
MAGA GOP Weakens National Security


No one except the most ideological radical can deny that our national security has been weakened by Trump’s mishandling of classified material. In addition, a good argument can be made that the MAGA GOP is executing a plan that can destroy our democracy.


MAGA GOP Hurts Military Readiness


The MAGA GOP is preventing the confirmation of high ranking military officers. This obstruction hurts national readiness. For the first time since 1859, the Marine Corps does not have a commandant.
U.S. Marine Corps Car Decal / Sticker
Other top level general and flag officer slots are unfilled as well. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest ranking military officer, may be vacant soon. The current chief is scheduled to retire in September. 


Why is the Senate refusing to confirm qualified officers?


The stunt to deny confirmation is orchestrated by Senator Tuberville, (R-AL). He claims his blockade is justified because he disapproves of the Pentagon’s policies on reproductive rights.


Tuberville’s justification makes a good cover story, but something more sinister may be in play. Tuberville was very involved in communications with Trump concerning the insurrection on January 6. Trump and Tuberville know well that on January 6 the top brass feared it would be used by Trump to hold onto power.  At that time, our professional military leadership was determined not to let that happen. 


MAGA GOP Seeks a Compliant Officer Corps


MAGA GOP seeks a compliant officer corps that will follow the orders of an authoritarian strong man without regard for the Constitution, or law.


MAGA GOP may be using the same trick to replace our professional military officers that then Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell pulled to avoid confirming President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. Run out the clock, win an election, and then fill vacancies with toadies, similar to Lt. General Michael Flynn, (Ret.).

Action to Take:

Let every veteran, and their families, know that Tuberville hurts military readiness by refusing to allow Senate confirmations of officers to go forward. The ideology of the MAGA GOP is to do anything, no matter that it hurts America, to seize power and advance their culture wars. 

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