity in an evil world.
There is no doubt in my mind that GOD HAS A PLAN, and Dr. Bella is PART OF THAT PLAN. Each of you is the OTHER PART OF THE PLAN. I hope we all agree that human trafficking is a terrible evil thing. But we can do something besides shake our heads and think how awful that is. I encourage and challenge you to support the mission of Dr. Bella. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of God’s most precious children.
Pastor Phil, Long Plain United Methodist Church (Dr. Bella's sending church)
Being the hands and feet of Christ at the safe house
Being the hands and feet of Christ in the north of the country
(village scene/ women at the wells/children apprentice artisan)
Being the hands and feet of Christ (Equipping the Church)
( facilitating women's Trauma healing seminar/ teaching at the theological faculty)
Praise for answered prayers
(Thank you all)
-There was safety in the country during the Soccer Cup of Nations and the country became the champion 
-For the safety of the girls, some predators were arrested and there is new leadership at the orphanage. New policies are being implemented for the safety and protection of the girls.
-A few more girls accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and they are talking more about their trauma, using coping skills such as art therapy. The older girls are coaching the younger girls.
-Thank God for journey mercies to the north of the country for His divine intervention in all that was accomplished and for the seeds that were planted.
-Continue prayers for the provision of a reliable car with the funds available. This will allow me to be able to travel weekly to check on our girls who are in the boarding school at the orphanage in another city for continuity of care.
The girls are waiting for you. Come and make with them beautiful art.
How can I pray for you?
Please let me know about your joys and concerns or/and share a mindful moment picture at I will count it a blessing to rejoice with you and a privilege to pray for you.
Is God inviting you to partner with us?
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Payable to SIM USA
Write in the memo line:
"Bella Doumbia #053984"
Address:14830 Choate Circle
Charlotte, NC 28273
Copyright © *Dr. Bella (2023) All rights reserved

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